Do you eat meat or follow any codes/ways of diet?

Please answer the options honestly :) .

  • I eat meat all the time! Almost every day or two!

    Votes: 19 63.3%
  • I eat meat a lot, probably at least once or twice a week.

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • I eat meat occasionally, maybe once every 2 weeks or more.

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • I eat meat rarely (i.e. once a month or less)

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • I hardly ever eat meat (only a couple of times a year or less)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don?ft eat meat at all.

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • I am a flexitarian/semi-vegetarian.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am a pescatarian.

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • I am a lacto-ovo vegetarian.

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • I am a lacto vegetarian.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am a vegan.

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • I am a fruitarian.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I follow/have a macrobiotic diet.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I follow/have a Raw or Living Food Diet.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am trying to change/improve my diet currently.

    Votes: 8 26.7%
  • I am satisfied/happy with my diet currently.

    Votes: 12 40.0%
  • I chose my way of diet due to health/personal reasons.

    Votes: 10 33.3%
  • I chose my way of diet due to reasons concerning morality.

    Votes: 6 20.0%
  • I chose my way of diet due to religious reasons.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other?c

    Votes: 1 3.3%

  • Total voters
if im hungry and there is meat to eat... well guess what i eat meat. thats my rule
Tokis_Phoenix said: must have a lot of self discipline to cut out all sugar, or at least thats the one i would find the most difficult personally. Which one did you find the most difficult to cut out of your diet?
Most of the things I have cut out oir severely limited were difficult. I think ice creme was the most difficult.

It wasn't easy at first as I was a drinker of all kinds of soft drinks and ate candy and ice creme on a regular basis. Then I found out how bad and toxic to the body sugar (as well as milk) is and how addicting it is not mentally, but physically. The body begins to crave it much like heroin.

It is said that just ***** of processed sugar severly impedes the immune system of the human body for a couple of hours in order for it to fight off the sugar. This leaves you open to other influences like colds and the flu, among other diseases. With all the sugar in soft drinks and candy the immune system is overwhelmed almost constantly if you consume them on a regular basis.

Once I found this out, and confirmed it with other sources, it was easy to give it up. I craved it for a while and slowly weaned myself off it. I just looked it as poison. This doesn't mean I do not drink the occassional Dr Pepper or eat chocolate once in a while, but it's no where near what I used to eat and drink. Now they are using High Fructose Corn Syrup in many drinks and, being cheaper than sugar, is just as bad.

Diet drinks are no better in that they use aspertame in most of them and that is more toxic to the body than sugar. Just do an internet search and you'll be amazed at what you find.

Diabetes and obesity is a severe problem here in the US especially among young children and there is now a "new" condition known as "pre-diabetes" (what a joke). The medical industry and the pharmaceuticals are making billions from diabetes when all parents have to do is severely cut out the sugar in their diets.

The medical profession as well as the FDA and others know how toxic sugar and aspertame is, but it is a worldwide multi-billion dollar industry, so they keep quiet. But the info is out there if you look for it.
Can you detail out the vitamin supplements that you are taking? I stopped taking milk about 4 years back but I do eat milk products(curd, cheese, cottage cheese, etc.) I drink soft drinks once in 6 months or so. The use of high fructose corn syrup is not a minor cause of obesity and insulin intolerance in the US.
Is your diet a continuation of what you used to eat in japan before you left for the US?
Pachipro said:
Luckily, at 51, I have perfect health and since I started taking alot of vitimin suppliments about 13 years ago I have not been sick a single day. Not so much as a cold. This from a person who would get sick on a yearly basis years back.
I severely cut out all sugar and do not drink any kind of sugered soft drinks or diet soft drinks as I believe they truly are poison to the body. I also do not drink any dairy products, but I do have a weakness for cheese. I just take extra fiber when I eat cheese. I believe that if you keep the immune system healthy with suppliments, try to eat healthy, (as you cannot get any minerals and vitimins from processed foods these days) you will stay healthy in both mind and body.
My diet consists of mostly fish, poultry and vegetables, occasional meat and junk food, always with suppliments including fiber.
This does not mean that I live a bland lifestyle. I still smoke and drink alcohol, and eat the occasional pizza, cheese, junk food and meat. Just a few months ago I went for an MRI of the heart to determine if I had any clogged arteries or plaque build-up. My test was returned with zero plaque of the heart and it was stated that I had the heart of a 30 year old! Also, blood tests confirmed that my cholestoral was normal. I'd like to think it was because of the suppliments, but I do not believe in coincidences. So I will continue with my present diet and lifestyle for the time being.
Educational tip:
Pre-Diabetes, or insulin resistance is a very very common affliction that hits most overweight, middle aged Americans (like me) who drank too much pepsi, ate too much chocolate and trained our body to ignore insulin with fast food. The range for Pre-Diabetes is a fasting blood sugar of 100-125 mg/dl or an A1C of between 7 and 8%. Anything above those numbers is Type II diabetes.

