Society Europe is racist

either you are a stupid mooron who realy beleives this or you think that you are smarter than all of us and that we will buy your twisted stories
either way .. dream on

I don't need anyone's approvement, but it's certainly interesting to see how people become frustrated when someone outside their circles points the things out they refuse to see.
There are people who lives in a world created by entertainment industry and there are those who die for the show.
Racism will probably never end, Europe did have Imperialism and colonialism, slavery and so forth, but for the sake of argument if the Chinese or Arabs had similar colonial empires, would they have been more tolerant ? no, we are all equally racist, and equally tolerant.

Europe today is the most tolerant place on Earth. People who are oppressed because of their race, religion, political activism, etc .. will not seek the merciful and just regime of Saudi Arabia, but rather they will go to Europe, because they know that's where people are not tortured or imprisoned because of no fault of their own.
Europeans use to think that their countries are democratic, tolerant, advanced, humanist and so on. The reality is that the big ones in Europe keep their neocolonialism through corrupting governments in underdeveloped countries, and common Europeans don't care much about the semi-slavist companies mading their shoes or wear in such countries.

That's so normal that few people cares about neocolonialism or modern slaving, but a thing that could prompt such racism is the therm itself, "Europe" / "Europeans", because it conceals in some degree a racist use. Many Europeans see with comptent other non-European races or countries, which is a kind of mild racism ("we" are socialy-politicaly more advanced, "you" are underdeveloped), but this case is more noticeable nowadays as we know that Europe is not more than a subcontinent of Eurasia as the Indian; keeping the geographic distinctiviness is what allows unconscious (and mainstream) racism. What is now allowing Europe to keep its continental value other than such push for distinctiviness? Only the white skin is the reason as religion is no more a difference with à-la-carte-religion in America or atheist China, moral values or judaeochristianism is the same case, and if it's history... in whichever page of the European history you will find a war between Europeans.

Just an example of such unconscious racism is to look at Eurovision: only European / white countries come to the contest (allowing also "white" colonies as Israel or Australia to come), but keeps away Qatar, China or Khazakstan.

Define racism. There are 100 definitions and they all entail different things. Some of the predominant definitions:
a) Functionally equivalent to out-group prejudice. Basically it is an extension and/or implication of group identity.
b) Racial supremacism. Also often intimately tied to identity biases & basic psychological processes. Not unique to whites or Europeans by any stretch.
c) Emotivistic racism. Holding feelings of enmity toward certain groups. Also intimately related to various fundamental psychological processes.
d) Being white (SJW definition).

*Virtually all groups are supremacistic in certain meaningful senses. I mean, why even preserve your way of life if you don't think it is in some sense superior to other ways of life? Any group that has any interest in survival will exhibit various self-serving tribal characteristics (altruism & favoritism toward in-group members, healthy respect for external threats posed by out-groups hell-bent on conquest & resource acquisition, preferences for people like oneself, etc).

Your example is "Eurovision"? LOL. Also, your Kazakhstan claim is ridiculous. The glorious nation of Kazakhstan is well represented in Western media. Obviously you've never seen Borat. Heathen.
I don't need anyone's approvement, but it's certainly interesting to see how people become frustrated when someone outside their circles points the things out they refuse to see.
There are people who lives in a world created by entertainment industry and there are those who die for the show.

and you think that is typical for Europe and the western world ?
I gave two options about you, I see it is the first one
Racism will probably never end, Europe did have Imperialism and colonialism, slavery and so forth, but for the sake of argument if the Chinese or Arabs had similar colonial empires, would they have been more tolerant ? no, we are all equally racist, and equally tolerant.

Europe today is the most tolerant place on Earth. People who are oppressed because of their race, religion, political activism, etc .. will not seek the merciful and just regime of Saudi Arabia, but rather they will go to Europe, because they know that's where people are not tortured or imprisoned because of no fault of their own.

very well said
you said all that needed to be said
The desire to call people racist has reached hysterical proportions lately. A few things I would like to ask you - that is, if you ever paid attention to history - about Dutch history. In june 1945, which of the two economies was larger, the Suriname or the Dutch? Secondly, if slavery was such a profitable trade, why did the WIC got bankrupt twice?

Fact of the matter is, slavery was a trivial part of Dutch colonial history, which revolved around the East Indies. And even the colonies weren't the
moneymakers. The Dutch got rich by what was called the "Moedernegotie". Google it yourself, I'd say, you can use the education.

noun 1. a person who is the property of and wholly subject to another; a bond servant.

