Neurology Fat, not meat, led to bigger brains.


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"[FONT=&quot]Percussion marks suggested someone may have accessed the marrow; cut marks hinted that flesh was stripped from bone. To her surprise, the specimens were [/FONT]3.4 million years old[FONT=&quot], putting the butcher’s behaviors back 800,000 years earlier than conventional estimates would suggest."

[FONT=&quot]I[/FONT][FONT=&quot]n a [/FONT]wide-ranging review[FONT=&quot] published in February’s issue of [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Current Anthropology[/FONT][FONT=&quot], Thompson joins a team of researchers to weave together several strands of recent evidence and propose a new theory about the transition to large animal consumption by our ancestors. The prevailing view, supported by a confluence of fossil evidence from sites in Ethiopia, is that the emergence of flaked tool use and meat consumption led to the cerebral expansion that kickstarted human evolution more than 2 million years ago. Thompson and her colleagues disagree: Rather than using sharpened stones to hunt and scrape meat from animals, they suggest, earlier hominins may have first bashed bones to harvest fatty nutrients from marrow and brains."

[FONT=&quot]Because large animals such as antelope pack a serious micro-and-macro-nutrient punch, scientists have thought their meat contributed to humanity’s outsized brains. A consensus arose in the 1950s that our ancestors first hunted small animals before moving on to larger beasts around 2.6 million years ago. Flaked tool use and meat eating became defining characteristics of the [FONT=&quot]Homo[/FONT] genus.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]“It’s a very appealing story,” says Thompson. “Right around that time there appeared to be the first stone tools and butchery marks. You have the origins of our [FONT=&quot]Homo[/FONT] genus. A lot of people like to associate that with what it means to be human.”[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Then, starting in the mid-1980s, an opposing theory arose in which [FONT=&quot]Homo[/FONT]’s emergence wasn’t so tightly coupled with the origins of hunting and predatory dominance. Rather, early hominins first accessed brain-feeding nutrients through scavenging large animal carcasses. The debate has rolled on through the decades, with evidence for the scavenging theory gradually building."

Honestly, I don't see how it matters to the big picture. Food from animals, from even before blade making, was important to brain growth. They sought more of it, hence the weapons.
yes, speculation back and forth for details that don't matter to the blurry picture we have uptill now
It makes sense. Let it be an important history lessen for all the vegetarians. ;) What it was to become a human.
Its carbs from what I heard before.
Its carbs from what I heard before.
Important too, and are leading force behind us becoming farmers. Carbs from starches from wheat, corn, potatoes and rice. Farmers love them, hunter gatherers not that much. Give Inuit/Eskimo high starch/sugar diet and they will become fat and half population will develop diabetes. Health of Inuit people is a big problem in Canada these days. We are genetically in tune with diet of our ancestors. We should stick to it as much as we can.
Important too, and are leading force behind us becoming farmers. Carbs from starches from wheat, corn, potatoes and rice. Farmers love them, hunter gatherers not that much. Give Inuit/Eskimo high starch/sugar diet and they will become fat and half population will develop diabetes. Health of Inuit people is a big problem in Canada these days. We are genetically in tune with diet of our ancestors. We should stick to it as much as we can.

Are we so sure that we are preparing carbs as our farmers ancestors did? If neolithic farmers used to ferment grains or the dough like sourdough, it would lessen the input of antinutrients in it. Also they had Wheat types that didn't had the same ratio of industrial Gluten nowadays wich is almost 99%. If Farmers fermented Grains as how they fermented Dairy to make Cheese, then they probably had a very good diet. Also Beans are a concern, if the Beans were fermented for few weaks, it would lessen a lot of antinutrients.

An animal prey as for defensive system the ability to fleeing a predator, but plants cannot move, their only defensive system is to have chemicals that make sick the predator who eats them. Some animals have developped immunity against it, such as Ruminants, but not Humans. We need to found alternative processing to get rid of it and traditionnal peoples always understand that. Even Birds cannot eat Beans, so it does sound like it's not something that is meant to be in our diet, unless we knows how to process it.

I do believe that health comes from a balanced diet and to stick with what makes you not sick ( beans and gluten makes me sick, as for milk time to time ).

But those few years, or even last 50 years there was an amazing push towards Meat and Animal Fat being BAD and WRONG aliments, you can even read here and there that a Vegan diet is better than eating Meat, wich is the biggest corporatist lie ever made those 50 last years.

Vegans are losing hairs, teeth, they are hyperageing, they become psychotic, their entire body and mind are going away and they need supplements.
Are we so sure that we are preparing carbs as our farmers ancestors did? If neolithic farmers used to ferment grains or the dough like sourdough, it would lessen the input of antinutrients in it. Also they had Wheat types that didn't had the same ratio of industrial Gluten nowadays wich is almost 99%. If Farmers fermented Grains as how they fermented Dairy to make Cheese, then they probably had a very good diet. Also Beans are a concern, if the Beans were fermented for few weaks, it would lessen a lot of antinutrients.
You are over analyzing. What is the most popular bread in Near East? Where farming was born. I don't think it is a sourdough.

An animal prey as for defensive system the ability to fleeing a predator, but plants cannot move, their only defensive system is to have chemicals that make sick the predator who eats them. Some animals have developped immunity against it, such as Ruminants, but not Humans. We need to found alternative processing to get rid of it and traditionnal peoples always understand that. Even Birds cannot eat Beans, so it does sound like it's not something that is meant to be in our diet, unless we knows how to process it.
New food doesn't agree with people for a long time, but after few thousand years of eating the new we develop genetic mutations to make the best of it. That's how natural selection works. Keep in mind that in many cases it is work in progress.

I do believe that health comes from a balanced diet and to stick with what makes you not sick ( beans and gluten makes me sick, as for milk time to time ).
Of course, just keep in mind that different races will have different food balance.

But those few years, or even last 50 years there was an amazing push towards Meat and Animal Fat being BAD and WRONG aliments, you can even read here and there that a Vegan diet is better than eating Meat, wich is the biggest corporatist lie ever made those 50 last years.
I don't think it has anything to do with corporations. Corporations can make money on anything. It's people with their agendas setting an environment for business. People's desire create new markets and destroy old ones. For exemple, in 60-80 big american families demanded lots of cheap food to feed many hungry kids. Corporations created lots of cheap food, sacrificing quality. These days families are small and better off, they have money for better food, and look, corporations are jumping on bandwagon of good quality organic food. Business operates in environment set buy people. Business which adapts prospers, business which doesn't adapt goes out. In general sense of course, and it takes long time for big corporations to turn them around. Slow process.

Vegans are losing hairs, teeth, they are hyperageing, they become psychotic, their entire body and mind are going away and they need supplements.
I know, to many screwed up people on this plant. What can we do? ;)
Its carbohydrates i think, not fat.

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