DNA Tribes, is this a joke ?


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well, i've been discussing with some guys who claimed that Spain was 18% north-african, that Italy was 27% levantine, that Celts (?) are 10% Basque, Portuguese 17% Basque , Greeks 28% Mesomopotanaim and other crap like that.
So I asked them their sources for such claims, and they showed me DNA Tribes here :

Is this for real ? Are they professional scientists ? It's hard to believe...They should be banned...:petrified:
well, i've been discussing with some guys who claimed that Spain was 18% north-african, that Italy was 27% levantine, that Celts (?) are 10% Basque, Portuguese 17% Basque , Greeks 28% Mesomopotanaim and other crap like that.
So I asked them their sources for such claims, and they showed me DNA Tribes here :

Is this for real ? Are they professional scientists ? It's hard to believe...They should be banned...:petrified:

They are certainly of-the-wall. I think I read something DNA Tribes wrote about Central, Northern Portuguese and Northern Spaniards being something like 38% Nordic, genetically... :confused: IMO, a large number of the percentages they proffer are nuts but a few make sense.
That was already posted by Maciamo in another thread. Hilarious stuff.

Figure 12: 6,1% of finnic contribution in Portugal and North-Spain... yeah right. :LOL:
That was already posted by Maciamo in another thread. Hilarious stuff.
Figure 12: 6,1% of finnic contribution in Portugal and North-Spain... yeah right. :LOL:

Oh, you don't know I'm part Sammi !? ... :LOL:
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This finnic % I guess is probably based on the mtDNA V, but they are too stupid to interpret it correctly . Seems like some kid made it. And it is sad that so many people believe in this studies, which confirm stereotypes (Iberians north africans, Italians levants, etc)
DNA Tribes does not have a reputation of a serious, scientific-minded company. I have read things on their websites that was pure fantasy, really ludicrous.
If he says the people of northern Spain or Portugal is 38% Nordic, is wrong.

Overall, Spain and Portugal are about 9-10% Nordic / Germanic. Frequencies in the north are a little higher. The Beleza (2005-2006), et al. Y-DNA study of Portugal has the Braga region at close to 18% and parts of Tras os Montes and Leiria at 14-15%. I have no idea where some of the DNA Tribes figures come from. Much of what they suggest seems quite wrong.
That reaffirms my statements ..

In that round between 20% or less is obvious ..

But with 38% exaggerate too ..

Cambria, you speak Spanish?

It is the first time you encounter a Portuguese in a forum.
Does anyone know the referrence populations for the dnatribes Europa test? Like in the Celtic sub-region does it refer to just the native Celtic peoples of the British Isles or also to the Germanic settlers too?I have high matches for the Celtic region and Belgic(Low Countries) and the Norse regions too-so does it mean an Anlgo_celtic mixture? Or iare the matches in the Celtic region reffering to the Germanic settlers in the British Isles?Plus it says I too have some Finnish admixture though my entire family background is English and British.
Buf...according to what I read here the DNA Tribes test looks really bad. Some claims are pure nonsense, but this was posted a long time ago and perhaps they improved the analysis.

Doesn't matter, I don't plan to buy this service.
Most informed people realize that DNA Tribes is at least part fantasy and part exaggeration. Not worth spending time on this.
Iberians are always seen as % of something.
When I tested myself with DNA tribes some years ago I came back a Canary Islander.
That deserves a huge LOL :LOL:
On my Europa test I was closest to Portuguese DnatribesEuropa.jpg

I have done 23andMe and I have also sent my raw data to Eurogenes and Dodecad projects which all show that I'm fully North European, so it's obviously the DNAtribe results that were faulty.
Both Eurogenes and Dodecad are the best options to get an accurate idea. DNAtribes...what a joke xd

Thanks for sharing your experience, Pallantides ;)
Should I get genetic testing done on 23andme, FTDNA, Eurogenes, or DOCAD? Which one is the best?
My father recently got his DNA Tribes results... but first some background information.

Our paternal line has been in the U.S. since at least the 1700's. We have a fairly Germanic surname, and my dad is at least 25% recent Irish import through his maternal side (he's even visited the family property in Ireland). We've estimated his Irish admixture at 40%. My dad is y-haplogroup I1 with maternal haplogroup H.

We were expecting a standard European mix result (like my mom's side of the family got with the same test). There's an even mix of blue and brown eyes in his extended group (big family) with a decent amount of green sprinkled in too. Most siblings and cousins have blonde or light brown hair-- with one aunt and one female cousin having an 'exotic beauty' look none of us could figure out.

Also we wanted a native North American tie because it would be cool since we've been here for so long... but the test showed zero for the North Amerindian tribes. Almost no Irish admixture showed up and barely any German showed up.

The number one result... drum roll please... Andean tribe (from the Andes Mountains-- the Incas). We have no idea how it got there. Depending on how the test works I have it between 19 to 60% native Andes admixture.

I guess now I'm NordicIncan Warrior. Get ready for an overload of Incan facts and figures and reports of how great of structure Miccu Piccu (spelling?) is because that's how I roll.

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