Chronology of European mtDNA

Fire Haired

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Celto-Germanic, Latino(~6%)
Y-DNA haplogroup
R1b Df27(Spain)
mtDNA haplogroup
Click here for the real thread and comment on this page.This is all just my opinion on what the Chronology of European mtDNA. Europeans, north Africans, and Near easterns have been shown in globe13, skull shape, etc. to be apart of the same family called Caucasians. There have been constant of migrations of Caucasians out of the Near east into Europe and back migrations into the Near east from Europe and also migrations from Europe and Near east into North Africa. Which help understand why Europeans, Near easterns, and north Africans share so many of the same mtDNA haplogroups and deep subclade. It shows on at least the maternal side there was huge resettlement of central and northern Europe when the LGM ended about 19,000ybp. Y DNA I1 and I2 might be connected on the paternal side.

U 40,000-60,000ybp: U migrated to Europe from the first about 50,000-60,000ybp and developed into U5 while in Europe about 50,000ybp. Also ancient DNA shows subclades U2 and U8 most likely arrived in Europe from the Near east over 40,000ybp.

HV and H 25,000-35,000ybp: HV would have migrated to Europe around 25,000-35,000ybp and forming into V while in Iberia about 15,000ybp. H would have migrated to Europe also about 25,000-35,000ybp while in Iberia formed into H1 and H3 about 15,000ybp and possibly some other subclades.

J,T,X, and U4: Most likely migrated to Europe right after LGM about 19,000-15,000ybp. Evidence J, T, and X are not Neolithic even though there are no Mesolithic hunter gather samples. Is that they are just as popular in central and northern Scandinavia as the rest of Europe. While Y DNA spread in the Neolithic G2a, E1b1b(mainly V13 and other M78 subclades), and some J1,J2, and T are almost completely absent in Scandinavia and only get over 1% in southern Scandinavia. Austomally Finnish and Soumi are least similar to Neolithic and copper age European farmer samples and most similar to Mesolithic and Neolithic European hunter gather samples.

K, some subclades of H ,U, J and T:
I don't know any hard evidence but there was at least some subclades from these haplogroups that came to Europe with the diffusion of agriculture from the Near east mainly 6,000-9,000ybp.
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