Eurovision Song Contest


The Hairy Wookie
Reaction score
Hometown of George Eliot
Ethnic group
I posted this here because I think it is more European than entertainment type. This weekend sees the Eurovision Song Contest. Once more we can watch some really bad songs from all over Europe thrash it out in the Ukraine. There will be no surprises for the scoring, as Greece will give Cyprus 12 points and Cyprus will give Greece 12 points. All the Baltic countries will give points to each other and the same with the Balkan countries. Nobody will give many points to the UK because they all hate us and the winner will be the best dance act than singer.
Are the British the only ones who do not take this contest seriously? Italy got so upset about it that they don't take part anymore because they never won it. The Danish press hate Terry Wogan (Irish DJ who presents on BBC radio 2) because when it was held in Denmark he called the presenters, who did all their lines in rhymning couplets, Dr. Death and the Tooth Fairy. Surely the other European members on this forum do not take it seriously?
Good Lord ! Is it still going ?

I never used to take it seriously when I lived "back 'ome" - used to think it was the biggest laugh since "Come Dancing" ....

.... then Abba won it .... ! (That blonde gal had the best backside in the business ! - sorry, ladies .... )

They didn't seem to do so badly after that ... !

Nostalgically ...

I think it's pretty evident by just looking at the songs presented by Finland that we don't take it very seriously. Or that we just can't make any proper songs :p Finlande: zero point! :wave:

There are a couple of rules that almost always apply:
- the good song never wins
- the winner must have either an outrageous costume or several (changed in an outrageous manner and preferably accompanied by fireworks or something similar)
- the winning song must have a stupid hook that will stick on your mind for days

I have agreed to watch it the next time with my friend so that we'll save money from the "man, that REALLY sucks!" phone calls :blush:
It's over for another year. The winner was Greece and the scoring was its usual vote for our friends. What gets me is that the Greeks and the Cypriots act so surprised every year when they give each other max points. Why? They do it every year and will continue doing so. At least there was no Nul Points this time. The French seem to sing in this dead european language as well? :D :D
Those greeks fans are always booing the other contestants, so annoying and not cool at all, and always turkey gives them point and they give zero points bak, I was so very very very much annoyed when my stupid compatriots gave them 12 points, godddd, and those cypriots act like uhh greece, the best thing since democracy, etc etc, just so damm annoying i hope they get f***in last next year, and hmmmm yeah i dont get slavs giving each other points like that, like wtf, bosnia giving serbia all those points, weird weirdd....

The BBC commentator pist me off so much yesterday with his bs. saying about the albanian singer, "i'm sorry but I don't think anyone in Albania looks like that" like not that standardish european or watever, not as good and something of the like, I mean how does he ********* does he know what albanias look like, and tryin always to be witty and stuff, i hope they fire his stupid ass, sayin random **** like that, I remember him also makin some stupid comments like that,and last year i remember this old british presenter guy of the eurovision makin fun on jonathan ross of the when they would rehearse the songs from other countries and stuff and makin fun of like romania an slovenia and stuff, I mean wat is that, that's so racist, big superiority complex and everything, no offense to any brits out here, im sure ur all cool and everything but trust me when I say that can be so very annoying, anyways....... next year hopefully it will be better;)
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Aaah ! Yes ! Yes indeedy !

The European Union !

It's almost oxymoronic, isn't it ! :rolleyes:

Sorry to be a party pooper - but I just have to smile at things back there, now and again ! (I do have a slightly different view of the more serious aspects, of course !)

But, seriously .... WHO .... keeps coming up with all these original names that are prefixed with "Euro...." ? Hardly original (Although, I think "Eurovision" was the first...) .... seems to make all my British relatives roll around the floor !

... and ... as an adjective .... should it not be ... "Eurine...." ?

Sorry, folks !

Sensuikan San said:
Aaah ! Yes ! Yes indeedy !

The European Union !

It's almost oxymoronic, isn't it ! :rolleyes:

Sorry to be a party pooper - but I just have to smile at things back there, now and again ! (I do have a slightly different view of the more serious aspects, of course !)