2. a person entirely under the domination of some influence or person: a slave to a drug.

3. a drudge:

It's not necessarily focused on the Atlantic slave trade. For example this system still works in parts of Africa that a few chosen local Africans handle most power in hands and force the local to work but the same time not enough power to rebel against the sponsors - Take a look on what guns most Liberians and other West Africans use. It's either imported by US or Russia federal based. Worth to mention that one of the most profitable is the uranium and other fossil trading business that are needed for cell phones and other technologies in parts of Africa. A Dutch company has better access to earn the post colonial states due the fact that most West European states still have a presence on their ex colonies - not via by physical interaction but basically they sponsor guerillas and government men in each local states, this makes exceptions in Mali where the French has a clear presence and openly own most resources of the country - if not all.
1) Plenty of chauvinistic Indians. Indeed, there is also significant regional ethnicism & colorism within India. There are also other tribal divisions (class, religion, etc). Plenty of inter-tribal conflict & skin-tone discrimination in India. Always has been. And resistance to the spread of Islam is reaching a fever pitch in much of northern India right now.
2) So you concede some degree of racism is essential to ensure Europe survives? All societies survive through group solidarity, resistance to incursion, etc. Groups depend upon some degree of identity for survival. Civilizations that don't have some sense of self, that don't perpetuate their genes & their cultures will lose out to those that do every time. In fact, that's sort of what's happening in Europe right now. The Muslims are quite serious about spreading their own "superior" civilization. Whereas Europeans are quite serious about tolerating their own annihilation.
3) Lot of theories out there as to why European civilization has been such a remarkably, arguably uniquely successful civilization. Here are a few leading candidates (though it may be a combination of some of these factors): higher native intelligence than nearly all other regions of the world, a highly individualistic culture, internal military conflict which selected carefully for particular genes & abilities & thrust Europeans to the forefront of military capability, fewer religious restrictions than much of the world, etc.

What's frightening is that the brainwashing has been so successful and pervasive, I did not even realize that there was an ongoing war of annihilation waged against native Europeans by "the Muslims" until presumably teenaged boys from middle America alerted me to that irrefutable fact. Well, now that the Islamo-Communist subjugation of Europe as depicted in Houellebecq's prescient novel has become dire reality, I find solace in knowing that at least my white brethren in Idaho are firmly committed to the continuation of white civilization and especially white genes:

[h=1]The Vineyard - Poem by Rudyard Kipling[/h]At the eleventh hour he came,
But his wages were the same
As ours who all day long had trod
The wine-press of the Wrath of God.

When he shouldered through the lines
Of our cropped and mangled vines,
His unjaded eye could scan
How each hour had marked its man.

(Children of the morning-tide
With the hosts of noon died,
And our noon contingents lay
Dead with twilight's spent array.)

Since his back had felt no load ,
Virtue still in him abode;
So he swiftly made his own
Those last spoils we had not won.

We went home delivered thence,
Grudging him no recompense
Till he portioned praise of blame
To our works before he came.

Till he showed us for our good--
Deaf to mirth, and blind to scorn--
How we might have best withstood
Burdens that he had not born!
Racism will probably never end,
Not if one day we all start thinking that we are just one group of people. There will be no "they" to hate.
Europe did have Imperialism and colonialism, slavery and so forth, but for the sake of argument if the Chinese or Arabs had similar colonial empires, would they have been more tolerant ? no, we are all equally racist, and equally tolerant.
Let's say we all (as a group) have the same ability, or genetic programing, to be equally racist or equally tolerant. However, on personal bases, there are people genuinely tolerant (born good), inclusive and open, and others divisive, hateful, and natural bullies. Surely, education and guidance have a lot to do in shaping people, but I can see these abilities, the base of character, in kids.

