Don't ignore the 'ignore list'.

sabro said:
I was asked to ignore someone, and it is quite interesting to see half of arguments. Like Sensuikan San, I also find it infuriating.
Sorry for the double post. :blush: :bluush:
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sabro said:
I was asked to ignore someone, and it is quite interesting to see half of arguments. Like Sensuikan San, I also find it infuriating.
To the extent the ignore faculty is one thing still under user control, if complying with such a request in spirit by responding in moderation goes against a forum rule or is something that can be censored, I would be a bit suprised...
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I seriously thought about it a few times, but I don't want to use it unless I absolutely have to.

I don't really like the idea of just turning a switch and blocking out everything someone says--it's too much like censorship. When someone has a different opinon--even if it's TOTALLY WRONG AND OFFENSINVE, I feel like it would be a failing on my part if all I could do was refuse to hear them.

Besides, the refusing to hear opposing views is usually what makes me so mad at people in the first place--I don't want to start doing it myself. :D
Is there an Ignore list?

I think sometimes it is acceptable if you want to ignore someone, but by reading a list of people that you should ignore. If you're ignoring a person it has to be for a personal reason. otherwise it is not fair, not giving them a chance to get un-ignored.
I think it is almost a birthright to respond to those you feel are trolling or are especially wrong and offensive. To ignore them in such cases seems an abrogation of responsibility. I believe it is necessary to hear opposing viewpoints and to respond to them-- and Reiku-- it does definitely feel like censorship. I believe you are familiar with my specific situation.

(I did send out a pm to a few moderators to argue my case...)
sabro said:
I think it is almost a birthright to respond to those you feel are trolling or are especially wrong and offensive. To ignore them in such cases seems an abrogation of responsibility. I believe it is necessary to hear opposing viewpoints and to respond to them--

Interesting point of view to say the least. What do you do if you get frustrated to the point of wanting to wring the little "chicken necked" S.O.B. for "stalking" you or just making you feel miserable in their responses to your posts? (I am talking hypothetically here.)

Doesn't the "ignore" button give one a sense of freedom from having to respond to idiots posts?

That said I truly admire your attitude!
I would never use the ignore button. I am perfectly capable of reading someone's posts and choosing whether or not to reply to them. To be honest, nothing anyone ever posts on an internet forum (with the exception of graphic mutilation pictures, possibly o_O) would affect me so deeply that I would wish not to be able to read it. If someone is acting like a total m o r o n I hope I'm mature enough to be able to 'ignore' them all by myself!
sabro said:
I think it is almost a birthright to respond to those you feel are trolling or are especially wrong and offensive. To ignore them in such cases seems an abrogation of responsibility. I believe it is necessary to hear opposing viewpoints and to respond to them-- and Reiku-- it does definitely feel like censorship. I believe you are familiar with my specific situation.
(I did send out a pm to a few moderators to argue my case...)
I can understand why censorship would be so anathema if the ignore button has been disabled in this case....On the other hand, we aren't here to be pawns of the moderators. If the promotion and protection of freedom of expression
on the internet is that much of an issue of conscience for anyone than I say by all means respond as you see fit and be prepared to take the consequences.
I think ignoring can be healthy if paying attention just causes you stress. I've used the ignore list and it's made my life more peaceful. I've also chosen to ignore people "in real life" and gotten the same result. Of course, there's the option of not using it and just not reading what someone has typed, but there's always that temptation if you can see it.

Just for your information, the ignore list merely "soft deletes" the messages of the person (people) on it, and you can actually view them if you wish. It doesn't make it so that the person you put on ignore completely disappears -- you'll still see when they post something new, including starting threads, and any place where they post will be evident to you. You can just click on "view post" to see what they have written.

Elizabeth said:
If the promotion and protection of freedom of expression
on the internet is that much of an issue of conscience for anyone than I say by all means respond as you see fit and be prepared to take the consequences.

Key phrase in bold. Indeed, and that's not just on the internet.

And by the way, just as an aside and something that I've been wondering about for a while: what is it about the internet that seems to negate personal responsibility, acountability, and responsibility about what one says? I've seen this over and over again that people say it's just the internet and it doesn't matter. These are still ideas that people have and believe in; what does it matter what format they're communicated by? Why is it less valid over the internet than any other form of communication? I'm not sure I'm understanding the argument properly.
So far the ignore button is still under our countrol. I can choose to ignore or "unignore" (which you have to do to send a pm.) and like elizabeth said be prepared to take the consequences. Removal of posts and threads however is still under moderator control-- which is a good thing. I will comply with the requests of moderators because I feel the need for order sometimes outweighs my need for expression. I don't always have to get my way. *(goes off and pouts)*

What requests are these? Did I miss something?

