Society Europe is racist

I suggest you get an English dictionary and use it. You don't get to make up your own definition of English words.


  • prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
    [COLOR=#878787 !important]"a program to combat racism"[/COLOR]
    synonyms:racial discrimination, racialism, racial prejudice, xenophobia, chauvinism, bigotry, casteism"Aborigines are the main victims of racism in Australia"
    • the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
      [COLOR=#878787 !important]noun: racism[/COLOR]
      [COLOR=#878787 !important]"theories of racism"


The unusual way his brain works... However, I think the "seed" of racism, hypernationalism, misogyny, religious intolerance, comes from same source of tribalism. Feeling superior, sometimes frightened by, and acting disrespectful or hateful towards other group. If it is directed towards other race is called racism, towards gays is called homophobism, other ethnicity or nation is called chauvinism, etc. I think it is exactly same emotion, just addressed to a different group. Us, against them.
Usually people with strong tribal instinct are against many groups, together with their own government, which is obviously controlled by Jews, leftists and international capital. ;)
For someone to argue racism has no special relation to Europeans/whites they'd have to ignore 100s of years of European imperialism/colonization which involved a lot of racism. To me it seems Angela and others might be going that route. Racism does have a special relation to Europeans.
Exactly the problem our modern world is facing. Average person, (who takes part in democracy), can't understand economy, science, law or politics well. Yet, they make vital choices electing leaders and choosing direction a country should go. No wonder the world is screwed up, lol. The only progress we have made is due to free market economy (using natural selection process), and few smart scientists and leaders who happen from time to time.
The average person is well suited to understand dynamics of small tribes and villages, but not the modern world.

Totally agree. But the world today is a lot better than in the past when it was less complex.
Totally agree. But the world today is a lot better than in the past when it was less complex.
It is a paradox how we got here, with less than perfect brains. I like our modern world. I feel good, in the right place, I don't feel lost or confused. Well, if I could chose I would prefer being born few hundred years in the future, when people live very long and always look young. ;)
For someone to argue racism has no special relation to Europeans/whites they'd have to ignore 100s of years of European imperialism/colonization which involved a lot of racism. To me it seems Angela and others might be going that route. Racism does have a special relation to Europeans.

According to this video you are very right.

It is in French:

In summary the video talks about:

Correlation between continents and races.
Identification of nine different breeds

Eighteenth century
Four varieties of Homo sapiens.
Carl von Linné combines skin colours with precise characteristics.

Identification of three profiles: "Negro" is the missing link between the ape and the ideal human.

XIXth century
Blumenbach identifies five races. The white race is the Caucasian variety; The black race is perfectible.

XIXth and XXth centuries.
There are four races and the white race is the most perfect of the human races

Then the journalist goes on to discuss how racism has evolved over time.
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what a ridiculous statement
there are no more or no less racists in Europe as in any part of the world
but refering to neocolonialism and slavery for what goes wrong outside Europe,
I'm sorry but you're brainwashed by propaganda that you like to hear
and I don't see a point in discussing this with you any further
it's sad that there are people who believe all this shit

For somebody who has lived all over the world, and has worked all over the world I am sad to admit that this is very true.
As long as humanity 'll be plurial, racism will live on anywhere in this world, because it's a part of human behavior. I almost always been a stranger for others, and what i can tell is that local people that never move from their place are 50% racists (except in high admixture coutries like brazil for example).
There's nothing racist about the concept of Europe. Ancient Greeks over 2,000 years ago created the concept, Imperialistic Europeans didn't. But I did read from Herdotus, I only like 10 pages, the Persians viewed Europeans and Asians(Middle East) as distinct "races"(English translations).

For Greeks Europe was OK as far they had no idea about the true extension of the continents, but nowadays we know that Europe is a subcontinent, what has allowed Europe to keep its status other than subjective reasons?

Race and genetics aren't most important. Since the fall of the Western Roman empire European Christians stayed in contact mostly with other European Christians and developed a Western culture.

Religion and culture is not more a base for distinctiviness in the XXI century: you can find out westernized people in China and a lot of Europeans have nothing to do with religion nowadays.

Imo, human history, no matter the continent or peninsula or nation or whatever is replete with examples of one group or another considering itself superior to another group and using that belief to excuse its mistreatment of other groups. It is not specific to Europeans. If you know anything about world history this should be obvious.