Europe today is the most tolerant place on Earth.
Gees, you forgot about Canada, Australia and USA! ;) Europe is not equally tolerant. Eastern Europe still have lots of work to do in this department, and is not more tolerant than some Middle Eastern countries or China. They have been segregated in pretty uniform race, ethnicity, religion and cultures for decades, under iron curtain, that anything or anyone a bit different scares them a lot. I know what I'm saying, I'm from Poland.
Tolerance in Balkans is also in short supply.
People who are oppressed because of their race, religion, political activism, etc .. will not seek the merciful and just regime of Saudi Arabia, but rather they will go to Europe, because they know that's where people are not tortured or imprisoned because of no fault of their own.
Indeed, Western Europe or America must be doing something right, being a magnet for millions of immigrants. At least from Canadian perspective, we are getting quality people. A gain for the West.
*Virtually all groups are supremacistic in certain meaningful senses. I mean, why even preserve your way of life if you don't think it is in some sense superior to other ways of life?
Way of life is not a race. You are not talking about racism. Does it make you a racist to feel superior to way of life of white Amish people?
Heck, why do you want to feel superior to Amazon Jungle hunter gatherers, or Eskimo seal hunters? Live your life style that you like and let them live theirs! Do you need to be better than others, or you can be just different and at peace with it?

Any group that has any interest in survival will exhibit various self-serving tribal characteristics (altruism & favoritism toward in-group members, healthy respect for external threats posed by out-groups hell-bent on conquest & resource acquisition, preferences for people like oneself, etc).
Yes, tribalism is strong in you. Healthy respect for you, sounds like paranoia to me. They all want to get you, right?

Your example is "Eurovision"? LOL. Also, your Kazakhstan claim is ridiculous. The glorious nation of Kazakhstan is well represented in Western media. Obviously you've never seen Borat. Heathen.
Exactly my point. Notion of Kazakhstan in Eurovision makes your skin screwl. Paranoia.

I can't wait till someone, with strong tribalism like yours, tell you to move to Africa, where E-V13 belongs.
Not if one day we all start thinking that we are just one group of people. There will be no "they" to hate.
Let's say we all (as a group) have the same ability, or genetic programing, to be equally racist or equally tolerant. However, on personal bases, there are people genuinely tolerant (born good), inclusive and open, and others divisive, hateful, and natural bullies. Surely, education and guidance have a lot to do in shaping people, but I can see these abilities, the base of character, in kids.

Gees, you forgot about Canada, Australia and USA! ;) Europe is not equally tolerant. Eastern Europe still have lots of work to do in this department, and is not more tolerant than some Middle Eastern countries or China. They have been segregated in pretty uniform race, ethnicity, religion and cultures for decades, under iron curtain, that anything or anyone a bit different scares them a lot. I know what I'm saying, I'm from Poland.
Tolerance in Balkans is also in short supply.
Indeed, Western Europe or America must be doing something right, being a magnet for millions of immigrants. At least from Canadian perspective, we are getting quality people. A gain for the West.

India and Jordan by far the least tolerant countries in the world when it comes to racism. This is according to a survey by World Values Survey which studied 80 countries around the world.

The survey asked respondents in more than 80 different countries to identify kinds of people they would not want as neighbors.
Some respondents, picking from a list, chose "people of a different race." The more frequently that people in a given country say they don't want neighbors from other races, the economists reasoned, the less racially tolerant you could call that society.

According to the survey, English and Latin speaking countries are the most tolerant. People in the survey were most likely to embrace a racially diverse neighbor in the United Kingdom and its former colonies like the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand and in Latin America. Scandinavian countries also scored high on the survey.
Amid the ongoing refugee situation European countries had a mixed result on racial tolerance. France was one of the least racially tolerant countries in Europe, with 22.7 percent saying they didn't want a neighbor of another race.

However, according to this:

During the past year, 1 in 5 people living in Australia was a target of racial discrimination (around 4.6 million people). This is an increase from 1 in 8 the previous year (Source).

· 1 in 5 people living in Australia has been a target of verbal racial abuse (Source). Verbal abuse is the most common form of racism (Source).

· Nearly half of all Australian residents from a culturally and linguistically diverse background have experienced racism at some time in their life (Source).

· 7 in 10 teenagers have experienced racism (Source).

· 3 in 4 Indigenous Australians regularly experience racism (Source).

Denial of racism in Australia

Australia has a culture of denial when it comes to racism. We’ve created an infographic to explain this simply. It is based on the findings in the report Denial of racism and its implication for location action by Jacqueline Nelson, University of Western Sydney, 2013.

Denial of racism in Australia perpetuates racist behaviour (Source). Speaking up reduces racism by helping perpetrators understand that their views are in the minority (Source), making them less likely to engage in prejudice and stereotyping behaviour (Source).

Half of us are positive about cultural diversity

· While five in ten of us are positive about cultural diversity, four in ten are ambivalent about cultural diversity. One in ten have racist attitudes (Source).

· One in seven people living in Australia are against the concept of multiculturalism (Source).

