Wacky news Are you really your father's child ?

I am the spitting image of my grandmother (fathers mom) so if I am not his child then that would be a big shocker. Hmm...as far as paternity tests, I dont know. They can be useful, for example if I was a (Man) person with some wealth and I planned on giving my inheritance to my children I would 100% want to know that the children of my blood is getting it and not the milkmans child.
If you're a father and you want to make sure that your child(ren) is really genetically yours then you should do genetic tests to know for certain. Perhaps really soon after the child is born.
DNA paternity tests , It is a waste of money,for no one doubt it or need to doubt~

there are most likely the son will act like his father~

nurizeko said:
I was adopted when i was 8 by my current parents, ive had one set of foster parents before that, and before that biological parents that divorced out of my memory.
my adopted parents are my parents, as far as im concerned they always have been and always will be and i hold no loyalty whatsoever to the genetic material donors far away.
BUT, it is nice to know where i come from, its saved me the family destroying urge to find out who my biological parents are.
Infact it feels wierd talking about biological parents....I've never thought of myself as adopted really...infact it feels dirty and wrong to think it, I'm with my real family, its just so odd....relising i am infact un-related to my parents...but bah, not an issue really.
In a perfect world everyone would have two biological loving parents who do no wrong but that is a fantasy, if people could come to terms with the fact they should feel lucky to have two parents, biological or not, then this wouldnt be an issue for them.
Is it really ?
Nana007 said:
They can be useful, for example if I was a (Man) person with some wealth and I planned on giving my inheritance to my children I would 100% want to know that the children of my blood is getting it and not the milkmans child.

And that's why we don't have milkmen here anymore. :D
You know Maciamo, I think you have lost some posts after you moved this thread over. I remember I had a conversation with Tsuyoiko about that she also doesn't look or behave like her sister but it's no longer in here!
I'm pretty sure that my father is my biological father, even tho i sometimes wish it wouldn't be that way.
The first study linking surnames to Y-DNA haplotypes has been released. Scientists calculated the probability of illegitimacy between 1% and 4% - lower than expected.

The Independent : Study kills '1 in 10' myth of cuckolded fathers

It is one of the world's most persistent myths: that one in 10 children are illegitimate without their legal fathers knowing that they have been cuckolded. Now scientists believe they have arrived at the real figure. One in 25.

Scientists analysed the Y chromosomes of 1,600 unrelated men with 40 surnames to test the idea that there could be a link between the Y chromosome and surnames, which are both passed on to boys down the male line.
This also enabled the scientists to estimate the probability of illegitimacy among the men carrying the same surname and found that it came out at between 1 and 4 per cent.
I would assume that the belief that 1/10 fathers don't raise their biological kid is because up till recently, DNA tests were done by fathers or kids doubting already, and if u have reasons to doubt i guess it's more likely to be correct. If someone doesn't have reasons to believe that his father/son is not his biological one then he wont take the DNA test and that leads to false statistic results showing higher % of fathers raising someone else's kid. Now that people start taking DNA tests for other reasons (ancestry, mutations, diseases) and at the same time, why not, paternity test the results show that the real % is actually lower than 1/10.

Any idea what are the chances of babies being given to wrong parents at the delivery hospital?! Someone would assume its highly unlikely, almost impossible, but If the % is higher than expected then a father who finds out his kid is not his biological one should consider a maternity test also if his wife denies she cheated on him, before getting a divorce...
I did DNA to resolve a family mystery. I got the answer I wanted, but I can begin to imagine what others who get a surprise may feel.

The old iron-clad rule: Don't ask the question if you don't want to know the answer.
Hmm ... Babies switched in hospitals is very unlikely.
When my first daughter was born, the voice made an immediate imprint.
After a day, I came to visit the hospital again to see my wife, and my daughter.
So, a nurse came with a cart with 9 babies in.
The were all screaming like hell, because they were hungry I guess. :startled:
The nurse asked me to pick out my own kid, and I immediately did.
As a father recognizes his own child, I guess that would even be stronger for the mother.

But there can be other psychological reasons why parents sometimes kind of reject their own kids.

Well, I also wonder why getting a DNA test would prove anything?
Don't get me wrong.
The mother could have had a party with the brother of her husband..
Nobody would notice the difference..

On the other hand it has happened that 3 brothers did a YDNA test, and 1 brother had a different YDNA than the other two. That's proof their mother went shopping somewhere else. :LOL:
I already know my Dad is not my Biological Father, me and my Mom had a violent and neglectful past living with my Biological Dad leading to a divorce at the age of 2 never saw my Biological Father since and I ended up being raised by a Shoulwater bay tribal chief's grandson so I was kind of adopted.

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