Don't ignore the 'ignore list'.

The problem with ignoring is that even though you can't stand the person, you might just miss an important part of a thread by not seeing one of their posts. I know my typing and emotions got ahead of my brain a couple times, but I've always tried to apologize or explain myself. Fortunately, (most) people here are (usually) mature, and there have only been little bursts of actual conflict here and there.

This is the only forum I've ever actually been proud to be a part of, and I hope it stays that way. :cool:
ironman said:
Are there bannings now? The expat site I am a member of in Taiwan seems to have a regular banning going on. Say one a month or so.

People are banned if they break the rules.

This forum, in general, is a fantastic forum. I have said many times, that in my 11 years of internet use, this is the best internet community I've ever been around. However, there are still some people who come here for the wrong reasons. I'm not talking about the regular spammers. I'm talking about people who have got some real beef with Japan or the Japanese and want to throw around insults and personal attacks. Or really just anyone who has a short fuse and wants to fight about something. It just will not be tolerated. If that means banning, then so be it.

We usually try to give out warnings prior to banning, but if someone oversteps considerably, they could be banned without warning. It's usually discussed between the team members before anything is done, or after, in some cases(when adjustments can be made, if necessary). We usually try to be in on everything together by getting each other's opinions about someone or something.

I would say that we have a pretty high tolerance around here. I think we're an open-minded bunch, despite what some biased people would think... :p

Anyway, happy posting! :wave:

P.S. - It's always good to know the rules.
kirei_na_me said:
People are banned if they break the rules.
Anyway, happy posting! :wave: P.S. - It's always good to know the rules.

Thanks for the update. Doubt I'll come to the attention of anybody for a banning. Rules look quite similar to the Taiwanese forum I am a member of and I've managed around 650 posts without causing much trouble.

I only came in to look around but I am so damned impressed with the site I might stay and post on occasion (If I don't annoy you guys too much) Even be fun to tie up a ski trip and one of your expat gatherings later this year. Who knows.

The Taiwanese site has had a recent commotion and is recovering now. They do it pretty well but as must happen here as well, you can't please everyone. :)
I think I should add my two-cents worth on this one ...

I do feel that I was at least becoming 'one of the guilty ones' on "a certain thread" over the last few days !

Just let me apologise to all those who feel that I may have gone over the top a tad in venting my spleen.

But I have the greatest respect for the general tone of this forum, and hate to see it (and any other forum) misused.

Regards to all...

Sensuikan San said:
I think I should add my two-cents worth on this one ...

I do feel that I was at least becoming 'one of the guilty ones' on "a certain thread" over the last few days !

Just let me apologise to all those who feel that I may have gone over the top a tad in venting my spleen.

But I have the greatest respect for the general tone of this forum, and hate to see it (and any other forum) misused.

Regards to all...

What? I hadn't noticed. No worries, I felt you left in time, just as others were starting to leave.
I have put one person on the ignore list, but he no longer appears to post here, so he has been removed. I like to see what is being said, even if I don't like it.
I have only ever joined one other forum and that depresses me as people like to flame each other with abuse, so I no longer use it. I have seen it on other forums as well. :eek:kashii: That is what I like about Jref, everyone is usually very nice and polite. :) You get the occassional abuse, but it is usually dealt with very quickly (thanks admins) and order is quickly restored. So I will continue posting (I can hear you groan) and keep having FUN! :happy:
(I like these smilies, maybe I should use them more :? ) :cool:
Ah, I guess the fighting's all coming up again.

I agree, putting people on Ignore is good to maintain order, or at least sanity. Arguments on Internet forums never get resolved except with the intervention of a moderator, I've found. Besides, didn't you ever want to try that cool feature on JREF? ;)
lastmagi said:
Ah, I guess the fighting's all coming up again.

I agree, putting people on Ignore is good to maintain order, or at least sanity. Arguments on Internet forums never get resolved except with the intervention of a moderator, I've found. Besides, didn't you ever want to try that cool feature on JREF? ;)

I must admit, I haven't used it - YET!!! :blush:
I turned it on once for Toilet Roll, until he was banned. If you think things are bad now...:p
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Kinsao said:
His name says it all, yeah?
For whatever it's worth...I first remembered it as Toilet Paper, but I think it was defiantely Roll. :bluush:
The very first forum I joined was merciless to any who got easily offended or provoked. Quickly, after a couple of fights did I learn that it was better to just keep my side civil, and not get upset. I do have the odd day wherein I am especially irritable, and by chance does someone have a go at me on that day. Under these conditions do I get a little nasty at times. Just being honest.
wait who do we ignore if something happens? why do we ignore people anyway?
it wouldn't be nice to ignore folk, cant we all be civil?

the bigger man is forgiving.
jack2 said:
wait who do we ignore if something happens? why do we ignore people anyway?
it wouldn't be nice to ignore folk, cant we all be civil?

the bigger man is forgiving.
Easier said than done. Often there are misreadings of an innocuous post. Less often, there is malicious content. Most of the time, common sense overcomes these human errors. Less often, common sense fails.

Misread words. Misread intention. => flaming capacity might become mutually realised

Correctly read words of malice. Correctly read malicious intention. => flaming capacity again...

It feels mightly cold on the forum right now. I might have had a part over my time here. I never provoked, but I might have failed either by mireading, or just reading words of bile too chrystal clear, words of bileful insensitivity too painfully clear. :(

It is winter; it is supposed to be cold physically. Can humanity overcome inhumanity ? Science helps.
lastmagi said:
Ah, I guess the fighting's all coming up again.

I agree, putting people on Ignore is good to maintain order, or at least sanity. Arguments on Internet forums never get resolved except with the intervention of a moderator, I've found. Besides, didn't you ever want to try that cool feature on JREF? ;)
Well, yes and no. There is definately a sense here of having to watch your words and of dictates being handed down from on high. It wasn't this way, though, going back over a year now, because the community was much more cohesive and tightly intertwined then which nurtured both self and social restraint plus a more relaxed (fun) environment. The level of arguing that led to a ban for instance was much less because it happened much less frequently.

Of course as everyone says compared with other boards most people here still don't take it too seriously...just that the standards have changed can't be denied.
*clicks ignore all*
What I like the most about this forum is that it comes the closest, in spirit, of meeting people face-to-face who share a common interest in Japan. I feel the sincereity of this community and have seen mutual trust and respect here.

Emotions, like thoughts, are such transient things... but words... they are left for all to see... It is that permanence that gets some into trouble... after the heat of the moment has passed...

I am not really sure where I was going with this thought, except perhaps to say that I am a newb here and so far I really like this forum and all the people here... and I hope I never have to use the 'ignore' feature... but it is nice to know it is there... :cool:
I did employ the "ignore" facility ... just once ....

... but found it totally infuriating ....!

... I just kept on wanting to read what the blighter had posted .... !

... so I switched it off!

(It's O.K! ... it was against nobody
still here on the forum now!)


ignore list for the win!
I was asked to ignore someone, and it is quite interesting to see half of arguments. Like Sensuikan San, I also find it infuriating. It just kinda grates on you to not know what the person is posting, but I generally assume that he is being rude and I can accurately imagine what the posts say anyway. I just wish I could respond... some people are so incredibly wrong, they do not deserve the courtesy we extend to them... I believe they should be rightously opposed and hear my perfect opinion every time they post.

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