Crime Crime maps of Europe

I think Northener would rather live in a neighborhood where he would potentially get his face slashed by a crackhead. At least there's no organized crime involved, and thus no high crime.
Maybe he would be happy in San Francisco, urination, public defection, shop lifting under $900 is technically not a crime. That would probably make him happier. No crime there!

Don't fill it in Jovialis, thanks!

Our circumstances and believes are different.

For the rest: I say come and visit Groningen and see for yourself If I'm lying and if this is sodom and gomorra....
Indeed, we're not naive. I've rarely seen an old house in a country town without iron grates on the windows on the first floor. That's also what dogs are for.


Try to get through that, why don't you? At the first of files etc., all the old women who sit in front of their windows to monitor their neighborhood will instantly call the police

It's these modern apartment blocks in the city which are dangerous.

It just occurred to me, northern Italian born and partially raised there who sometimes forgets to turn on the alarm system.

It infuriates my third generation Southern Italian husband. We inherited the alarm system, but he put in motion sensor flood lights outside, and motion sensors inside in case they somehow get in. Then there's our 80 pound part Doberman dog who would love to tear out the throat of anyone who came onto the property.

Meanwhile, we've never had a burglary. Maybe it's in the genes? Touch what's mine and you're dead?

Long live the diversity!
Zwarte Piet live in peace and harmony helping Sinterklaas at the end of year festivities. A perfect example of respect to diversity.
This is why I never trust these generalized maps. Do you have to go back in time, as you did, to get a clearer picture?

Were the numbers of newly arrived unskilled immigrants taken into consideration by country even in 2016 and up till now? How about other factors which might affect it, like intra-family murders fueled by alcohol or drug abuse. I hear they use a lot of meth in northern Europe, because it's difficult to get other things. Most people are murdered by people they know.

Numbers don't lie, but those who create them do not always consider all the important variables, or worse, indeed lie.

The timeline since the middle ages was the default, to get the clearer picture I actually zoomed in to recent times.

Feel free to read the original study. I know of no countrywide statistics that would exclude a type of criminals. Why would they?
Yes. Zwarte Piet live in peace and harmony helping Sinterklaas at the end of year festivities. A perfect example of tolerance and respect to diversity.

In the 'woke simplicity' this is the summary indeed. Much more to say about this.
Zwarte Piet live in peace and harmony helping Sinterklaas at the end of year festivities. A perfect example of respect to diversity.

To put an end to any possible confusion (and the bitterness between woke/BLM vs the right wing populist, who made the child festivity to a political affair) we now have a 'soot sweep' Piet. That is also more striking because he traditionally comes down the chimney to bring a surprise.

In the 'woke simplicity' this is the summary indeed. Much more to say about this.

Woke: the wildcard word that can be used for everything when we are talking of unsolved racial issues.

PS: Those who go down the chimney, in addition to the soot that spreads over the body, also find Angolan necklaces and earrings to wear and their hair is burned to the point of becoming extremely frizzy.
flashy on the outside, because they have to continue to tout this facade that everyone is equal.

It's the perfect system for the rich if you think about it. No one will ever take away your money. Just give the lower orders subsidized apartments, free education and health care, and pretend everyone lives that way. The Scaninavian aversion to showing off takes care of the rest.

As for me, I'd rather see the world and other human beings clearly; no sugar coating of reality.

As you said, the perfect system :) Happiness in the society is extremely high.

Making sure everyone is fed, healthy and has a basic education does create a stable society. And children take public transport alone to go to school.

As to flaunting the wealth, people do that. The world’s best restaurant has been in Denmark for the past few years. And there are very nice neighbourhoods. No copies of (say) Fontainebleau Palace that I know of, though.

Considering those indexes, the top tier is the top 10% of the society. I’d say it includes a big chunk of professionals like doctors or engineers.

A side note on wealth measurement. Home ownership and real estate prices determine a lot of that. In Sweden, the rate is 65%, about the same as US or UK but in German-speaking countries it’s around 50% ( Real estate prices have become a problem though, so much so that banks are issuing extra-long loans to make buying affordable.
Woke: the wildcard word that can be used for everything when we are talking of unsolved racial issues.

Absolute agree.

But on the whole Zwarte Piet had for me and most of the indigenous Dutch never a racial notion (only sweet memories and excitement about Sinterklaas and the surprises). But for some in our society this was differentiated and for them it was racial. I can understand that. Therefore the 'soot sweep' Piet is imo a good solution, no racial label and the tradition- the child festivity- is saved.

It's our Dutch Santa Claus, even more Sinterklaas was brought to New York by Dutch immigrants and became Santa Claus there....
Absolute agree.
But on the whole Zwarte Piet had for me and most of the indigenous Dutch never a racial notion (only sweet memories and excitement about Sinterklaas and the surprises). But for some in our society this was differentiated and for them it was racial. I can understand that. Therefore the 'soot sweep' Piet is imo a good solution, no racial label and the tradition- the child festivity- is saved.