· Three in ten people do not believe that immigrants make Australia stronger (Source), and one in three believe there are some cultural groups that do not belong in Australia (Source: VicHealth 2007).

So even for countries who are tolerant like Australia, a lot of minorities suffer from racism. This explains why it is hard for minorities to get jobs.
What's frightening is that the brainwashing has been so successful and pervasive, I did not even realize that there was an ongoing war of annihilation waged against native Europeans by "the Muslims" until presumably teenaged boys from middle America alerted me to that irrefutable fact. Well, now that the Islamo-Communist subjugation of Europe as depicted in Houellebecq's prescient novel has become dire reality, I find solace in knowing that at least my white brethren in Idaho are firmly committed to the continuation of white civilization and especially white genes:


Racism will probably never end, Europe did have Imperialism and colonialism, slavery and so forth, but for the sake of argument if the Chinese or Arabs had similar colonial empires, would they have been more tolerant ? no, we are all equally racist, and equally tolerant.

Europe today is the most tolerant place on Earth. People who are oppressed because of their race, religion, political activism, etc .. will not seek the merciful and just regime of Saudi Arabia, but rather they will go to Europe, because they know that's where people are not tortured or imprisoned because of no fault of their own.

The OP mentioned the neo-colonialism. These days, China is having great success in colonisation of Africa. The reason is simple. If Western countries insist on the local governments for the respect of human rights as a condition for the investment, for Chinese this is not a problem. They are interested simply to continue on their agenda.
And if things go as it seems, one day, we may not, but for sure our children are our grandchildren will suffer on their skin the racism of China. All the world will work for them, 5-6 people for a Chinese.
The problem with this kind of discussions is that people are concentrated, intentionally or not, only in one side or only in a part of history. The human history didn't started 5 century ago and will finish tomorrow.
Not if one day we all start thinking that we are just one group of people. There will be no "they" to hate.

like if we wake up one day and find the old nation states borders were erased and we are all under a one world government ? someone took the time and energy to imagine just that here.
noun 1. a person who is the property of and wholly subject to another; a bond servant.

2. a person entirely under the domination of some influence or person: a slave to a drug.

3. a drudge:

It's not necessarily focused on the Atlantic slave trade. For example this system still works in parts of Africa that a few chosen local Africans handle most power in hands and force the local to work but the same time not enough power to rebel against the sponsors - Take a look on what guns most Liberians and other West Africans use. It's either imported by US or Russia federal based. Worth to mention that one of the most profitable is the uranium and other fossil trading business that are needed for cell phones and other technologies in parts of Africa. A Dutch company has better access to earn the post colonial states due the fact that most West European states still have a presence on their ex colonies - not via by physical interaction but basically they sponsor guerillas and government men in each local states, this makes exceptions in Mali where the French has a clear presence and openly own most resources of the country - if not all.

That is the fallacy of ad hoc rescue.

Plus you did not answer my questions.
The OP mentioned the neo-colonialism. These days, China is having great success in colonisation of Africa. The reason is simple. If Western countries insist on the local governments for the respect of human rights as a condition for the investment, for Chinese this is not a problem. They are interested simply to continue on their agenda.
And if things go as it seems, one day, we may not, but for sure our children are our grandchildren will suffer on their skin the racism of China. All the world will work for them, 5-6 people for a Chinese.
The problem with this kind of discussions is that people are concentrated, intentionally or not, only in one side or only in a part of history. The human history didn't started 5 century ago and will finish tomorrow.

I would not use the word colonisation but the words economic expansion. I think you hate the Chinese. The Japanese had its own economic expansion from its high economic growth prevailed from the mid-1960s through the 1970s with the arrival of a mass-consumption society, as technological innovations spurred the expansion of manufacturing facilities and sales of such consumer durables as television sets, refrigerators, and automobiles.

I don't see any westerners complaining about them. The government in Africa can decide whom they want to do business with. It is not your call. Just like the government of the philippines.

Nicknamed the Land Down Under, Australia is an island economy that strongly benefits from its close proximity to the vast markets of China and Japan which together represent almost half (46.4%) of all Australian export sales.

In 2015, Australia signed the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement (FTA), which opened tariff-free markets for agricultural, natural resources, energy and manufacturing products and related services. Some experts estimate that the China-Australia FTA will add more than $20 billion in bilateral trade between the two countries.

Maybe you can call this colonization too...