Anyway, I agree that in an extreme case the ignore function could be nessecary--I'm not complaining about having it--but what it boils down to is that to use it would mean I am not mature enough to deal with someone who offends me any other way.

The root of censorship is when someone feels offended by something, and rather than deal with it themselves asks a higher authority to act as a "parent" and protect them from the offending material...'s simply not a mature way of dealing with your problems.

Granted, some could argue that getting pissed and telling someone off is immature, but I think that is a common misconception. Personally, I feel it is more mature and polite to respond honestly--it is degrading to both sides if you do otherwise.

Of course, I realize I am in the minority in this opinion--but to be honest, I feel that is because too many people mindlessly accept whatever they are told growing up, and never bother to think for themselves.
Reiku said:
What requests are these? Did I miss something?
Anyway, I agree that in an extreme case the ignore function could be nessecary--I'm not complaining about having it--but what it boils down to is that to use it would mean I am not mature enough to deal with someone who offends me any other way.
The root of censorship is when someone feels offended by something, and rather than deal with it themselves asks a higher authority to act as a "parent" and protect them from the offending material...'s simply not a mature way of dealing with your problems.
Of course, I realize I am in the minority in this opinion--but to be honest, I feel that is because too many people mindlessly accept whatever they are told growing up, and never bother to think for themselves.
I personally don't think that it is just a maturity issue, then again that is purely my opinion. Many times I see that people can not discern between "reality" and an internet message board. People think or feel that they are free from consequences when they troll a board or issue threats to other members. If the board is moderated then people like this tend to disappear after time.
However then you open yourself, (the moderator/admin) to allegations of censureship, so which is it going to be? Each person needs to make an active choice on whether or not they want to participate in a discussion.
If there is someone they feel they can't get along with then using the ignore button is not being imature, it is showing an ability to separate oneself from their problems without having to actually stop participating in the discussion.'s simply not a mature way of dealing with your problems.
That all depends on the person, to make a blatant statement such as that makes the assumption that everyone is like you. Which of course they are not. What is right for one is not necessarily right for all as I am sure you are aware. Then what options do people have? Not to participate if they find someone particularly offensive, or perhaps have opinions that differ from their own? Noone would be left to discuss anything except the trolls and offensive people who enjoy inflicting pain on others. This board would die.
--it is degrading to both sides if you do otherwise.
I'm sorry but I disagree with this statement, blowing off steam on an internet message board serves its purpose as well.
I don't mind following the directions of a moderator. They can provide an important protection to an internet community such as ours from flaming and trolling. I need an objective eye sometimes to tell me if I am getting out of line and I do not feel put upon to be corrected... even if I may not specifically agree with the correction. Self censorship is not necessarily a bad thing. We as a community are doing this voluntarily-- and it is not imposed by some Big Brother.
I am wondering about the ignore button, when you put people on ignore you can?ft see their posts, but how about them, can they see yours?:clueless:
Interesting these last few exchanges. I was wondering if a program could be written into the forum that would make a "Hide" command.

This command would let us list who we don`t want our posts to be viewed by. That way, those who are known to be too sensitive or antagonistic whenever a new post or thread is written on a certain topic, can be kept from becomng insulted or offended because of their sensitivities to a topic by preventing them from viewing it. I guess that would be kind of like empowering members limited powers of banning certain people just from viewing what they have to say on something.

Would this kind of command be possible?
I don't agree. With that kind of power you could put up all sorts of inflammatory remarks and know that you could literally ban someone from your threads or posts. The only way to avoid people from getting over stressed at posts or threads is to think about it before posting it. You could also end up getting very cliquey and I could see an open forum being a waste of time. Might as well just email people. If you want to talk about a subject with someone or several people PM them and go into a side room in chat
I disagree, Mycernius. However, I do see your concern. Perhaps it would be good if there were a limit as to how many people a person could put on their "hide" list. Say 1, for all members under 500 posts. 2 for 1000. 3 for 2000.

Or it could be contingent on the number of threads people create but only those threads that attracted a certain number of posts or hits would be counted toward the priviledge of getting some "hide" power.

If there are controls put into the programming of it then I don`t think it could be abused to create cliques.

I think it is worth the discussion.
There has to be some kind of limits in a forum like this. This is not just some free for all.

I think it's a fend for yourself type thing, mostly. It's upon yourself to act in a mature manner. I mean, it seems most of us are past the grammar school playground stage. N'est-ce pas?

Thomas & Co. made this forum the way it is and I don't think it's anyone's place to come in and so strongly suggest making dramatic changes. Of course, Thomas & Co. have the right to say no, but I, myself, would never even consider suggesting to make any major changes, because I would(and do) feel it is upon myself(and no one else) to behave.

Lately it seems that there are some members who think one's opinion is somehow better than the other's and that one's word is somehow better than the other's, and it's getting very old.

I'm finding it hard to keep away from that Rodney King quote...

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