But, seriously .... WHO .... keeps coming up with all these original names that are prefixed with "Euro...." ? Hardly original (Although, I think "Eurovision" was the first...) .... seems to make all my British relatives roll around the floor !

... and ... as an adjective .... should it not be ... "Eurine...." ?

Sorry, folks !


How i it an oxymoron ?

What about the Airbus, or the Eu mission in Macedonia, and many other joint ventures, the Eurofighter for example.....

Europe is pretty much already on it's way to get fully incorporated in the EU

You think the EU is some big joke or smth ? Who do you think made the US remove their unfair steal tariffs? Who do you think is controlling textile exports in Europe so that Chinese ones dont flood the market?

Eurine ?!! that's ever so clever :eek:kashii:

Do you have some issue with Europe or smth ?

I think the Euro names are great, what's your problem with them ?

If Britain don't like it, too bad, i don't get what Britain's problem is nowadays, still remaining distant, trying to be still important by themselves, thinking they can exert the same power as they used, well newsflash the British Empire is long gone and the Common wealth is nothing but a bunch of girly pacts such as the one to have the cricket world cup, hoahoahoahoahaohoa, the stupidest game ever, maybe Britain should stop being America's surrogate colony in Europe and step up to the task like the great European country that they are and should be.
Duo said:
How i it an oxymoron ?

What about the Airbus, or the Eu mission in Macedonia, and many other joint ventures, the Eurofighter for example.....

Europe is pretty much already on it's way to get fully incorporated in the EU

You think the EU is some big joke or smth ? Who do you think made the US remove their unfair steal tariffs? Who do you think is controlling textile exports in Europe so that Chinese ones dont flood the market?

Eurine ?!! that's ever so clever :eek:kashii:

Do you have some issue with Europe or smth ?

I think the Euro names are great, what's your problem with them ?

If Britain don't like it, too bad, i don't get what Britain's problem is nowadays, still remaining distant, trying to be still important by themselves, thinking they can exert the same power as they used, well newsflash the British Empire is long gone and the Common wealth is nothing but a bunch of girly pacts such as the one to have the cricket world cup, hoahoahoahoahaohoa, the stupidest game ever, maybe Britain should stop being America's surrogate colony in Europe and step up to the task like the great European country that they are and should be.
hear hear ! :cool: I agree cricket is a dumb sport...well that is my personal opinion at least :) Also Britain thinks of itself more as America's ally than a country of the EU.It's maybe because that Blair guy is stuck up so far up Bush's ass and sucks up so hard he can be used as a turbine :D :?
Nope, guys - (and don't get so irritated ... I was only pulling your legs a little anyway ...) however ... I don't have a problem with the EU. It's just that from my observation and conversation .... many people in Europe do!

I was merely smiling at the fact that people of all countries in The European Union are still (inevitably) retaining the usual and historical differences, prejudices, likes, and dislikes that they always have had. I think that this will be the case for many generations to come. For example:

Those greeks fans are always booing the other contestants, so annoying and not cool at all, and always turkey gives them point and they give zero points bak, I was so very very very much annoyed when my stupid compatriots gave them 12 points, godddd, and those cypriots act like uhh greece, the best thing since democracy, etc etc, just so damm annoying i hope they get f***in last next year, and hmmmm yeah i dont get slavs giving each other points like that, like wtf, bosnia giving serbia all those points, weird weirdd....

The BBC commentator pist me off so much yesterday with his bs. saying about the albanian singer, "i'm sorry but I don't think anyone in Albania looks like that" like not that standardish european or watever, not as good and something of the like, I mean how does he ********* does he know what albanias look like, and tryin always to be witty and stuff, i hope they fire his stupid ass, sayin random **** like that, I remember him also makin some stupid comments like that,and last year i remember this old british presenter guy of the eurovision makin fun on jonathan ross of the when they would rehearse the songs from other countries and stuff and makin fun of like romania an slovenia and stuff, I mean wat is that, that's so racist, big superiority complex and everything, no offense to any brits out here, im sure ur all cool and everything but trust me when I say that can be so very annoying, anyways....... next year hopefully it will be better;)