Everyone 40 or older or 20% overweight or more should have a blood test for fasting blood sugar and A1c. A1c measures the percentage of hemoglobin that has glucose attached to it. The higher the percentage, the higher your average blood sugar over a three month period (the average life of a red blood cell).

Since cutting down my sugar almost four months ago, I have lost 30 pounds and my blood sugar and blood pressure are under control. I also visited a dietician and nurse every week for a month to come up with my "eating plan." Which I try to stick to. Although I had cut out fat and salt a long time ago, the portion sizes of what I was eating was way too large and sugar or corn syrup was in much of what I was eating.

I would still recommend that you stop smoking though... your diet is pretty worthless if you die of cancer or emphasema.
I need to lose some weight - about 10 pounds to a stone. Considering that I am vegetarian and absolutely useless at self denial, does anyone have any tips?
i guess i'm rather 'old-school' when it comes to my diet...
i'm trying to stick to things we've learned in school, like

the biggest problem with my diet is surely coffee. i drink about 3-4 cups every day, especially in the morning. otherwise, i wouldn't be able to get out of bed. :sleep:
i'm glad i gave up smoking, in the end, when i smoked about half a pack a day, i really felt bad. haven't smoked a cigarette for about 1 1/2 yrs now (maybe one time when i was drunk, but i don't remember)
Rich303 said:
... You wouldnt see many Sushi restaurants where I live though, the demand is just not there.
i don't know much about 'authentic' sushi, but even in my - pretty agricultural - area, there's a demand. in my 15 000 ppl 'city', some japanese people run a sushi restaurant, and they've got a lotta customers every day. for most of the people here, it's truly extravagant, the food aswell as the show cooking. but i know, things in london are a little different :blush:
KrazyKat said:
... By the way, do you have marmite over there in the US? I have a feeling that you don't, but then you would all be missing out. :)
I put Eat meat almost daily because i eat what i want, when i want, or whats given to me, and it ussually has meat somewhere in there.

I love Haggis, but i dont get it often.
I'm on the Atkins diet. It's pretty easy as I can still eat most of the things I like like meat, fish, cheese. It was hard to give up bread at first but now I am used to it. I miss pierogi too, and sushi (but sashimi is ok).
Try working out. Doesn't have to be anything fancy, but just a slight increase in your daily physical activity can help you drop weight fairly quickly. Maybe take up jogging or just park your car a block or two from your destination and walk the rest of the way. The most importaint thing is to not overdo it though, the reason most weight-loss plans fail is because the person tries to push themselves too hard or lose weight too fast--causing a natural rebound where you end up binging and putting all the weight back on. Just take it slow and gradual and you'd be suprised how easy it is.
Thanks Tsuyoiko. I have heard things too, both bad and good. Just a matter of keeping an eye on everything I think, to make sure I don't get sick. I don't plan on staying on the first phase for years to come anyway.

As an aside, I've noticed some anti-Atkins writers claim that Atkins recommended gorging yourself and eating unlimited amounts of eggs, meat etc. That is not true though, he recommended eating just the amont to feel satifsifed but not stuffed. As one of the links you put up points out (and something I have found), the diet suppresses your appetite, so you are unlikely to overeat, or let alone gorge yourself. Each to their own though, it's easy enough to get on a diet and then get checkup with your doctor to make sure everything is regular.
Index said:
Thanks Tsuyoiko. I have heard things too, both bad and good. Just a matter of keeping an eye on everything I think, to make sure I don't get sick. I don't plan on staying on the first phase for years to come anyway.
As an aside, I've noticed some anti-Atkins writers claim that Atkins recommended gorging yourself and eating unlimited amounts of eggs, meat etc. That is not true though, he recommended eating just the amont to feel satifsifed but not stuffed. As one of the links you put up points out (and something I have found), the diet suppresses your appetite, so you are unlikely to overeat, or let alone gorge yourself. Each to their own though, it's easy enough to get on a diet and then get checkup with your doctor to make sure everything is regular.

I think the theory behind the atkins diet was that protein is a hunger supressant and also good for giving you lots of long term energy- so with a high protein diet you would feel less hungry and put on less weight.
With such a diet though you must keep a steady eye on nutrition though as it cuts out a lot of food sources.
I take it you are on the atkins diet for weight loss? Is it good?
It seems to be working, but I haven't paid a huge amount of attention to my weight. I think I have lost 5-7 kgs in the four or five weeks I have been on it, but at the same time I have not been too fanatical with it. It's fairly easy to stick to, and definitely suppresses your appetite. I veered off a bit during Easter though. Also I have found that I have more energy (except for the first week when I felt awful), and I don't get sleepy in the late afternoon.
I think there is definitely something to the protein thing. I always include some protein in each meal, and it does seem to cut down on snacking. I used to eat toast for breakfast, and would be hungry again after about 10 minutes. Now I eat muesli with lots of oats, nuts and seeds and some skimmed milk, and it keeps me feeling full for much longer. Eating out can be a problem though, although it is getting better. A lot of places seem to think that cheese is the only meat substitute :eek:kashii: Wetherspoons five bean chilli is good though - and dead cheap.

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