Do you prefer Asian or non-Asian women?

Asian woman or not?

  • most definitely asian!

    Votes: 17 30.9%
  • other than asian

    Votes: 3 5.5%
  • both

    Votes: 35 63.6%

  • Total voters
I think my standards are too high when it comes to women...

Basically, if they want to date someone like me, they're not good enough for me.
TwistedMac said:
I think my standards are too high when it comes to women...

Basically, if they want to date someone like me, they're not good enough for me.

lol, a catch 22?
You know Twisted, someone told me that today.
Something to think about to change.... :souka:

Here, have a :balloon:
*cough* *cough* erm....I don't belong here, as I'm not into women at all. :D
As I am a girl....
and even if I had to choose between Asian or European/American women/men, I couldn't....I really don't think about race as much...maybe because I am "mixed" myself. (Danish/Japanese).
Doesn't matter to me, I like both :) Actually mixed is better, I always have the impression that mixed girls are prettier then loads of girls. Dunno.
60Yen said:
I always have the impression that mixed girls are prettier then loads of girls.

DNA natural selection! under thousands of years each race has specialized itself in some aspect of chick hotness. When two of these mix, you've got the best of both worlds! only the best DNA from each is used ;)
I think it depends more on the individual rather than the ethnicity. I've known great asian women and lousy asian women, great western women and lousy western women.
Brooker said:
I don't think people should have a preference, BUT I DO. I can't help it, I'm uncontrollably attracted to Asian women!! I wish I could stop, but I can't. It's an addiction!! :nuts: Expecially after living in Japan. So many of them are just so beautiful, with such delicate, feminine features. But I'm not opposed to non-Asian women at all. It just seems like, for me (and once again, I know it's wrong), if a girl is Asian, it gives her about 3 extra points on a scale of 1 to 10. :cute: I need help.

I am like that aswell. My first crush was on a Asian girl when I was around 10 years old. I have a major attraction to Asian girls, especially Japanese women. I also find all other women very attractive aswell, but for some reason I just find Japanese women "more" attractive and I have sort of a thing for them.
Asian women are definitely attractive, but I wouldn't go as far as to say "more attractive". There can be super attractive women of any ethnicity, as well as ones that aren't attractive.

That said, I will admit that I have a thing for asians, but it doesn't impare my judgement as to how attractive others are. If I had a shot with Marissa Tomei, I'm not going to say "Hey...could you pretend you're japanese...?".
Japanimaniac said:
...If I had a shot with Marissa Tomei, I'm not going to say "Hey...could you pretend you're japanese...?".

:D Brilliance.
Japanimaniac said:
Yeah, I thought so, too ^.^

Ah, and tactless self-confidence. I like that. A lot.

Congrats, you've earned my seal of approval. Not that it matters, but considering how many people I openly admit to admiring, it should mean something positive.
Winter said:
Ah, and tactless self-confidence. I like that. A lot.

Congrats, you've earned my seal of approval. Not that it matters, but considering how many people I openly admit to admiring, it should mean something positive.

Wow, these e-mail notifications really work. Thanks, Winter. It means so much to me. And don't worry, that wasn't sarcastic.
Japanimaniac said:
And don't worry, that wasn't sarcastic.

If it was, I'd probably like you even more.
Winter said:
If it was, I'd probably like you even more.

It was! It was!

I think I'm trying too hard now. Do I at least get brownie points...?
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I think your poll should be more specific - I guess you could say I have a thing for Japanese women, but other than that Asian women in general aren't more attractive to me than any other race.
Short ones, tall ones, skinny ones, plump ones, smart ones, dumb ones, redheads, blondes, brunettes, auburns, white, black, red, brown, yellow, innies, outies, pierced, unpierced, tatooed, untatooed, dressed, undressed, upside-down, right-side-up, underwater, in the air...

I just like women. I am stronly attracted to femininity.

Oh yeah, and I'm married too, so, aside from the wife, I'm just browsing.
To paraphrase the philosopher Popeye:
I likes what I likes and I likes 'em all :)
My favorite "race" is female, breathing, age appropriate, and willing.

But Seriously- so far, I'm still with my first girlfriend for the last 24 years (18 years of marriage). Only one I've ever kissed.

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