Fear not - there's nothing really threatening in this - it's normal ! (I have met Southerners from the US who still won't allow a blue suited guy into their homes !) It simply amuses me to see the slight irony of citizens of the New United Europe expressing the same feelings as in the "Old, Divided Europe"

But there is a more serious side to this. The attitude expressed in the quote above is a warning, I suggest, that all is not yet totally well in the EU. Old feelings die hard, and understandably so; until they are relegated to a lower shelf, or thrown away completely - I doubt that the EU will ever become the fully fledged "Nation" that it seeks to be.

I do most sincerely hope that it does. (I am a citizen of the EU - I am British and I loathe cricket with a passion - one of the reasons why I left the UK many years ago !)

Finally - with regard to the "Euro" names .... I still think they are a total laugh, ridiculous and totally without imagination .....

So, sue me !


Sensuikan San said:
Nope, guys - (and don't get so irritated ... I was only pulling your legs a little anyway ...) however ... I don't have a problem with the EU. It's just that from my observation and conversation .... many people in Europe do!

I was merely smiling at the fact that people of all countries in The European Union are still (inevitably) retaining the usual and historical differences, prejudices, likes, and dislikes that they always have had. I think that this will be the case for many generations to come. For example:

Fear not - there's nothing really threatening in this - it's normal ! (I have met Southerners from the US who still won't allow a blue suited guy into their homes !) It simply amuses me to see the slight irony of citizens of the New United Europe expressing the same feelings as in the "Old, Divided Europe"

But there is a more serious side to this. The attitude expressed in the quote above is a warning, I suggest, that all is not yet totally well in the EU. Old feelings die hard, and understandably so; until they are relegated to a lower shelf, or thrown away completely - I doubt that the EU will ever become the fully fledged "Nation" that it seeks to be.

I do most sincerely hope that it does. (I am a citizen of the EU - I am British and I loathe cricket with a passion - one of the reasons why I left the UK many years ago !)

Finally - with regard to the "Euro" names .... I still think they are a total laugh, ridiculous and totally without imagination .....

So, sue me !



Hm well you make a good point, but as always there are two sides to an issue. If you read carefully my post I'm just stating how things are, the fans were annoying very, and greece didn't reciprocate the points bak to the countries who give it to them like turkey and albania.

Nonetheless, this doesn't mean that I don't get along with greeks, i have had a couple of very good greek friends, never had any trouble, if you actually see the people of the balkan socialize together outside of it they are very similar and get along pretty good, there are only stupid old stereotypes that keep on bustin down a bit relations. But this is something that's still present and well is a good laugh at times, we use it from time to time to get our point across and what not, like Britons makin fun of french or vice versa, such anectodes won't dissapear, yet with the EU encompassing the regions together, things will get better, i mean look i'm not saying that europe will be united in 10 years or even 50 like right away, but we are on the right path, and I do like the cultural differences in Europe, I like the flavor of ethinic jokes and the little tensions, is what gives Europe the characterstics that it has, what makes it versatile, flamboyant, exiting, exotic, neurotic, erotic, ufff, so many adjectives, it's just great, life is made of little things like this, when you begin to enjoy the differences like that from culture and customs of different countries and you can savor them and make fun and what not with others it gives you such a grasp on how good it is to have the chance to experience these things.

The EU won't be a union that will try to create a homogenous culture, the EU will create a standardized economy, political guideline, and European beuracracy that will run things in local prospectives yet still maintaing the European goal. I've had the chance to travel a bit in Europe, learn different cultures, meet different people and I see great many similarites and tasteful differences, differences that make us special and unique, it would be by no way fun if Frenchmen started to be like Englishmen and vice versa........ and that doesn't mean that they can't enjoy the good things about each other.