It's our Dutch Santa Claus, even more Sinterklaas was brought to New York by Dutch immigrants and became Santa Claus there....

To you, your family and close friends, a merry Christmas, fed up, cheerful and full of harmony and peace.

These greetings are extended to all members of Eupedia.

Christmas greetings :heart:
To you, your family and close friends, a merry Christmas, fed up, cheerful and full of harmony and peace.

These greetings are extended to all members of Eupedia.

Christmas greetings :heart:

Also to you and your family Duarte!!!

About the Santa prototype and Zwarte Piet:

Rita Ghesquiere: 'Sinterklaas and Zwarte Piet are complex figures. Their origins extend far beyond the period of colonization. There are also different interpretations. Both figures have an ambiguous character in which positive and negative elements are incorporated. Already in the oldest legend 'The story of the three generals' an angry Nicholas speaks menacing language against the emperor. In the legend of Crux, Nicholas uses the rod. Several old legends also present Nicholas as a 'devil charmer'.

That idea is reinforced in the process of inculturation whereby Christianity incorporates ancient existing myths and rituals. Nicholas as a winter saint then takes on aspects of the Germanic god Wodan, who is both protective and threatening. Guido Gezelle speaks of 'Klaai den duvele' and refers to the English expression Old Nick, a synonym for the devil. From that point of view, Zwarte Piet is the defeated and converted 'demon' who in turn carries positive and negative elements. The rod or gard is originally a positive symbol. Whoever is touched by it gets life force and happiness. This interpretation of Sinterklaas as a winter saint and giver with a shadow figure or servant can only be found in Northern Europe.

In Dutch children's literature from the nineteenth century onwards, both figures are presented more as opposites, although this also requires nuance. In Schenkman's well-known book Sint Nicolaas and his servant, we see that Sint Nicolaas himself holds the sack in his hand and looks at the children sternly admonishing. The text reads:

Egg, egg that Sint Niklaas is far from tame!

There he puts two boys right in his pocket.

It is fixed wages for work and richly earned.

He does not like to punish children, but is their friend.

O bishop, forgive their deez' some time.

Grant, grant them mercy, they will never do it again!

In Bom's edition of the same book, both Saint and Piet ride a horse across the roof. Even then there was a form of equality. Both figures evolve with the zeitgeist. Pedagogical objections caused the punitive aspect to disappear. Secularization stripped Nicholas of his sanctity, the servant of his dark past. In recent decades, Saint Nicholas has been more of a sweet old grandpa. “There are no naughty children” is repeated year after year. The same applies to Zwarte Piet. He is no longer the menacing helper, but the co-organizer of the party. Often he even gets the leading role, because Saint Nicholas is presented as old, sick and tired.

Reducing Zwarte Piet to an externalization of colonial thinking is therefore a strong simplification, which is not entirely correct even after analysis. The religious interpretation offers more and better guidance. but there are other avenues of thought emerging. In his 1994 book Zwarte Piet, Arno Langeler connects the figure of Zwarte Piet with Cristoforo Moro, a historical figure from an illustrious family who played an ambiguous role during the battle for Cyprus in 1570-71. So not a slave at all, but a powerful man with African roots whose family tree goes back to Roman times.

It is also striking that this duo Sinterklaas and Piet is not known in the Southern European countries such as Spain and Portugal, two originally Catholic countries with a strong colonial past. We do find them in the Netherlands, Germany, Luxembourg, the north of France, Austria, Switzerland and the Czech Republic, among others. This indicates that elements from Germanic culture played an important role in the image.'

Is Zwarte Piet then not 'racist'?

Racist refers to the belief that one race is superior to another and the resulting discrimination. Sinterklaas and Zwarte Piet are different, but complement each other perfectly.

Moreover, Sinterklaas and Zwarte Piet belong in the first place to mythical thinking, not to rational sensory thinking. After all, rational thinking puts an end to the belief in Sinterklaas. Mythical thinking confronts us with another invisible, transcendent reality. The invisible, the night and the other play a role in this because it is precisely the Unheimlichkeit that removes the boundary between reality and unreality. Of course, stories also have a social relevance because they contain, for example, moral values and pedagogical views.

Looking for the roots of both figures, we see how a certain polarization emerges at a certain moment, but a careful analysis of texts and prints reveals more ambiguity.

