Classical music to deter yobs...


Co-owner: Jovesca Records
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North West England

Can you imagine the meeting where they came up with that...

Personally, I'd be more inclined to hang around outside if they played classical music! Those darn kids and their hippity hop and their rock and/or roll...
I have heard of this idea about 2 years ago, when Copenhagen City Council, the police, and the employees at the Copenhagen Grand Central Station were being fed up and annoyed by some drug addicts, alcoholcs, prostitues and homeless people hung around at one specific side of the Grand Central Station, and a street right next to the station. Although they were quiet and not violent, some people got nervous when passing by these folks to catch the train.
To tell them politely that these folks should go somewhere else, they installed speakers in that specific area of the central station playing all sorts of classical music. - And it worked!
jovial_jon said:
Personally, I'd be more inclined to hang around outside if they played classical music! Those darn kids and their hippity hop and their rock and/or roll...

Hey, we have something in common! :D Of course, Baroque music can get to be old after a while. I guess you could just make the switch to Classical or Romantic after that. Renaissance is nice, too, but I would probably stay away from too much of the 20th century stuff. Some of that gets a bit too out there for me. :mad:
They've been doing this around here for a good few years.. Doesn't work very well though..

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