Already trade between Africa and China has grown at a breathtaking pace. It was $10.5 billion in 2000, $40 billion in 2005 and $166 billion in 2011. China is currently Africa's largest trading partner, having surpassed the US in 2009.

Well there are a lot of countries in Africa, there is only one country in Australia...
Not if one day we all start thinking that we are just one group of people. There will be no "they" to hate.
well, that is not something that will happen in the next few decades
Europe is not equally tolerant. Eastern Europe still have lots of work to do in this department, and is not more tolerant than some Middle Eastern countries or China. They have been segregated in pretty uniform race, ethnicity, religion and cultures for decades, under iron curtain, that anything or anyone a bit different scares them a lot. I know what I'm saying, I'm from Poland.
Tolerance in Balkans is also in short supply.
it is not right to compare eastern Europe with racist countries in the Middle East
Way of life is not a race. You are not talking about racism. Does it make you a racist to feel superior to way of life of white Amish people?
Heck, why do you want to feel superior to Amazon Jungle hunter gatherers, or Eskimo seal hunters? Live your life style that you like and let them live theirs! Do you need to be better than others, or you can be just different and at peace with it?

Yes, tribalism is strong in you. Healthy respect for you, sounds like paranoia to me. They all want to get you, right?

Exactly my point. Notion of Kazakhstan in Eurovision makes your skin screwl. Paranoia.

I can't wait till someone, with strong tribalism like yours, tell you to move to Africa, where E-V13 belongs.

"Way of life is not a race". To some degree it is. Race is strongly correlated with way of life & various social & cultural phenomena. This has a lot to do with "identity" & the biases them stem therefrom. It's very difficult to make alien peoples with alien histories adopt the identity of out-group members & civilizations. Basically it doesn't happen. A minority of a population might assimilate, but on the group level it's virtually impossible, until & unless the group converts en masse & relinquishes their prior identity. While you're correct that "race" is only one basis for tribalism (religion is another, class is another), it's probably both the strongest & most pronounced source of tribalism & division, not to mention the most natural & typical, since it's rooted in shared genes & biological interrelatedness. As such, it is arguably the most rational form of human organization. In light of its obvious & indelible import soft totalitarian Western power structures have taken to outlawing even the mere acknowledgement of it. This is because people know deep down race is significant. If they didn't, they wouldn't go to such great lengths to eliminate it & to deny it. Their tactics betray their fears.

This is stunningly naive. Hunter gatherers are not pouring into the Western World by the millions. If they were it could be a serious problem. Indeed, the mass movement of people has been a serious problem for Europe throughout history & prehistory. Much of Western Europe is like what 50% R1b? You don't get those kinds of numbers without something akin to genocide. Ever heard of the Huns? The Mongols? The mass movement of people will often trigger the outright collapse of a civilization. The irony is, you think you're going to import hordes of foreign peoples, many of whom hate you & want to destroy you by any means necessary, & yet maintain your civilization & way of life. You won't. Your civilization will be transformed by the values, interests & goals of the invaders. This is how it works on earth. You can talk all you want about just letting them live their lives. But Islam for example is not going to just grant you the same privilege. Islam has a way, pretty much everywhere it goes, of ensuring those living in its midst submit & comply to its mandates. You may be some sort of confused libertarian, but just because you are doesn't mean others are.

I don't have a particularly strong tribal identity. It's healthy to acknowledge that other tribes have interests & goals, & that those interests & goals may be quite adverse to your own. It's dangerously delusional to deny this. Taken to its most extreme it can even be collectively suicidal. You don't think interethnic conflict is something to worry about? Tell that to the Jews, the Kosovars, the Armenians, the Tibetans... need I go on? Shoot, tell it to the Lebanese or the Indians. Genocide is not the only form of interethnic conflict. Most interethnic conflict is more gradually transformational. You're caricaturizing my position because you can't defeat it on honest terms. Your crypto-Marxist beliefs in absolute human equality & eternal peace will not save you from reality. Life is not some beauty pageant. You have this silly notion in your head that if you do X, others will. No, they won't. You've been lulled into a trance by decades of opulence, decadence & apathy. The West is a victim of its own success. Do you know what the word "lemming" means?

My Kazakhstan comment was a joke. You're just a bit slow.

E-V13 is in all likelihood native to Europe. Its distribution is massively European. It has been in Europe circa 10,000 years. E-V13 is likely the primary lineage of the ancient Greeks, the progenitors of Western civilization. Tell me more about where E-V13 belongs though.

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