Best combination for DNA testing?

José Mª

Regular Member
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Hello everyone, :)

I've been thinking about testing my DNA and I don't have a lot of money to spend on different companies, so I started looking for the best way to test it using only one of those options.
From my days searching for the answer I've decided to post my thoughts here so you could help me choose, for I suppose many of you have done a better research, are more knowledgeable than me or have already experienced some companies. I'll explain:

I want my DNA tested in order to: 1) know my Y-DNA and mtDNA haplogroups as accurately as possible and 2) get the most reliable Raw Data they can give me so I can upload it to third parties such as GEDmatch, MyTrueAncestry, GenomeLink, etc. so I can get my autosomal results from those, compare to ancient populations and samples.

As I don't really prioritise the autosomal results of the company but only haplogroup identification and a good Raw Data, my idea was to get LivingDNA for I have seen it has a good number of Y-DNA SNPs (~22.000) and a not so bad of mtDNA (~5.000). Then I'd take the Raw Data and upload it to third parties and get my autosomal results from those calculators.

Edit: I've seen that ordering a Haplogroup Panel of SNPs from YSEQ once I get my first Y-DNA report from whichever company I choose could also provide me more detailed information.

Is what I have explained a good option? Are there other options to get want I want? Maybe a better company for Y-DNA testing which goes deeper into the subclade? I've seen FTDNA's BigY, FullGenomes Y Elite Ancestry and so on, but those are really expensive for me.

Anyway, feel free to recommend me whatever you think fits my purpose!

Thanks in advance.
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You know how everything works before you start. The first thing I did was take the test and then I discovered everything that came after: Autosomal, Gdm, BIG Y, Yfull and a long etcetera.

It's strange that knowing so much about the subject you think about LivingDna

FTDNA or 23dna I think Ancestry not work in Spain
You know how everything works before you start. The first thing I did was take the test and then I discovered everything that came after: Autosomal, Gdm, BIG Y, Yfull and a long etcetera.

It's strange that knowing so much about the subject you think about LivingDna

FTDNA or 23dna I think Ancestry not work in Spain

Well, thank you!, I try to do my best when learning about something I plan to do, but obviously experience provides knowledge mere research can't. I'm also interested in some things about ethnicities and so on.

Anyway, I'm aware that LivingDNA and its quality is often disputed, but I've read that it's mainly in regards to admixture and where do they pin your similarities. I only go for LivingDNA because of its haplogroup identification, which looks good according to the data they claim; maybe it's just marketing and thats not the number of SNPs they have?

Well, thank you for warning me. If you were me, would you then choose, for instance, FTDNA for my haplogroups and then use their Raw Data through a third-party?
Well, thank you!,
Well, thank you for warning me. If you were me, would you then choose, for instance, FTDNA for my haplogroups and then use their Raw Data through a third-party?

Yes I think

With this test + 25$ sent to YSEQ you will get:
-your Y-Dna and MtDna Fully Sequenced
-30x Whole genome coverage with options for various health reports
-YSEQ will give you (among many things...check Lou Kessler's link below) the autosomal file that you can upload to GedMatch ,My Heritage etc.

300 euro + YSEQ $25 . That's all you need. Among the files you'll get from YSEQ are the two files (Y-dna and MTDna FASTA) ready to be uploaded to Yfull or GenBank.
Choosing the other options is time consuming and costs more(do your calculations and you'll see).

Good luck! If you don't have the funds right away, it's fine. Dante runs these campaigns at least three times a year.
Wow, that looks interesting, although I've never heard of Dantelabs before, have you used it? I'll look for more information about it and start saving money if that's my best option, it does certainly look good at first sight. I guess even though it's more expensive at first I wouldn't need to spend more money in the future.

By the way, when you say "these campaigns" you mean that kind of discount codes of 300 dollars? I've been trying to find those codes but never really knew how to.​
Yes, I've used Dante and so have many others too for the same reason (much better value at discount price compared to others).
These "deep discount" campaigns run several times a year (like FTDNA's) - if you create an account with Dante they'll send you a mail with the promo code . The Lab is in Italy , Dante covers the shipment costs.
YSEQ ($25) were extremely fast with the alignment and the conversion of Dante's files into more usable pieces - took them less than 24h.(!)

For comparison- as of today BigY700 + mtFull seq. at FTDNA discount price will cost you $529(add a Family Finder autosomal test for $588 total). Then you will have to pay $100 for the generation of a .BAM file that you can use for an upload at YFULL.

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