Effect of cheese, wheat and alcohol on evolution

Do not ignore the video at the end. Liked it.
There is another possible effect of cereals and fruits in human evolution. Brain development and thinness.

Since sugars are the basis of brain energy consumption. And are not known to produce a lot of body fat. We just have to look at Chinese or Indians, who have lacked for a lont time of enough meat in their diets.
There is another possible effect of cereals and fruits in human evolution. Brain development and thinness.
Since sugars are the basis of brain energy consumption. And are not known to produce a lot of body fat. We just have to look at Chinese or Indians, who have lacked for a lont time of enough meat in their diets.

Brain development is connected to proteins and fats, not sugars.

Eat enough sugar, more than your body uses, and you will get fat, because any unused calories get stored as fat.

Indians also have very high rates of Type II Diabetes.

The Chinese do eat protein. They're not vegetarians, as are many Indians.

There's an excellent movie about the effect on an infant of parents feeding it a strictly vegan diet. The cranium doesn't grow, and therefore neither does the brain. It's called "Hungry Hearts". It's heartbreaking and beautiful, and I really recommend it.
I've sometimes wondered if neoteny (retention of juvenile traits into adulthood) in some groups was influenced by milk consumption well into adulthood. The body maybe being epigenetically "tricked" somehow into thinking it's still a baby....
Brain development is connected to proteins and fats, not sugars.

Eat enough sugar, more than your body uses, and you will get fat, because any unused calories get stored as fat.

Indians also have very high rates of Type II Diabetes.

The Chinese do eat protein. They're not vegetarians, as are many Indians.

There's an excellent movie about the effect on an infant of parents feeding it a strictly vegan diet. The cranium doesn't grow, and therefore neither does the brain. It's called "Hungry Hearts". It's heartbreaking and beautiful, and I really recommend it.

Yes exactly. I agree with this, and there is a lot of scientific research to back it up. Healthy fat and protein do a lot of good for your body to function and sugar doesn't do much.

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