Of course there are many cases outside Europe about racism, I don't deny that, but "Europe" (continent) is a therm that survives mainly by racist inertia. I don't know about chauvinistic Indians saying they dwell in the Indian continent, there are?

@Sile, so if all discrimination is racism I can say also that when a slave trader wipped a male black slave was machismo?

what a ridiculous statement
there are no more or no less racists in Europe as in any part of the world
but refering to neocolonialism and slavery for what goes wrong outside Europe,
I'm sorry but you're brainwashed by propaganda that you like to hear
and I don't see a point in discussing this with you any further
it's sad that there are people who believe all this shit

I suspect that my exposure of unconscious racism has beaten somehow your subconscience? it's a quite usual reaction that people try to deny reality labeling the messenger as dumb or somelse.

@LeBrok, Ok, maybe the best tittle would be "Europe" is racist...
The title is Generic which is always wrong as nothing comes in black or white. Some European are racist in the actually sense, but other Europeans are not and some others are half way with sentiments changing depending on many situations. Like it has been mentioned you find the same on the Indian Sub continent in Africa and very much so in Arabia and North Africa which all have their own percentages of racist people. Also indeed Some Europeans can be racist to other nations and people on the same continent.

Europeans use to think that their countries are democratic, tolerant, advanced, humanist and so on. The reality is that the big ones in Europe keep their neocolonialism through corrupting governments in underdeveloped countries, and common Europeans don't care much about the semi-slavist companies mading their shoes or wear in such countries.

the semi-slavist companies exist all over the world and I would dare to go further that some non European countries still adopt a slavist system.

That's so normal that few people cares about neocolonialism or modern slaving, but a thing that could prompt such racism is the therm itself, "Europe" / "Europeans", because it conceals in some degree a racist use. Many Europeans see with comptent other non-European races or countries, which is a kind of mild racism ("we" are socialy-politicaly more advanced, "you" are underdeveloped), but this case is more noticeable nowadays as we know that Europe is not more than a subcontinent of Eurasia as the Indian; keeping the geographic distinctiviness is what allows unconscious (and mainstream) racism.

Being an appendix or not has nothing to with cultures formed in the different regions on the vast Eurasian continent. Indians and Chinese share the same continent and they are world apart all holding different cultures and values.

What is now allowing Europe to keep its continental value other than such push for distinctiviness? Only the white skin is the reason as religion is no more a difference with à-la-carte-religion in America or atheist China, moral values or judaeochristianism is the same case, and if it's history... in whichever page of the European history you will find a war between Europeans.

This is very untrue. When one visits most cities in Europe (especially West Europe) one would see people of all races many second and third generations. Have you ever been to London example? The Mayor there is first generation Pakistani. So how bad is racism say in Suadi Arabia??? where one cannot even built a church or the gulf states where NO ONE can get a citizenship, even though 'foreigners' have been working there for many many years and even made it their home? A far cry from what happens in Europe.

Just an example of such unconscious racism is to look at Eurovision: only European / white countries come to the contest (allowing also "white" colonies as Israel or Australia to come), but keeps away Qatar, China or Khazakstan.

This is very untrue. To be able to join the Eurovision one has to be a member of EBU. Azerbaijan takes part regularly (since you mentioned Khazakstan). Most Arab countries (example) are not interested to be part of the EBU (even though some are members like Lebanon and Egypt and some others) and even those who are the general Music tastes are completely different that it would not make sense as Arabic music in not at all popular in Europe (except with Arab minorities). Mexico and Canada are part of the EBU, but never made requests to be part of the festival.
As long as humanity 'll be plurial, racism will live on anywhere in this world, because it's a part of human behavior. I almost always been a stranger for others, and what i can tell is that local people that never move from their place are 50% racists (except in high admixture coutries like brazil for example).

a good remark
single migrants who after all live in another country by the grace of the autochtone population are generaly not racist
however when many migrants form a ghetto and as a minority form a local majority, they often turn very racist toward the autochtone people, it becomes a 'us' versus 'them' story
it are often less skilled migrants and their offspring who find it hard to integrate in their new country that form those ghettos
I believe there is some innate racism in everyone but the more openminded people are the less racist they become
I suspect that my exposure of unconscious racism has beaten somehow your subconscience? it's a quite usual reaction that people try to deny reality labeling the messenger as dumb or somelse.

