Politics European Army?


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Do you think a European Army is a good idea?

Today France and the UK sign a new defence treaty, is a European Army only a matter of time. source
Maybe, but not before internal european disputes are settled.
It's inevitable, if even only for the money reason. It's cheaper to maintain one smaller but well armed forces.
To include whole Europe in it, two things must happen first.
Balkan nations need to learn to like each other. Russia has to stop being paranoid, and must finally understand that no European country wants to attack them.
I don't think Russia really fears a direct European attack, but perhaps a forceful European army in other places of their own interest (Arctic, Russian neighbouring countries)
What to do with such an army ? It can be useful for defense, but when it comes to attack/conquer which country will have the rights of that land ? Otherwise the money should be spent for a powerful defensive strategy against aerian attacks. I heard Irak just bought some long range rockets. i don't mean that they would have some violent plans for somebody..just expressing my point of view
What to do with such an army ?
ATTACK! :gun:

It can be useful for defense, but when it comes to attack/conquer which country will have the rights of that land ?
Draw lots for it! :grin:

Otherwise the money should be spent for a powerful defensive strategy against aerian attacks.
Nawwww... :bored:

I heard Irak just bought some long range rockets.
WHAT??? :startled:

i don't mean that they would have some violent plans for somebody..
Wew! :giggle:

just expressing my point of view
I like it! :cool-v:
Of course the army would be for defence only. In case of a defensive invasion (paradox I know, people will protest on the streets for that, but this is what the world is like) the invaded part of land won't belong to anyone but to the population which lives there, but under the political control of EU, NATO or whatever until peace is restored and a friendlier, more enlightened/benevolent dictator or other marionette is in power. You surely meant Iran, not Iraq!
Do you think a European Army is a good idea?

Today France and the UK sign a new defence treaty, is a European Army only a matter of time. source

I sincerely hope not. The British Army is the best in Europe by a long, long chalk even despite the recent dreadful cuts in spending. Leave well alone. :annoyed:
Very very bad idea, considering the fact that the EU is a bunch of unelected elitist buerocrats controlled by central bankers who don't give a shit about you or you families. They will send your sons to kill and die for Israel Just like we are doing in the United States. I am a Marine Corps Veteran, I worked for FEMA, Homeland security, and three member banks of the Federal Reserve. National soveriegnty is intentionally being stripped away by globalist off shore banking interests all around the world that dont answer to anyone. They want a GLOBAL government and a GLOBAL army and a GLOBAL currency. Why do you think we have so many "Global Crisis"? Global Warming, the Global financial crisis, GLOBAL terrorism (which is almost always staged) and fears of a GLOBAL pandemic? It's crisis-reaction-solution and they will be there to solve all our GLOBAL problems. Why do you think they have forced mass immigration in Europe and the United States? To erase national identity in the scheme of things. The EU is just a step toward a Global Union..then see how many freedoms you have left!!!
Lol, throw the UFO and Masons in for the complete conspiracies list. But be careful what you say, the Big Brother is watching already..., they'll come at night when you deep in sleep...

My advise, stop believing blindly whatever you hear and fits your liking. Try to study and understand each issue separately. No rush, you have time young fellow.
Lol, throw the UFO and Masons in for the complete conspiracies list. But be careful what you say, the Big Brother is watching already..., they'll come at night when you deep in sleep...

My advise, stop believing blindly whatever you hear and fits your liking. Try to study and understand each issue separately. No rush, you have time young fellow.

Well I have served in the Marine Corps, worked at a very high level security clearance for the most powerful government in the world and for it most powerful banks ...who the hell are you? I'm a 44 year old father of three and I live and work in Manhattan in the midst of these people. I notice you enjoy sarcasm above facts and figures...typical village idiot.
Oh yes, you're talking to the guy who's in love with facts and figures. Bring them on, the facts and figures this time, and not your delusional theories.
Ah, name calling, is this your conservative/christian upbringing speaking? I though you were proud of it. Now you have to go to confession, my friend.

I'm 45 year old father of 3, and currently working on geometry of fabric of space, I figured out the human nature already, I'm building my own house, learning new songs on my guitar, racing, learning Spanish, though slowly lol. On top of it I figured out what was wrong with my wife and fixed her, she's perfect now. I found a cure for my rheumatoid arthritis and alopecia areata, improved other aspects of my health, lost 16 pounds this year. Never been a soldier in uniform, though I never seen classified for a position of a general. On my defence I have to say that I finished many campaigns and battles on my computer.
How is that? Did I beat you? lol
I am nothing that you think I am....I am beyond your intuition!! Ha! I don't believe in Jesus or any silly stories from the desert. I am wide awake. But..I must confess those are some heroic feats..not the fabric of time thing..figuring out your woman!! Now that is cutting edge stuff!! LOL Cheers
Not that I don't know that there are always forces and interest groups, governments, militaries working behind scenes. Always were and always will be. Some are more successful some fail fast. The problem is that there are too many different interests (many groups are on collision course) for them to unite under one common goal of global domination and screwing the little guy.
You've just thrown all conspiracies into one bag and gave them a common goal.
Maybe one at the time, please, with fairly accurate and detailed description.
The power is ALWAYS where the money is...NOWHERE ELSE!! All those sub-special interests need financing!!! They don't get money if they don't play the game. So no, you are wrong again. The central banking minion have the final say in all issues of real power.
What are you afraid of then? The life of ordinary minion improves dramatically from century to century, we live longer, healthier, richer, with 6 billion of us on this planet. It stands for a great success of human kind overall. Obviously from history you learned how life sucked big time for ordinary folks in the past, right?
It means that "they" are doing hell of a good job leading us to the future. Shouldn't you be thankful for all of this?
Balkan nations need to learn to like each other.

Perhaps the problem was that Yugoslavia was unnatural, otherwise there are nations who like each other.

Romanians, Serbs and Greeks like each other.
Slovenians and Croats like each other.
Albanians and Muslim Bosnians like each other.

Based on these relationships where cooperation is possible restructuring and natural flows, including economic flows, would lead to better results.
Yes it should work out give it a time and couple of generations. I'm just a little impatient. :)
Oh yes, you're talking to the guy who's in love with facts and figures. Bring them on, the facts and figures this time, and not your delusional theories.
Ah, name calling, is this your conservative/christian upbringing speaking? I though you were proud of it. Now you have to go to confession, my friend.

I'm 45 year old father of 3, and currently working on geometry of fabric of space, I figured out the human nature already, I'm building my own house, learning new songs on my guitar, racing, learning Spanish, though slowly lol. On top of it I figured out what was wrong with my wife and fixed her, she's perfect now. I found a cure for my rheumatoid arthritis and alopecia areata, improved other aspects of my health, lost 16 pounds this year. Never been a soldier in uniform, though I never seen classified for a position of a general. On my defence I have to say that I finished many campaigns and battles on my computer.
How is that? Did I beat you? lol

How did you cure your rheumatoid arthritis, I have been suffering with it for 10 years and Remicade is starting to lose its effectiveness.

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