Dominique Strauss-Kahn in custody on charges of sexual assault

...becaus it couldn't be a simpler explanation, like he is an old sexual pervert, righ?

You may well be right, but at the moment we have no idea what really happened.
Although the media have already passed sentence, in the eyes of the law he is still innocent until proven other wise.

At the moment an 'innocent' man is in jail and has resigned his position in the IMF and most likely lost the possibility of becoming French PM.

If he's a sex mad rapist then he's getting what's coming to him. If he is in fact innocent then you'd have to say there is something very wrong with the American judicial system and the western media, that a mere accusation can destroy a mans life?

In 2007, Tristane Banon, a French journalist and writer, accused Strauss-Kahn of attempting to rape her in 2002, but she did not press charges.[32][33][34][35] As of 17 May 2011, mainstream media were reporting that Banon was preparing to file a legal complaint relating to the alleged attack.[36]

Funny that with big court cases all these stories start coming out, any yet 9 years have passed and she did nothing.

In 2008, the IMF Board appointed an independent investigator following allegations that Strauss-Kahn had had an affair with a subordinate, Piroska Nagy, who was married at the time to economist Mario Blejer.

There has been research done that shows that as much as 1 in 5 married couples in the United States has cheated on their partner or roughly 20%. If your saying having an affair makes you a sexual deviant then you better lock up 20% of the population. The fact he had an affair is irrelevant to the charges against him.
Ce qu'a dit Maciamo hier a été confirmé par Le Monde aujourd'hui, une majorité de Français (57%) croit au complot
Perso, quand j'ai lu ce sondage j'étais sur le cul...
En tout cas, c'est bien, tu continues de le défendre...par contre j'aimerais bien que tu aies la même énergie lorsqu'il écrit des choses fausses...

Funny that with big court cases all these stories start coming out, any yet 9 years have passed and she did nothing
A pushy...
Et pourtant c'est grâce à l'épargne des Français durant la crise financière que notre économie n'a pas trop souffert. Nous sommes l'un des pays au monde où les habitants ont le plus d'argent sur leurs comptes, ce qui rassure les banques pour les prêts à grande échelle, donc taux d'intérêts peu élevés...

J'ai étudié l'économie, je sais quand même comment ce genre de chose fonctionne.

Peut-être, mais as-tu au moins pris la peine de vérifier ce que tu as écris sur les indemnités chômage?
Par expérience personnelle, et surtout celles de quelques amis, je te l'assure, c'est faux...

Le montant des allocations de chômage n'est pas fixe. Il y a beaucoup de facteurs qui sont pris en compte. Le chômeur est il une personne isolée ? Est-ce un chef de famille avec 5 enfants ? A-t-il déjà travaillé avant ? Quel était son dernier salaire ? Ce dernier point en particulier est déterminant. Quelqu'un qui gagnait 6000 €/mois et perd son emploi va obtenir des allocations plus élevée que quelqu'un qui ne gagnait que 1500 €/mois. Pour en revenir aux députés, ils gagnent environ 5300 €/mois, ce qui est moins de la moitier des parlementaires italiens (12000 €/mois) et moins qu'en Allemagne, en Autriche, en Belgique, aux Pays-Bas ou encore au Royaume-Uni. Donc les politiciens français sont parmi les moins bien payés d'Europe occidentale. Mais ce n'est rien comparés aux parlementaires américains, qui eux gagnent 14500 $/mois. Quand à Sarkozy, son salaire est de 21000 €/mois, pas plus qu'un commissaire européen, et 50% de moins que le président des Etats-Unis, et 75% de moins que le premier ministre britannique.

Mais comme je l'ai écrit plus haut, un des traits de caractère les plus évident du Français est qu'il est râleur (et envieux des autres). Aux Etats-Unis ou au Japon, les gens font tout pour montrer qu'ils ont de l'argent (vêtements de marque, grosses voitures, etc.). En France, les gens essayent de cacher leur richesse pour ne pas inciter la jalousie des autres. Ce sont des mentalités radicalement opposées. Les premiers admirent le succès des autres, tandis que les Français s'en offusquent, les envient et les critiquent. Personnellement je trouve la mentalité française (qui est identique en Belgique d'ailleurs) particulièrement malsaine.
Conspiracy Theory Warning!:rolleyes:

"Less attention has gone to the fate of another project close to DSK's heart: weaning the global financial system off of the U.S. dollar. DSK had been a vocal proponent of using the IMF's de-facto currency, the Special Drawing Right, as a way to diversify countries' reserve pools away from the U.S. dollar.