your whole claim is rather vague and there is not a single fact in it that you can prove true except maybe some referals to the past when the world was not as it is today, and even that would be explainable in the proper context
but I know that will result in an endless discussion
The unusual way his brain works... However, I think the "seed" of racism, hypernationalism, misogyny, religious intolerance, comes from same source of tribalism. Feeling superior, sometimes frightened by, and acting disrespectful or hateful towards other group. If it is directed towards other race is called racism, towards gays is called homophobism, other ethnicity or nation is called chauvinism, etc. I think it is exactly same emotion, just addressed to a different group. Us, against them.
Usually people with strong tribal instinct are against many groups, together with their own government, which is obviously controlled by Jews, leftists and international capital. ;)

I couldn't agree more. The refusal to grant women equal rights is equally pervasive in human society, and something I've fought against all my life. It's not racism, however.

Trust me; he still won't get it.

I agree that one shouldn't ignore the racism that is present in Europe, or the U.S., but why ignore the racism in East Asia, or the attitude of the Hindus toward the Untouchables, or the Hutu against the Tutsi. It exists, it's terrible, but it's not unique to Europeans or people of European descent.

This is a human problem, not a specifically European problem.

In a way, the emphasis in western universities on only European and European descent racism could be seen as itself racist. It's only our failings that matter. We define the world.
Europe and generally the Western world has made it's own wealth by slavery, colonialism and conquests made all around the globe. This system still exists and even if slavery is officially banned millions in the so called civilized world live their lives as debt slaves and makes a living limited only to pay taxes, get some food and pay the checks. This can't be called freedom but rather the opposite.
American civilization is a painful experience on what a state can become if it was built on slavery, materialism, racial segregation and insurmountable differences between each social classes. America still needs wars to maintain it's economy and a social class of mostly African descendants to sacrifice for prison and drug industry and another reason for White Americans to own guns in order to protect their own lives.
Europe and generally the Western world has made it's own wealth by slavery, colonialism and conquests made all around the globe. This system still exists and even if slavery is officially banned millions in the so called civilized world live their lives as debt slaves and makes a living limited only to pay taxes, get some food and pay the checks. This can't be called freedom but rather the opposite.
American civilization is a painful experience on what a state can become if it was built on slavery, materialism, racial segregation and insurmountable differences between each social classes. America still needs wars to maintain it's economy and a social class of mostly African descendants to sacrifice for prison and drug industry and another reason for White Americans to own guns in order to protect their own lives.

If you're Dutch, which I doubt, you obviously didn't pay any attention in school to your own history. Perhaps it escaped you how early and how enthusiastically you adopted capitalism? You missed the whole colonization of Indonesia thing?

When are you guys going to...get some courage and at least post under your real ethnicities?
Europe and generally the Western world has made it's own wealth by slavery, colonialism and conquests made all around the globe.

LOL! You've been brainwashed. Europeans made their wealth by their own skills. I could write paper showing you how you're wrong but I don't have time. The argument that Western powers were built on the backs of their non-white subjects is racist and plain wrong.

Saying non-white subjects deserve credit for Western powers is a coping mechanism of (mostly white)people who don't want to admit in the last so many 100s of years Europeans have created better civilizations than anyone else. What you guys need to understand is there's nothing racist about that.

Who invented the train, the car, the plane, electricity, the phone, basically the everything in the modern world?:

This system still exists and even if slavery is officially banned millions in the so called civilized world live their lives as debt slaves and makes a living limited only to pay taxes, get some food and pay the checks. This can't be called freedom but rather the opposite.

LOL! Are you serious? The modern world is awesome!! All we have to do is go to school, get a job, and live a rich life compared to earlier humans. The modern live is not comparable to the life of a slave.

American civilization is a painful experience on what a state can become if it was built on slavery, materialism, racial segregation and insurmountable differences between each social classes. America still needs wars to maintain it's economy and a social class of mostly African descendants to sacrifice for prison and drug industry and another reason for White Americans to own guns in order to protect their own lives.

There's a lot more to America than slavery and racism. We got to where we are mostly through other means. The North, the part that had no slaves, was and is the heart of our economy. Slaves didn't give us most of our money. Slaves didn't give us half of the North American continent, slaves didn't give the industrial revolution, slaves didn't give us the world's best military. Slaves are a big (sad)part of our history but there's a lot more to our country and a lot more which makes us successful.