Until the 1960s, Piet was presented as the subordinate of Saint Nicholas, sometimes with negative features or menacing. Analysis of recent children's literature shows very clearly that Zwarte Piet has evolved into a decidedly positive character, a pivotal figure who carries the party along. A large-scale study in the Netherlands by Gábor Kozijn in 2014 shows that more than 90 percent of adults and children do not experience Zwarte Piet as racist, but do indeed give the figure a positive image of 'fun', funny' and 'smart'. The opinion of Amsterdammers differs in the sense that a large minority there experience the figure as discriminatory. Among the opponents, Surinamese and Ghanaians in particular set the tone. It is striking that they do not find Zwarte Piet discriminatory for themselves, but for others. It is therefore more about a principled attitude that is not based on knowledge of the stories. But confronting the perception and/or the feelings is not an easy thing.

Criticism from a feminist angle also regularly crops up. Feminists find it discriminatory that the world of Sinterklaas is primarily a male affair. That kind of displeasure usually elicits little sympathy. More positive is the plea to be alert, for example, to the stereotypes in the toys; The same goes for racism. Racist representations of Zwarte Piet, such as lazy or stupid, should rightly be banned from children's literature and other cultural products.'

Is the 'soot sweeper' closer to the original than our current Zwarte Piet with the red lips and the black curls?

‘The soot sweeper who only turns black because of his work in the chimney is indeed closer to what we find in Germanic culture, where the chimney plays an important role as a connection to the world of the gods. In the hearth the gifts are left - the last sheaf, the last fruits of the field - to appease the gods.

In the Netherlands, the Zwarte Piet in pageant clothing with black curls, red lips and sometimes earrings and a white collar appears much earlier than in Flanders. Felix Timmermans, for example, draws Zwarte Piet as a poor tramp. However, the exchange of children's books and television programs ensured that the Dutch interpretation of the servant became increasingly dominant, also in Flanders. 'The clothes make the man', applies to Sinterklaas – mitre, staff, red cloak, etc. – and that also increasingly applies to Piet. There is, however, an important caveat here. In recent children's literature, the image of Piet or the Pieten is predominantly positive, whatever suit he wears.'
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The Left created the word "Woke" as a way to repackage the same failed old garbage ideas they've always had. Also used by corporations as lip-service for clueless white liberals and ethno-nationalistic racial minorities. The Woke America thread has a lot of news links demonstrating this.

Merry Christmas
I think Northener would rather live in a neighborhood where he would potentially get his face slashed by a crackhead. At least there's no organized crime involved, and thus no high crime.
Maybe he would be happy in San Francisco, urination, public defection, shop lifting under $900 is technically not a crime. That would probably make him happier. No crime there!

I actually lived in San Francisco 20 years ago and worked as a store manager close to the intersection of Haight and Ashbury where all the meth heads congregated and yes, we were all instructed not to bother police unless violence was involved.
I actually lived in San Francisco 20 years ago and worked as a store manager close to the intersection of Haight and Ashbury where all the meth heads congregated and yes, we were all instructed not to bother police unless violence was involved.

Most of our staff didn't even bother confronting shoplifters anymore and was afraid as some of them felt entitled enough to wait to catch some of us outside. They had been "free shopping" for years and figured the new employees who did their job needed to be taught a lesson.
The impression of local people tend to match the actual crime rates. For example these maps show the actual reported crime rates for car thefts and burglaries.



The regions of Marseille and Naples are clearly hotspots. However the Danes and the Swedes do not seem to feel the insecurity that surrounds them, as if they were oblivious to the high car theft and burglary rates in their countries. Very odd.

One should also consider the variance in reporting crime to the authorities. There is research on that - see

Car theft rate is probably safer in that respect, because you would want to take a stolen car off the register. Even there, the average reporting rate is only 80%, with Mexicans only reporting 3% of thefts…

On the other extreme is sexual crime where the average reporting rate is currently 25%, having risen 2x during last decades. There are also huge reporting variances between countries.
in San Francisco, urination, public defection, shop lifting under $900 is technically not a crime. That would probably make him happier. No crime there!

I cannot think of any big cities in Europe or US without that smell of urine around the party locales…

Small value shoplifting is not a crime in many places, but a misdemeanor. Spain for example has a 400€ limit. For the US, the limits were thus in 2017:

Not all cities have cashless bail and soft on crime district attorneys who give child molesters a slap on the wrist. Which is exactly why places like San Fransico and other parts of California have experienced rashes of smash and grab robberies.
NYC which I live near and go to often is also experiencing many unprovoked attacks from psychotic homeless drug addicts that push people on train tracks. That's thanks to cashless bail and a Alvin Bragg another soft on crime DA, who allow repeat offenders to walk free.
NYC which I live near and go to often is also experiencing many unprovoked attacks from psychotic homeless drug addicts that push people on train tracks. That's thanks to cashless bail and a Alvin Bragg another soft on crime DA, who allow repeat offenders to walk free.
Going back to my original post, this doesn't happen in mafia run neighborhoods. Ironically, this was the original purpose of the mafia. Which was to act as a vigilantante police force, because foreign-occupiers didn't care to protect the people it ruled over, and also abused them.

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