Religion Do You believe in Miracles?

Do yoy believe in miracles?

  • Yes (Explain below)

    Votes: 6 42.9%
  • No (Explain Below)

    Votes: 8 57.1%

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I've never seen a miracle, nor never even heard of a miracle taking place within my world. I have read of a couple miracles in Guidepost, one that sticks out in my mind is a person being cured of cancer, after the doctors opened him up, looked inside, closed him back up, and told him he had perhaps two weeks to live. The cancer that had spread to many organs suddenly vanished.

I don't know if I believe in miracles, although I do know I wouldn't be opposed were a miracle to take place.
No. What would be considered a miracle 200 years ago is today easily explained by science, and I think this trend of "disproving miracles" is likely to continue forever. Even if 'miracles' are possible, I surely have never seen any nor do I see any reason to believe anyone has. In the future, I think people will only consider miracles things that are extremely unlikely to occur, but given the huge amount of people and events that occur in our world (in a probability equation they would be considered as the number of tries), "unlikely" things are bound to happen; it would be stranger if they didn't!
Hope this makes sense...
Certainly not. I believe in people fooled by their senses, people with too much imagination, people who make up stories to get attention, and events that remain unexplained for the time being but will have an explanation.

When the Incas and Aztecs saw the Spaniards shoot their guns or canons, not only did they think it was a "miracle", they thought that the Spaniards were gods. I am pretty sure that a few centuries ago, many things that science can now explain were thought of as miracles or supernatural events (e.g. object moving due to magnetic fields, aurora borealis, corpses that do not rot in their tomb, diseases suddenly cured, etc.).

Basically, statistical studies ahev shown that most of the people who believe in miracles also believe in spiritism, in astrology, in a personal god, in angels, in paranomal/supernatural events, in UFO's coming on Earth (not just life somewhere else in the universe), and some even in magics. Stats also show that younger people and women are more likely to believe in all these (yes, even in god).
No i don't believe in miracles. All things must be done by people, there is nothing above us, which helps us, heals us or does some miracle.

If your sick, your sick. Only tehnology and good doctors can help you. And ofcourse the will to survive.

If you are sad, because you've broke up with your friend for an unimportant reason or because of a little fight, no miracle will bring him back to you. Maybe just a talk and understanding from both sides.

I'm not saying all those people who claimed there saw a miracle of any kind are lying. Maybe they just can't explain it or it doesn't make sense to them, but that doesn't mean it was really a miracle. There is always a logical explination.

I believe what i see.
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Anything that contradicts the laws of Nature is impossible. If something can't be explained it is because we lack the knowledge to explain it, but someday we will understand it.

I don't mind using the word 'miracle' to refer to something surprising - like 'it's a miracle I got to work on time with all this traffic'.
Tsuyoiko said:
I don't mind using the word 'miracle' to refer to something surprising - like 'it's a miracle I got to work on time with all this traffic'.

Like my mother. :p Anyway i prefer to say 'I was lucky...' or something smiliar.
You guys seem to have such a narrow definition of "miracle." You can feel free to broaden it a bit.

I think this world is a place of surprise, magic and wonder where miracles can be found where ever you look hard enough. Certainly most of them have natural explanations or can be explained by simple coincidence. I doesn't diminish them to me. And the human miracles- the unexpected, sublime, exceptional behaviors of my fellow man- whether it is helping, or healing, or forgiving or achieving- they give me hope.

Luck?....what's luck?
On the narrow definition of miracle:
Thomas Paine said:
We have never seen, in our time, nature go out of her course; but we have good reason to believe that millions of lies have been told in the same time; it is, therefore, at least millions to one, that the reporter of a miracle tells a lie.
sabro said:
You guys seem to have such a narrow definition of "miracle." You can feel free to broaden it a bit.

I think this world is a place of surprise, magic and wonder where miracles can be found where ever you look hard enough. Certainly most of them have natural explanations or can be explained by simple coincidence. I doesn't diminish them to me. And the human miracles- the unexpected, sublime, exceptional behaviors of my fellow man- whether it is helping, or healing, or forgiving or achieving- they give me hope.

Luck?....what's luck?

I agree with you, Sabro. A miracle, in my opinion, can be anything from a surgery with a 80% fail rate succeeding to a son coming back from war, even though his division was said to be lost to enemy fire.
I watched the last few minutes of the Rose Bowl. It was truly a Longhorn miracle.

Kirk Gibson in game 1 of the 1988 World Series: Miracle

George W. Bush becoming a two term president: Work of Satan, unholy coincidence, nasty evil intervention of fate, bad luck and karma.
sabro said:
You guys seem to have such a narrow definition of "miracle." You can feel free to broaden it a bit.

I think this world is a place of surprise, magic and wonder where miracles can be found where ever you look hard enough. Certainly most of them have natural explanations or can be explained by simple coincidence. I doesn't diminish them to me. And the human miracles- the unexpected, sublime, exceptional behaviors of my fellow man- whether it is helping, or healing, or forgiving or achieving- they give me hope.

Luck?....what's luck?
Sabro, if your definition of miracle is broad to the point that it can mean absolutely anything, I don't think the question "Do you believe in Miracles?" is really a valid one anymore. That would be like asking "Do you believe in Goblins?" and then saying that "goblins" can also mean "humans" or "waterfalls". It's simply not a valid question.
Luck is just a word we use when something good happens by pure chance. No magic here.
kumo said:
Sabro, if your definition of miracle is broad to the point that it can mean absolutely anything, I don't think the question "Do you believe in Miracles?" is really a valid one anymore. That would be like asking "Do you believe in Goblins?" and then saying that "goblins" can also mean "humans" or "waterfalls". It's simply not a valid question.
Luck is just a word we use when something good happens by pure chance. No magic here.