Radicle leftists like you will only divide our country not unite it. You ignite racial and class tension. You guys are revolutionists. You're radicle. You're racist, you're full of hate.

America still needs wars to maintain it's economy and a social class of mostly African descendants to sacrifice for prison and drug industry and another reason for White Americans to own guns in order to protect their own lives.

The position Black Americans are in is to a large extent the result of racism. But...racism doesn't force them to commit crimes at a higher rate.
LOL! You've been brainwashed. Europeans made their wealth by their own skills. I could write paper showing you how you're wrong but I don't have time. The argument that Western powers were built on the backs of their non-white subjects is racist and plain wrong.

Western world took advantage on the so called third world civilizations by forcing them to accept the same cultural standards (education, work), while the local governments were serving the needs of the "Investors" and plant owners. In our modern world only one thing matters and that's money. This leads to the decline of cultural diversity and morality as we only accept an industrial based concept of life against other - technologically vise more productive but at the same more harmful ways to create our own needs. Just in the past 100 years the humanity made more damage on this Earth due to technological development. Literally 90% of our industrial cultural based needs are trash - each phones, cars and everything made to entertain our lives someday will lay somewhere among the Ocean's trash islands. What we create are unnecessary productions which tries to fade away the strong contrast between inside "spiritual" emptiness and materially richness.

Saying non-white subjects deserve credit for Western powers is a coping mechanism of (mostly white)people who don't want to admit in the last so many 100s of years Europeans have created better civilizations than anyone else. What you guys need to understand is there's nothing racist about that.

LOL! Are you serious? The modern world is awesome!! All we have to do is go to school, get a job, and live a rich life compared to earlier humans. The modern live is not comparable to the life of a slave.

how would you know that our actual civilization is better than the ones before? You can assume your actual life is better because you earn more money by work, but does this equal to freedom?
Some nations were better off living their lives without money and this still works in the so called non civilized communities.
We can't associate happiness and well being with net worth, when it's certainly just one of the many factors which influences the well being on a psychological point of view and we can't base this on the GDP growth.
More people become dependent on working than ever before and real estate prices are higher than it was before in most states. Most people can buy a home in the Western world by hard working and debt and it's often goes for a lifelong to pay all debts back, so the so called freedom works as long as someone has a well paid job and net worth. Sounds perfect? Most people don't think so

There's a lot more to America than slavery and racism. We got to where we are mostly through other means. The North, the part that had no slaves, was and is the heart of our economy. Slaves didn't give us most of our money. Slaves didn't give us half of the North American continent, slaves didn't give the industrial revolution, slaves didn't give us the world's best military. Slaves are a big (sad)part of our history but there's a lot more to our country and a lot more which makes us successful.

Radicle leftists like you will only divide our country not unite it. You ignite racial and class tension. You guys are revolutionists. You're radicle. You're racist, you're full of hate.

The position Black Americans are in is to a large extent the result of racism. But...racism doesn't force them to commit crimes at a higher rate

Most millionaire and upper class families had roots in America that owned slaves or took part in the Colonial business, I'm asking what's the actual chance for a Middle Class American to make it big to not consider working and have a net worth over a millions of dollars? The so called American Dream only seems to exist in Hollywood and most people seem to stuck in a 22 trap to work for a system which has based it's own existence on a debt based system controlled by a few.
Capitalism seem to be a better alternative than Communism, but it only works for a small percent of the social class and generally creates a debt based society which generates more economical crisis and higher prices. In the past 30-100 years the average life quality in America seems to decline for the Middle and Lower class and only generates profit for the upper 5-10%.
On a statistical base this may be even viewed as economic growth because Companies create growth but this is only limited to a certain groups of people and guess what? Someone making 100 million a year will make these statistics more appealing while more and more people seem to struggle in the so called technologically developed American freedom.