...the idea of expanding the role of SDRs as one among several global currencies has slowly gained traction as more emerging economies like Brazil and China voice their support.Their backing is partly a way to chide U.S. officials for abusing the dollar's dominance through loose monetary policy (which stokes inflation in emerging markets)...

Whoever takes the helm at the IMF will have to contend with this issue sooner rather than later, since the stability of the world's financial system lays in the balance.

Of course there are naysayers who still think the dollar will remain the only viable option for decades to come, especially in light of the euro's recent plight.

As their foreign exchange reserves grow, emerging economies will be more motivated to scrap a dollar-dominated system for one that offers less risk and more payoffs to the world's new economic powerhouses.

No wonder then that the U.S. is keen to maintain its role as the world's only global reserve." source comment :grin:

you have a point by that,
the problem is that EU and USA keep strong currency,
and they don't raise chinese and Brazilian and Mexican,

simply I still don't get why,
and since IMF is International, why does not help to restore the balances,
USA has an (I could say) untrusted in economy, but strong in military and power currency,
EU has a non flexible, heavy trust currency, that helps who? surely not mediocre and smaller economies, but some companies of multinational face,

the unemployment's public help in currency balances is stronger than the salary of a heavy worker in 3rd world,

situations will go worst if you think that day by day money through Banks gather in few people,

the only thing that can help Euro is that some economies raise their currency,

I had read before time an article by a small unknown non famous university that if China raise currency values by 30% in Usa new industrialization era will start,
and if Brazil raises only 15% the balance with Euro the next day millions of south Europeans will start to gather fruits,
a 10% raise of Brazil currency will hurt only some heavy industries like car cause Eu will have some parts expensive but will help millions of EUropeans farmers especially in Mediterenean,

yet instead of making EUro more flexible, we make it harder, just to help corporations that want to gather EU money to buy and invest outside EU,

and IMF could not help to that, but mostly became a foundation that control and help secure the money before a collapse of country,

in numbers,

in Greece million of tones of kiwi, peach, and orange rot in fields and pollute the surface water with extra demanding BOD (oxygen demand)
and yet Brazilian oranges enter with forms of frozen columns to become juices!!!!!
because Euro is strong,
policies like that lead to where,???
...becaus it couldn't be a simpler explanation, like he is an old sexual pervert, righ?

Allegations of sexual misconduct

In 2007, Tristane Banon, a French journalist and writer, accused Strauss-Kahn of attempting to rape her in 2002, but she did not press charges.[32][33][34][35] As of 17 May 2011, mainstream media were reporting that Banon was preparing to file a legal complaint relating to the alleged attack.[36]
In 2008, the IMF Board appointed an independent investigator following allegations that Strauss-Kahn had had an affair with a subordinate, Piroska Nagy, who was married at the time to economist Mario Blejer. Nagy alleged that Strauss-Kahn had used his position to coerce her into the affair.[37] She was later made redundant and Strauss-Kahn assisted her in getting a new job.[38] The IMF board issued the findings of the investigation; while noting that the affair was "regrettable and reflected a serious error of judgment on the part of the managing director", the board cleared Strauss-Kahn of harassment, favoritism or abuse of power, and indicated that he would remain in his post.[39][40] Strauss-Kahn issued a public apology for the affair. Le Journal du Dimanche dubbed him "le grand séducteur" (the Great Seducer).

An unconvincing argument LeBrok and there is only one proven allegation here, that he had an extra-marital affair. Big deal, thousands do it everyday and it doesn't make them sexual perverts. The rest are all unproven allegations, no-one can hang a person on that and as has already been said, it has nothing whatsoever to do with the current case.

