Do you have eye problems ?

I suffer from :

  • slight myopia

    Votes: 9 30.0%
  • strong myopia

    Votes: 10 33.3%
  • slight astigmatism

    Votes: 4 13.3%
  • strong astigmatism

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • slight hyperopia

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • strong hyperopia

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • slight presbyopia

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • strong presbyopia

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • color blindness

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • night myopia

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • amblyopia

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • I should wear glasses/contact lenses but I don't know what I have

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • I wear glasses/contact lenses but I don't know what I have

    Votes: 3 10.0%

  • Total voters


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Rare of the people with a perfect eyesight nowadays. Many people suffer from myopia (shortsightedness), some from astigmatism (problems seeing lines), others from presbyopia (a kind of farsightedness) or hypermetropia (farsightedness). Some people cannot distinguish green from red, which is called Daltonism (color blindness). There is also a condition known as night myopia, in which the person cannot see well in low illumination areas.

I suffer from slight myopia. What are you ?
I had amblyopia (lazy eye) when I was very young, but trained my eyes well enough that i would move them relatively individually of each other.

Unfortunately my right eye is legally blind, but that's because my left eye is so dominant that the right one gets tired easily. This means that corrective lenses
do very little for me.
Im badly shortsigted, but with my contact lenses ( or specs ) i can see just fine. :relief:
but if i lose them or something .. im almost tehnicaly classified as "partially sighted", so i am useless without my eye wear. :(
I have a bit of astigmatism too, but its corrected.
Im lucky i guess. One of my friends has really bad eye sight. She wears contact lenses too .. but it doesnt correct all of it .. :( she has some degree of color blindness .. im not sure the name of the condition .. she cant see pale colors properly, like if someone write red pen on white paper it cause her a problem.
My dream would be to have perfect vision .. but .. having known a few blind people i feel lucky i have my vision at all. :p
I have very slight presbyopia (only +0.25), but not through age as I have had it since I was about 9 or 10. I can see perfectly well without glasses, although I have to hold whatever I'm looking at at arms' length. If I don't wear my glasses for close work I get a headache.
I'm badly short-sighted. I can manage to find my way around without glasses but it is incredibly unnerving because of the blurriness.
I've had glasses/contacts since about 5th grade, and my eyes got progressively worse through school. They seem to have stabilized at about -3.75, which I hear is only slightly before the cutoff point of eligibilty for laser eye surgery. I wear contacts exclusively now.

I plan on fixing my eyes since my health benefits cover some of it. The worst part is waking up with either blurred vision (imagine if there was a fire) or leaving my contacts in and them drying out.
Slight myopia and wear contacts. I don't think I can handle wearing glasses all the time, seems like too much of a hussle.

I just visited my eye doctor, and he told me that my eyesight hasn't changed since last year which is a good news. I can read fine without contacts when I hold a book upclose.
I don't have problems with my eyes, well not YET... I'm sure I will get it in the future.

at least glasses aren't taboo anymore.
strong hyperopia.. i have it since i was child, but i wear glasses just for last couple of years, because until i started my faculty and hard work day and night (drawing...and later on computer also), i havent big problems...
good reminder, i should visit my doctor soon...
to this day i have no eye problems yet... however i'm really into glasses and ppl who wear them... btw alma is good to see you back
thanks duo :) it is good to be back here.. hopefully, i'll be around more often again :)
Jref Made Me Go Blind.......

shortly after becoming addicted to JREF, I was driving home one afternoon and became blind in my left eye and had just tunnel vission in my right eye. Took a couple asprin and lay down, it went away? A week later the same thing happen again for a half hour. The third time it happened I went to an eye surgeon(dumb ol me hates going to doctors). At the time I was reading 2 or 3 hours a day and spending 3 to 5 hours on JREF. Turns out it was due to eye strain; the doc called it optic migrain, no head ache, just temporary blindness. So his solution was to give up reading or give up JREF; I no longer read!


I guess I'm farsighted since I wear glasses when I read or at the computer as I am now. Guess I'm not invulnerable after all!
Maciamo said:
Rare of the people with a perfect eyesight nowadays. Many people suffer from myopia (shortsightedness), some from astigmatism (problems seeing lines), others from presbyopia (a kind of farsightedness) or hypermetropia (farsightedness). Some people cannot distinguish green from red, which is called Daltonism (color blindness). There is also a condition known as night myopia, in which the person cannot see well in low illumination areas.

I suffer from slight myopia. What are you ?

I get short sitedness and the other one mixed up.

I'm 17,I can easily see things close up, but not far away.
I have a "lazy eye" as well. Well, what the medical definition is anyways. I guess it's because one eye is stronger than the other. It wasn't always like this, but it's become worse with time. One eye is 20/20, the other is like 20/40, maybe a bit worse.
I should where a contact, but it was difficult for me to get used to. Besides that, I didn't go into the eye doctor because of my "lazy eye", I went because I have a lot of excess "floaters" in my eyes, and they are getting worse and worse. The optometrist didn't tell me anything about that. :eek:kashii:
I'm very shortsighted, and have a slight astigmatism. I wear contacts (and sometimes specs).

Like you really wanted to know that...
i guess i have amblyopia. my right eye is lazy and has slight myopia too whereas my left eye is normal.
nice gaijin said:
I had amblyopia (lazy eye) when I was very young, but trained my eyes well enough that i would move them relatively individually of each other.

Unfortunately my right eye is legally blind, but that's because my left eye is so dominant that the right one gets tired easily. This means that corrective lenses
do very little for me.

:p That's the exact same thing as me, except it's in my left eye. :blush:
I'm nearsighted, only badly on my right eye though :( My father,brother and sister wear glasses too, go figure who the culprit is ! :/
I wear glasses since 1st grade, last year I started to wear glasses almost every day when using the pc, tv, movies,etc...I can't stand anything close to my eyes, so I guess contacts are a "nono" for me :p

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