I truly loathe Euro skeptics like the UKIP because they are people of an prior mentality and of an absurd old obsolete world understanding, sorry for any of you out there, but I feel that people should always try to look at the future and try to improve things, not try to maintain a status quo and be afraid of trying something daring that can have great benefits or put weird stupid small natitonal interests in front of something greater and better, i mean y are so mean european leaders in favor the EU, people with the skill, capability, knowledge, intellectual prowness, foresight, good judgment and what not in favor of this Union? Because the rational mind has realized that together us, Europeans, who share history, blood, customs and culture together well, we belong together, not under one homogenous society, but under one governing system that benefits cooperation and allows us to retain our distinctive identies and allows us to grow further ;)

uffffff that was a lot, :blush:
Y'Know, Duo ..

I couldn't agree more !

Well said !


Its one of those shows that is crap...and you watch the whole thing complaining about it...but you still watch it!
Mycernius said:
(..). The Danish press hate Terry Wogan (Irish DJ who presents on BBC radio 2) because when it was held in Denmark he called the presenters, who did all their lines in rhymning couplets, Dr. Death and the Tooth Fairy. Surely the other European members on this forum do not take it seriously?

I don't know about the Danish press hating Terry Wogan. I think most of the Danish population don't even know who Terry is. I am sure the Danish press doesn't hold a grudge.

I watched the show while I lived in England, and I thought his comments were so funny calling the hosts Dr. Death and the Toothfairy...:D Terry Wogan always makes me laugh, as he has a funny sense of humour and his one-liners and punchlines are so my taste!!
I watch it sometimes... i didn't bother this time though. It's really bad... but still fun to watch. :p
Not really interested, but I saw a little from it this year.. Not my kind of music at all, although Ukraine last year was both pretty good and had a cool show. I also really liked Irelands 'The Voice' (1996 was it?).

Sweden ended up way down this year, although that was expected. But I still couldn't for the life of me choose any one song of those I saw this year as the better one. They sucked. All of them. But on the more amusing side - Helena Paparizou (who performed Greece's winning song) grew up in my home town.



Oh, and a little note on the side.. Why is Israel in the Eurovision?

First of all i am Greek.
I want to say that Greece gives 12 to Cyprus and Cyprus 12 to Greece because we still believe we are one country (as it was before the turkish invasion in that Greek island).I am sure if a part of Albania was occupied by some other country and then forced to be independent you would do the same thing.So we wont ever stop giving Cyprus 12 points even if they have the worst song ever.

Sorry Duo that we dont give points to our neighbors but you know something,apart from the points we exchange with Cyprus we vote for the best song and not for the country that gave us points.We were very glad takig 12 from Albania and Turkey and i can say me and my friends watching the contest we were very suprised.We thought that even if we had the best song just because of your bad feelings you wouldnt vote for us (as you said yourself would).Thank you for wishing us to f.... up next year.Be sure that we will organize the best Eurovision contest (as we did with the Olympics).I saw how nice are your compatriots during the first football match when greek national team came in Albania.They gathered from the first moment the greek team came there and booing and making stuff all the time.That didnt happened when your team came here.No one went to their hotel to boo them or move against them.Maybe thats a cultural difference.Maybe not.I dont say greeks are angels.I just saw an ironic feeling from you towards Greece and i really dont know why!
Oh and something else when we saw the Albanian singer (me and some friends) we all stayed with our mouths opened and watched her.I am starting liking Albania a little after that.(just kidding,i dont have anything against albanian people,in fact i have neighbors from there and we have no problem :) ) And that neighbors where also glad Greece won.Maybe you should ask them if they like and why Greece.

Lolife you are swedish right?You have born from swedish parents.If you grew up in Greece and when you were old enought returned to your country to represent them in a contest does that make you traitor? (dont forget Helena is greek after all,both parents greek and just grew up in Sweden)
If she was a boy and Greece and Sweden had war which army would she joined? (lol that wont happen ever,we love Sweden!)

In an interview in Greece Helena said that she feel bad because she grew up in Sweden but represented Greece in Eurovision,but she pointed that she would love to do something to please Sweden because she like it.