African Americans commit more crimes than other races of Americans, but their criminal activity is rather low profile and more easily detectable by police. I guess we haven't heard enough of White collar criminals who take advantage on the law system. African American people are the first target in the American prison system as well as in the drug business. It's basically a segregated group which is needed to maintain the low profile criminal activity in the US, which as well generates profit to the system. - The war on drugs is better as it makes drug prices higher so certain sectors of the government.
The same people who make compliments on how Iran, Syria and Russia being Anti-democratic but at the same time admire Saudi Arabia which still basically stuck in the "Middle Ages" by practicing the Sharia law and cutting heads and hands off during daylight for small crimes.
The same way their leaders refuse to educate and integrate millions of people in order to take advantage of their criminal behavior. This also applies for the so called "redneck" community apart AAs.
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Europe and generally the Western world has made it's own wealth by slavery, colonialism and conquests made all around the globe. This system still exists and even if slavery is officially banned millions in the so called civilized world live their lives as debt slaves and makes a living limited only to pay taxes, get some food and pay the checks. This can't be called freedom but rather the opposite.
American civilization is a painful experience on what a state can become if it was built on slavery, materialism, racial segregation and insurmountable differences between each social classes. America still needs wars to maintain it's economy and a social class of mostly African descendants to sacrifice for prison and drug industry and another reason for White Americans to own guns in order to protect their own lives.

The desire to call people racist has reached hysterical proportions lately. A few things I would like to ask you - that is, if you ever paid attention to history - about Dutch history. In june 1945, which of the two economies was larger, the Suriname or the Dutch? Secondly, if slavery was such a profitable trade, why did the WIC got bankrupt twice?

Fact of the matter is, slavery was a trivial part of Dutch colonial history, which revolved around the East Indies. And even the colonies weren't the moneymakers. The Dutch got rich by what was called the "Moedernegotie". Google it yourself, I'd say, you can use the education.
Europeans use to think that their countries are democratic, tolerant, advanced, humanist and so on. The reality is that the big ones in Europe keep their neocolonialism through corrupting governments in underdeveloped countries, and common Europeans don't care much about the semi-slavist companies mading their shoes or wear in such countries.

That's so normal that few people cares about neocolonialism or modern slaving, but a thing that could prompt such racism is the therm itself, "Europe" / "Europeans", because it conceals in some degree a racist use. Many Europeans see with comptent other non-European races or countries, which is a kind of mild racism ("we" are socialy-politicaly more advanced, "you" are underdeveloped), but this case is more noticeable nowadays as we know that Europe is not more than a subcontinent of Eurasia as the Indian; keeping the geographic distinctiviness is what allows unconscious (and mainstream) racism. What is now allowing Europe to keep its continental value other than such push for distinctiviness? Only the white skin is the reason as religion is no more a difference with à-la-carte-religion in America or atheist China, moral values or judaeochristianism is the same case, and if it's history... in whichever page of the European history you will find a war between Europeans.

Just an example of such unconscious racism is to look at Eurovision: only European / white countries come to the contest (allowing also "white" colonies as Israel or Australia to come), but keeps away Qatar, China or Khazakstan.

To me this post seems a bit 'confused. Especially this part of subcontinent, Pangaea, etc.
What i don't understand is why Europe is racist because in Eurovision did not partecipate Kazakistan? Also i don't understand why is allowed Azerbajxhan, etc? It's not Mondovision, it's Eurovision. Also Kazakistan participates in the European qualifying rounds for the European Championship football or World Cup.
Israel participates in all the sporting, cultural events, etc, with Europe because there is this racism of the Arabs against the Jews.
Paraphrase: "The American Dream is a lie"

One who believes in the American Dream doesn't believe everyone can become rich. It believes everyone can become Middle Class, everyone can become relatively comfortable financially, and everyone has a greater chance to become rich than in communist/socialist societies.

The American Dream has come true in America. Most of us are Middle Class.
Europe and generally the Western world has made it's own wealth by slavery, colonialism and conquests made all around the globe. This system still exists and even if slavery is officially banned millions in the so called civilized world live their lives as debt slaves and makes a living limited only to pay taxes, get some food and pay the checks. This can't be called freedom but rather the opposite.
American civilization is a painful experience on what a state can become if it was built on slavery, materialism, racial segregation and insurmountable differences between each social classes. America still needs wars to maintain it's economy and a social class of mostly African descendants to sacrifice for prison and drug industry and another reason for White Americans to own guns in order to protect their own lives.

either you are a stupid mooron who realy beleives this or you think that you are smarter than all of us and that we will buy your twisted stories
either way .. dream on

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