Controversial - The Idea of an Auburn Maritime People Spreading Civilisation


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What do people think about this? Forget any DNA evidence for now, just skip to the photos of mummies on the post below and comment your opinion:

No Nordicism is necessary here, although Genetiker certainly takes that stance. From the Caucasoid mtDNA of Amerindians we have, it’s likely these people migrated somewhere around the Middle East, if it happened at all that is (which it did). So hardly Scandinavians!

Can somebody please give the big picture here though? These mummies are very clearly strongly Caucasoid, no talk about the mummification process can create hair like that. It also matches Amerindian legends.

If this is the case, which it definitely is (a lot of verbal gymnastics is needed to avoid such a conclusion), why don’t we have DNA evidence?

And if your first thought is "Because there was no R1b migration to Native America, you Nazi Jew?", check out the photos of those mummies.

Also, pre-emptively, there is nothing rule-breaking about this thread, and closing it and/or banning me is completely unjustified. Remember who runs the place here.
And by the way, the original creators of civilisation probably wouldn’t have been these people - but spread by them (at least across the ocean in this particular case)? It seems so.

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