Do you prefer Asian or non-Asian women?

Asian woman or not?

  • most definitely asian!

    Votes: 17 30.9%
  • other than asian

    Votes: 3 5.5%
  • both

    Votes: 35 63.6%

  • Total voters
RockLee said:
I know...but the other dude made a post quoting mac instead of you...there's where it all got wrong

HITMAN-X said:
I ment to quote mac

Ha.. you see.. I'm innocent I tell you !! innocent!!
Well I was walking around and then BAM I was innocent, that's pretty much the story of how I am innocent
-The End
it doesn't even matter if i was joking or not,, i still didn't say anything *bad* about bisexuals... i just said they get the best of both worlds...

i happen to have a friend that keeps telling me i should be bi like him.. and get the best of both worlds... but that's beside the point..
ANYWAYS, back to the topic....

When I was younger I had a strong attraction to girls with red (natural orange) hair. I go through phases and right now I'm in Asian girl mode. It's never been a conscious choice, it's just the way things work out. But I certainly don't shun girls who aren't in the group I'm currently attracted to. The only difference is, when I'm attracted to a particular group, they just happen to turn my head a little more than they used to.
Brooker said:
ANYWAYS, back to the topic....

When I was younger I had a strong attraction to girls with red (natural orange) hair. I go through phases and right now I'm in Asian girl mode. It's never been a conscious choice, it's just the way things work out. But I certainly don't shun girls who aren't in the group I'm currently attracted to. The only difference is, when I'm attracted to a particular group, they just happen to turn my head a little more than they used to.

*agrees wholeheartedly*
these words could just as well have come from me had i been gifted with the tounge of non-idiocy.
I like both (all). There are cute asian girls, there are cute American girls, there are cute Swedish girls and so on.
I don't especially like (or dislike) Asian girls. There's a good amount of cute ones about them.
However, the best looking girls are imo those from the North (Norway, Sweden... that kinda area) :love:

Sinspawne said:
Personally, i prefer asian women over western...
they are just so darn cute :blush:
You live right there with some of the best looking girls - how could you not like them? :eek:kashii:
Well, it's your business, that just leaves all the more for me! :D
Yeah, I think that my favorite girls are the hot ones. I'm not race/nationality specific when it comes to that (or anything else, I like to think). As for a trend, I don't know that there is one for me. Hot girls are hot girls, and that's all that matters to me.
no preference
but I am attracted to girls who are into music and sports

and as for Chinese girls
it seems that American born Chinese,or Canadian born Chinese girls fits me better
King of Tokyo said:
Only people who say looks don't matter is ugly guys who can't get a girl that's good looking

I dissagree totally on this one with you KOT i am an obese guy and I belive beauty is on the inside and alow me to show you one of the girls I have chasing after me. She is beautiful or at least i think so let me know what you guys think.

Sorry KOT i didnt feel right posting it up there for you all to see i will send it to you or any one else that wants to see it.

Ok i will put it up overnight but then i am taking it off.

ok times up.
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I am SO against preferring one racial chracteristic exclusively.

Girls from any country can be ugly or beautiful, fat or thin.

Right now I have an obsession with snagging an Indian girl. Some Indian girls can be... oh my god :swoon:

Japanese girls can be VERY beautiful. But if you're in Japan go to any big center and just watch for 30 minutes. You will also see some terrifingly ugly girls. Just like any urban center anywhere in the world.

In Japan I've had the pleasure of seeing some beautiful or incredibly hot girls. Also seen some of the ugliest beasts I've ever laid eyes on.

No I need to book a ticket to India.
I prefer women whom I prefer. That pretty much sums it up.

Call me old fashioned, but I just dont get how ethnicity makes a difference. If someone is physically pretty, than thats that. I dont get how one ethnicity can be prettier than another. Or uglier.

Seems as a whole as humans, we've got a nice dose of pretty, and ugly.
Pooka, I have to agree with you about the Indian girls. Some of those Indian girls are the most gorgeous women I've ever seen. They can have the most beautiful eyes, skin and hair.

And Winter says it best. ;)
*scratches head*...Sigh...I guess I didn't state my purpose that good :relief:
I wanted to know to WHICH kind you feel attracted too...more to J-girls...or to other girls...or both :p
Well, like I said before, I don't notice any trend with myself liking a higher percentage of on type over the others, but of course I haven't done a scientific study of the matter, either. :p As far as I can tell, it depends on whom I am around at the time. If I'm around more Japanese women, then most likely I'll have a tendency to like more of them. If I'm around more black women, then I'll have a tendency to like more of them, etc.
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I choose both!
Because I love all women. But Asian women are in that bracket like..."Never had the chance to holla at one but when i find a good one.....its on!" on the other hand american, european, brazilian, jamaican, czech, puerto rican[just to name a few] and the such, i like them because...thats all i been with... :D

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