beer brands

looolllll :p :p :p :p :p :p
i like most.
Hoegarden and Corona are up there at the moment (Belgian and Mexican)...both of which should really be served with a wedge of lime.
Guinness and Boddingtons are very nice and full-bodied
There's a Celtic beer I had in vancouver that I could (and did) drink all night
Pretty much any local beer I tried in Canada was good and flavorful. Local beer in my area is also pretty good. other good strong beers are Fat Tire and Arrogant Bastard Ale.

In Japan I prefer Asahi Super Dry because it's the only beer with a distinctive taste, sapporo, kirin and suntory malts all pretty much taste the same. The best beer I had there was Bison Beer, by far. it's not very cheap though. I also liked Hoppy until I found out it was pretty much non-alcoholic, which is why it's mixed with shouchuu... doesn't really qualify as beer though.
Mycernius said:
A nice bitter is draught Bass

I like a nice pint of Bass. For some reason my father-in-law finds it amusing that I drink pints of bitter. I used to drink Guinness too, until it gave me food poisoning one time. Now I can't touch it.
mmm i geuss i should taste beer better, as i am drinking mainly heineken, and amstel, and in japan always asahi... but for me beer is just beer.... i should feel it on the tonqeu more yeah..... mmm maybe next year i will go to a belgium cafe in japan to taste all theire beer... mmm again to nice for the belgiums..... :blush:
In New Zealand: Macs Gold, Heineken and Stella Artois
Japan: Asahi
Thailand: Chang
Cambodia: BIG Angkor (The bigger the better, coz its soo damned hot)
Korea: hahah this is just funny for me to think about adding one here... Hite.
dutch baka said:
mmm maybe next year i will go to a belgium cafe in japan to taste all theire beer... mmm again to nice for the belgiums..... :blush:

Belgium is good for beer, providing you like lager. They have all kinds of weird beers in funny shaped glasses on racks. You look like Dr Jekyll when you drink them.
I'm extremely partial to Samuel Adams, on draft if possible. There are a couple of 'American' bars in Sapporo that sell imported bottles (at an extortionate price).
Mycernius said:
I'm a Guinness drinker (once descibe to me as black Irish swamp water). My cousin in Canada tried it once and said it was one of the most disgusting things she had ever tried. She has no taste. A nice bitter is draught Bass and as for a lager/ale type I do like Budvar.

Guinness is also great!! I am going to visit the Guinness brewery in November in Dublin!!!

Budvar is just the same as Budweiser, only brewed in Czech Republic no?
you cant beat a castlemain
Belgian beers are extremely good. I really like the one called Raspberry Lambic Beer, kind of like the one Duo had mentioned a while back, it has a very nice balance of sweetness and tart. It doesn't taste like beer at all, and unlike many other Belgian beers not too strong either.

I've been to Ommegang brewery in Cooperstown NY, they use hops grown right in the field behind the farmhouse where they brew their beer. I was very excited and ended up buying a case of their strong beer.
misa.j said:
Belgian beers are extremely good. I really like the one called Raspberry Lambic Beer, kind of like the one Duo had mentioned a while back, it has a very nice balance of sweetness and tart. It doesn't taste like beer at all, and unlike many other Belgian beers not too strong either.

I've been to Ommegang brewery in Cooperstown NY, they use hops grown right in the field behind the farmhouse where they brew their beer. I was very excited and ended up buying a case of their strong beer.

I love Belgian beers too. especially the beer brewed with berries.....Duo and I agreed that it was "lady's beer"... :blush:

A week ago I tasted a Belgian beer called KWAK - however, I didn't find this one was not worth the money I paid for a bottle (it was very expensive).....
Miss_apollo7 said:
Guinness is also great!! I am going to visit the Guinness brewery in November in Dublin!!!

Budvar is just the same as Budweiser, only brewed in Czech Republic no?
I'm so jealous. Remember Guinness is good for you.
Budvar has nothing to do with American Budweiser. Budweiser is a Czech beer that the American brewers use for their brand name. There was some legal trouble a few years back when the US Bud tried to sue the Czech bud for using their name. They backed off when the Czech mentioned that they had been using the name Budweiser long before the Americans started brewing Bud. Budvar actually tastes of something, which is more than the US bud does.
Tsuyoiko said:
Hi Miss Apollo! I have tried Kwak - I put a pic of it above!

I like beer:



Yes, I have just seen it!!!

I have those glasses myself, which I received as a present...(see picture attached).
As long as it looks like a really healthy urine sample - with a good head on it and is cold (but isn't a urine sample ...) - it's mine!


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