Cheney accidentally shoots fellow hunter



Cheney accidentally shoots fellow hunter
2/12/2006, 5:22 p.m. ET
The Associated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) ― Vice President Dick Cheney accidentally shot and wounded a companion during a weekend quail hunting trip in Texas, spraying the fellow hunter in the face and chest with shotgun pellets.

Harry Whittington, a millionaire attorney from Austin, was "alert and doing fine" in a Corpus Christi hospital Sunday after he was shot by Cheney on a ranch in south Texas, said Katharine Armstrong, the property's owner.

Cheney's Animal Stalking Paid For By Nonhunters

The ranch on which Cheney
was hunting when he shot a fellow
hunter was 'owned' by
Anne Armstrong, 50,000 acres
worth. Insensitive unelected
Republicans had made her ambassador
to the UK, which is one of the 5 most
organized animal rights countries in the world.

"Her" ranch is near the infamous King ranch owned by the Kleburg

There are at least 500 ranches
in Texas devoted to canned hunts
.. where rich trophy seekers
blast away at animals trapped
and huddling in terror inside fences

The poor are forced to pay taxes
for these trips...each of which
costs millions of dollars.. there
is always an ambulance on call..
public employees are paid with
tax money to degut and vacuum
pack the murdered birds for
Air Force Two.

Cheney has stalked animals with
trips in Maryland, Pennsylvania,
S Dakota, Texas, Louisiana and other places which are often
a. because Cheney likes secrecy
in his illegal conducting of the US
govt. and b.
because hunting is more and more
unpopular in the US, with less than 4%
involved in psychopathic terrorizing
of cageraised birds released
in front of hunters in nets
(as happened in Rolling Rock PA at which shooting party
Senator Cornyn of Texas participated.)

This does not include the tens of
millions of animals bombed along
with innocent humans by Cheney
Chertoff Bush 1 and 2.

The macho culture of
murdering animals is related
to the macho culture of
the military

The man who had been shot
was at one time on a Texas
prison board... perhaps one
of those rubber stamps for
the death machine execution chambers
of Huntsville Texas.

Norman Schwarzkopf's
award from the Safari Club was
related to his having killed 300 KINDS
of animals.

Cheney has conspired to break
the law with fellow scofflaw Antonin
Scalia, like Alito a member of Opus
Dei, a group which desecrates
the life of Christ by using His name
to justify their militaristic and sexist

(like Peter Benchley, author of Jaws,
Scully left the world of writing
speeches for warmongers who
became president through
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All I Can Say Is.....

thank goodness he didn't hit one of the poor hunting dogs!! It didn't happen to be Bush that got it? NAH, the Secret Service guy would have jumped in front of him and taken the bird shot I guess.


OUch! Birdshot in the face- not life threateneing, but it has to be rather nasty.
Field of fire men...please be sure you are clear BEFORE you fire. Next time Cheney asks, I am begging off.
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Did he have his glasses on? Seems these days a lot of people pull a 'Bush' :p
I was just about to post this thread!
What a fool...
You work hard. Claw your way to the top. Make a million dollars and more in banking. Make powerful connections and friends, donate thousands and more to you party of choice... become such a captain of industry and man of means that the Vice President of the United States goes on a little hunting trip with you... and shoots you in the face!
My goodness. :souka: But it's kind of funny. :blush:

Good thing the guy lived! What would have happened if he had not? Would Vice-President Chaney be charged with negilgent homicide?

I am also wondering what would have happened had it been President Bush would have been shot? Would he have been charged with assault on a President?
Interesting that so many people can find humor in the accidental wounding of a fellow human being.

I thought the Bush-Cheney haters were the folks known for heart and compassion.
A very similar thing happened to my dad and brother a few years ago when they were hunting dove. I was quite shocked when I heard they had been shot, but when I saw that they were alright I couldn't help but laugh. They actually had a pretty good sense of humor about it, too. I can still see the BBs in their faces. Maybe for me it was a bit of stress relief, though. I'm not sure if my situation was that much different, being so close to it.
Maybe this explains why the US invaded Iraq. They were aiming for Iran but Cheney got a little trigger happy and accidentally invaded the wrong place.
Hope none of the gun shot actually hit the quail.

Oh... you hunters are a comical bunch. People with pacemakers out there shootin up their friends. Should be a law against that.

Good thing he didn`t go deer hunting to shoot a deer. Doubt if his pacemaker would let him run down/track a wounded one. Obviously he is not good enough for one shot one kill. His friend survived.

I like to think the quail lured them into some kind of fly-by trap.

Man, I wish they had been rabbit hunting. If it were a rabbit, I could say, "ooooh, that waskily wabbit."
strongvoicesforward said:
Hope none of the gun shot actually hit the quail.
Oh... you hunters are a comical bunch. People with pacemakers out there shootin up their friends. Should be a law against that.
Good thing he didn`t go deer hunting to shoot a deer. Doubt if his pacemaker would let him run down/track a wounded one. Obviously he is not good enough for one shot one kill. His friend survived.
I like to think the quail lured them into some kind of fly-by trap.
Man, I wish they had been rabbit hunting. If it were a rabbit, I could say, "ooooh, that waskily wabbit."
I thought he said Cheney not Quayle. Dan's up to something, luring them into his 'potatoe' trap:D
I share my sentiment with Mike; I don't find humor in this incident.

How could he not know where his buddies were when he was hunting? I also think it's lame that Cheney hasn't said anything about this and let Katharine Armstrong explain this as "These things happen".

to add insult to injury as they say, the VP got written up for not having the right bird hunting stamp on his licence.


Just found an appropriate quote:

"Would you rather go hunting with Dick Cheney or riding in a car over a bridge with Ted Kennedy?"

Rush Limbaugh

I'll have a faceful of birdshot, please.
Mike Cash said:
"Would you rather go hunting with Dick Cheney or riding in a car over a bridge with Ted Kennedy?"

Eeerrrr...tough choices.

Well, last time I checked I could still swim. Never did have immunity to shot gun blast to the face.

I`ll take my chances with the former.
Mike Cash said:
Interesting that so many people can find humor in the accidental wounding of a fellow human being..

Not I. I was really wondering about those things.

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