I'll be reserving my judgement until something that actually makes sense comes to light, more concrete than the gossip and rumour mongering that is currently being circulated by the media.
Right, you just have to study someone's biography and then you can think about a method how to trap him. For example, if I had found some evidence that DSK consumed cocaine during his younger years, I would try to tempt him to purchase and consume some cocaine. Then I would try to think of an occasion to make him drive a car to a certain place just two minutes away. Then I will involve him in a car accident and one second later push a small child infront of the car. Et voilà, next day the head-line will be: "Cocaine-crazed DSK attempted to kill small child with stolen car!"
Are you the reincarnation of Machiavel? :unsure:

No, I just wanted to show that only by looking into one's biography is not prove enough to say he or she is a bad person. If DSK cheated on his spouse, this is no prove he is a pervert and potential rapist. Every person has done the one or other mistake in his life. And if I was a bad person, I could take this as an advantage to put him into serious trouble.
Haha.. We Dutch already have seen these tricks. For instance former Dutch Prime Minister Ruud Lubbers.
He had a top job in the United Nations organization, and suddenly be became accused of having pinched the behind of some woman, also in New York, the UN building.
He also resigned from his job.

That's how Americans drive competitors off the racing track.
CIA all the way!
I don't really follow this story or care much hearing about it. I just mentioned what is more probable, what is more common in life, therefore most likely will be the final verdict when everything settles down.

Compare it to Monica Lewinski and Bill Clinton affair. It concerned a president of USA, the most powerful president of most powerful country, so surly someone wanted him out, right? Was it about politics, power and CIA, or just an sexual affair?
Well, it turned out that he was just a man with unsatisfied sexual needs, simple like that.
New Evidence

Looks like it's case closed on this one....:tongue:
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I don't know much about French politics but is it not rather convenient that Sarkozy has lost a major politcal rival who is on his way to jail and who should be his likely replacement at the IMF Christine Lagarde. :dubious:
In my opinion, the US government had to thanks Sarkozy for what he has done on Libya so they secured his re election

Not a big surprise because Sarkozy was and still is a CIA agent.
"Conspiracy theories are the ultimage refuge of the powerless."

.. Roger Cohan, the New York Times Opinion Page, Dec, 20, 2010.

. Bin Laden is not dead and the USA is lying.

. Dominique Strauss-Kahn, is being framed by the USA

One thing about conspiracy promoters is that when their conspiracy falls to reason and or facts, they do not ever appoligize for their paranoid behavior or the lies they have spread. They move on to the "next conspiracy" , however they still chose the same "scapegoats". (my words, Melusine)

Oh, and BTW: The world will end for some quite soon starting in Asia, Europe tonight then will culminate tomorow on May 21, 20110 per religionist conspirators. IF we are still around to blog on this forum tomorrow, nevermind the conspirators of the end of the world they will not appoligize, they will move on to another date. After all the world (scrapegoats) ,except for themselves is full of sinners (not just the USA thank goodness!!)
One thing about conspiracy promoters is that when their conspiracy falls to reason and or facts, they do not ever appoligize for their paranoid behavior or the lies they have spread. They move on to the "next conspiracy" , however they still chose the same "scapegoats". (my words, Melusine)

Oh, and BTW: The world will end for some quite soon starting in Asia, Europe tonight then will culminate tomorow on May 21, 20110 per religionist conspirators. IF we are still around to blog on this forum tomorrow, nevermind the conspirators of the end of the world they will not appoligize, they will move on to another date. After all the world (scrapegoats) ,except for themselves is full of sinners (not just the USA thank goodness!!)

You cannot say that you know what happened in Pakistan regarding OBL. You know what you have been told. Perhaps you are the religious type and have based your life on things you have been told rather than have experienced to be true for yourself?

Secondly in US law DSK is an innocent man. FACT
He has to be proven to be a rapist in a court of law.

Considering an alternative view is healthy, it means you are thinking for yourself. You are putting down people because they choose to question, to do the math for themselves and see if it adds up.

I appreciate there are those who are perhaps too excited about the idea of counter culture and being anti-establishment, which in itself is unconstructive.

You are so wrapped up in our own world you feel you have to be apologized to because someone has a different opinion, you are literally offended by an alternative stand point.

If Obama came out tomorrow saying US forces had gone into Lapland and shot Santa in face you'd cancel Christmas.

(my words edao :LOL:)
Just like Osama, Santa was killed years ago..


What I think is odd, is that a high ranking finance guy like DSK is a socialist.
Or at least.. Is portrayed as such.

Well.. It stinks allover.
It looks like the charges may be dropped after all, and Strauss-Kahn would be free as if nothing had happened. Look at the timing. Christine Lagarde was just elected new head of the IMF. I don't think it's a coincidence. DSK's enemies got what they wanted. Now he can go.

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