Take care all and dont forget is a song contest.By the way i would love to listen the songs in their native language and not in english even if i wouldnt understand them!
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Woah, hold your horses. Was just noting the fact she grew up in my town, where I live. It's a small world, and all that. I'm not holding it against her or anything! Didn't you notice the smiley, right after 'traitor'?

You got no humor.

:) :D
didnt you noticed my lol?
hehe i am also kidding :)
i know you were joking and so i was (thats why i told about army and things like that :p)
I didn't watch it this year, however, my friend, who tapes all the shows and buys all the the CDs loves it...He is gay and collects tapes, CDs (weird I know).
It is because he studies their clothing and dance steps..:D The common joke in Denmark is that if you are a guy and love watching the Eurovision and record it- you must be gay...My friend is one of my best friends, and he is a BIG Eurovision fan...
zentachi said:
First of all i am Greek.
I want to say that Greece gives 12 to Cyprus and Cyprus 12 to Greece because we still believe we are one country (as it was before the turkish invasion in that Greek island).I am sure if a part of Albania was occupied by some other country and then forced to be independent you would do the same thing.So we wont ever stop giving Cyprus 12 points even if they have the worst song ever.

That's a great attitude. I'm sure you're very happy that now you can be together with the Greek Cypriot side in the EU together.

zentachi said:
Sorry Duo that we dont give points to our neighbors but you know something,apart from the points we exchange with Cyprus we vote for the best song and not for the country that gave us points.We were very glad takig 12 from Albania and Turkey and i can say me and my friends watching the contest we were very suprised.We thought that even if we had the best song just because of your bad feelings you wouldnt vote for us (as you said yourself would).

Sorry but this year and also last yaer we keep givin you the full points. And with Turkey it was the same last year as well, I remeber watching it with my turkish friend and I was teasin him on how they didn't give us the point, and like last year this year as well Greece hardly ever gives points to Turkey.

zentachi said:
Thank you for wishing us to f.... up next year.Be sure that we will organize the best Eurovision contest (as we did with the Olympics).
The Olympicsss? If I'm not mistaken the deadline was barely met and you even imported German workers to finish up the necessary stuff, and in one of the major stadium there couldn't even be air conditioning, well anyways good luck with the Eurovision.

zentachi said:
I saw how nice are your compatriots during the first football match when greek national team came in Albania.They gathered from the first moment the greek team came there and booing and making stuff all the time.That didnt happened when your team came here.No one went to their hotel to boo them or move against them.Maybe thats a cultural difference.Maybe not.I dont say greeks are angels.I just saw an ironic feeling from you towards Greece and i really dont know why!

Hey, I never said we were any angels, I'm the first one to admit that we from the Balkans have certain issues we just can't seem to shake off.
Heh, yeah exept when our under 21 team played some greek fans burned our flag, but oh well..........

zentachi said:
Oh and something else when we saw the Albanian singer (me and some friends) we all stayed with our mouths opened and watched her.I am starting liking Albania a little after that.(just kidding,i dont have anything against albanian people,in fact i have neighbors from there and we have no problem :) ) And that neighbors where also glad Greece won. Maybe you should ask them if they like and why Greece.

Well maybe because they live in Greece and want to integrate, but that's just a random guess. Of course poor old them have to repress the fact that an Albanian citizen can never become a Greek citizen, but hey s**t happens.

I wonder why that is though ? Maybe you could provide with a bit of explanation behind that kind of thinking. I mean if you have someone work and live in your contry legally for a long amount a time and speak the language and integrate, why can't they be citizens ? Doesn't seem very European and in sync with the other countries of the EU.

Hey, i have no problems with greeks, I have had and have some very good greek friends; we always get along no problem and very well, but I do have a problem with the Greek government and with the Greek way to show nationalism. I mean does it ever make you think that Greece doesn't get along so good with any of its consecutive neighbours; you have problems with Turks, with us, and with macedonia; and only with Bulgaria you get along ok, but that's because they also don't like Turks. I feel that being the only EU member in the balkan so far, Greece should step up and be a model to follow, not maintain old petty feuds and what not and use the EU at times to boss around its smaller neighbours and implent discriminatory laws and tactics against people of different ethnicities.

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