Kumo, that is just the thing what I mean that Christians do to hem and haw and back their way out of corners. If something doesn`t fit, "hey, rewrite the meanings of the words," and then everything fits quite well.

To say a "miracle" is something happening when it has an 80% of not happening is just....errrr... a miraculous leap in faith to expect those who have not relinquished their reason yet to accept.

I had only a 20% chance of getting home in time to watch a good porno on a satelite station -- but Thank Jeeeeeeeeesus for 'miracles,' because I made it home and got to see every bit of it!

So, is that a miracle, brother Sabro? According to your weak definition of one it is. You tell me.

I am guessing that bookie makers in Vegas and throughout the country are getting rich or poor on all these 80% odds that are defied by miracles. Good thing Bible God is in the miracle business, huh.

By the way, why is "God" one "o" short of "Good"?

Kind of like why is "Sabro" one "u" short of "Saburo"?

I guess both are lacking -- if not in "letters," definitely in "reason."

* Just for your interest in handle names which you expressed earlier.
Why do you need to belittle someone strongvoicesforward? There was no reason for the last comment made on your post. At no point was there a personnal attack on you. All you have to do is answer the question, but no you have to drag it down so it turns into YET another confrontation. Doing this is going to make you rapidly loose any credabilty that you might have on this forum. Just another note, Christianity is not the only religion to have miracles in them. You'll find them prevalent in Hindusim, Judaism, Buddhism etc.
Mycernius said:
Why do you need to belittle someone strongvoicesforward? There was no reason for the last comment made on your post. At no point was there a personnal attack on you. All you have to do is answer the question, but no you have to drag it down so it turns into YET another confrontation. Doing this is going to make you rapidly loose any credabilty that you might have on this forum. Just another note, Christianity is not the only religion to have miracles in them. You'll find them prevalent in Hindusim, Judaism, Buddhism etc.

Mycernius, obviously you either didn`t see the comment made by Sabro on my handle name or you are just selectively ignoring it. Which is it of the two? You tell me. I am guessing it was the former since I don`t recall seeing your reply to him in the same vein.

About miracles, no one ever did say that Xtianity was the only religion that had miracles. Are you saying someone hinted at that? However, trying to say that miracles are just overcoming the odds of 80% is just turning the term into a bookies' odds game.

So, again, if we pray for something when it has less than a 20% chance of happening, even if it is a bad request, and it materializes, does that mean a miracle has happened? According to Saburo's rules for defining miracles, it does.
I guess it depends on one's definition of the word miracle. To me a miracle is something that, beyond all odds and reality, and nature and physics, etc., could not have possibly happened. I had one happen to me:

It was our first ever night out alone in an 18 wheeler about eight years ago. I was driving team with my cousin. I was travelling on very busy Interstate 40 (I-40) east out of Nashville, TN. I decided to pull over on an on-ramp to check our route. The on-ramp was a slight upgrade. Due to my inexperience, I did not set the air brakes, but instead placed my foot on the brake. I must've did it lightly because, as we were looking at the map, my cousin blurted out, Hey! We're moving backwards!"

We were perpendicular to the interstate! The truck and trailer had rolled backwards and curved where the trailer lay across three lanes of highway! I jammed it into gear in a panic and pulled onto the shoulder. With my heart beating a mile a minute, I looked out the window, sweat beginning to bead on my brow, and the eastbound lanes were completely devoid of cars or trucks! This was impossible in this city at this time of evening! It was maybe 10-20 seconds later that traffic seemed to flow in it's usual busy pattern.

Now, how, at 7 pm, on this very busy piece on Interstate highway not one single car or truck was coming or slammed into us, possibly killing one or more people, is beyond me and why did the truck not jack-knife the other way and put us in a ditch or something, I can only chalk it up to a "miracle". I am not religious, but something occuring like this makes me wonder if something, beyond our three-dimensional understanding of nature, had not just occured. To me some thing or some one or whatever must have intervened to stop the flow of traffic. Maybe it really was a coincidence of timing or I had really entered the "Twilight Zone" for a brief period. I don't know. But no traffic at all? At this time and place? Virtually impossible.

Call it a coincidence if you wish but, personally, I do not believe in coincidences. To me this was a "miracle" in the truest sense of the word for, had a car, or bus, or whatever slammed into us that early evening, I may just be writing this from a jail cell somewhere in Tennessee convicted on involuntary manslaughter or something!

Maybe, just maybe afterall, there is a plan for all of us in this life. I do not know. But it sure makes me think.
My name is Sabro. After Sabro Hasegawa... it is just the way this man chose to anglicize his name. It is identical to the Romanji: Saburo and is not lacking in any way. Please do not ridicule my name.
strongvoicesforward said:
To say a "miracle" is something happening when it has an 80% of not happening is just....errrr... a miraculous leap in faith to expect those who have not relinquished their reason yet to accept.

strongvoicesforward, obviously you misunderstood my meaning behind my example. What I meant was that even though the odds were against a good thing happening, it did, and that would be miraculous. I'm sorry if I made my example to broad for you to comprehend.:sorry:

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