Nature Are electric cars really a better idea?

weren't there biomass power plants built that afterwards proved very harmful?
do you think it was the right decision of Germany to hastily stop nuclear power and switch to the polluting coal plants again?
do you think these gas power plants are a good idea? they lose a lot of methane (20 times strong greenhouse gas than CO2) in the air and they are not CO2-efficient
cars on LNG which are promoted and subsidised as eco-friendly now appear more harmful to the climate than petrol or diesel cars

these are all measurements taken by politicians to create a green image but afterwards proved more harmful than beneficial
how long do you think the taxpayer will put up with this?

and these are decisions that proved hazardous, no matter the costs

but there is more
I believe we realy should weigh the costs and the efforts compared to the benefits
the world is also facing other challenges than climate change
climate change has to be handled, but we shouldn't stop the world from turning

but I see that you are confident too, you believe the population might become even way bigger
for many of them climate is not a priority, first they want food and then they want proper, comfortable housing and then they are dreaming of their own car
weren't there biomass power plants built that afterwards proved very harmful?
do you think it was the right decision of Germany to hastily stop nuclear power and switch to the polluting coal plants again?
do you think these gas power plants are a good idea? they lose a lot of methane (20 times strong greenhouse gas than CO2) in the air and they are not CO2-efficient
cars on LNG which are promoted and subsidised as eco-friendly now appear more harmful to the climate than petrol or diesel cars

these are all measurements taken by politicians to create a green image but afterwards proved more harmful than beneficial
how long do you think the taxpayer will put up with this?

and these are decisions that proved hazardous, no matter the costs

but there is more
I believe we realy should weigh the costs and the efforts compared to the benefits
the world is also facing other challenges than climate change
climate change has to be handled, but we shouldn't stop the world from turning

but I see that you are confident too, you believe the population might become even way bigger
for many of them climate is not a priority, first they want food and then they want proper, comfortable housing and then they are dreaming of their own car

Please provide a reputable source for your assertion that natural gas plants are more polluting than coal. Or that natural gas based cars are more polluting than gasoline or diesel cars.

All I know is that there was/is a building boom around downtown Orlando/Tampa mainly by millennials. They don't want the 20+ miles commute. They don't need a car, they take Uber everywhere.

Soon enough the batteries will last long enough for an interstate trip. Give a little bit of time. Soon enough the parking lots of these huge companies like Dell or Intel or Microsoft will be covered with solar panels (Intel has already started). You could charge your car for the trip home.

Some states already are taxing electric cars more because they are losing gas taxes. There has been enough of an impact.

I am seeing a lot more Teslas on the road. Some of the same people that used to buy BMWs are now buying newer model Teslas (Model X).

Our utility (FPL) still does not reimburse you enough for your solar energy but will gladly sell you solar energy from one of their solar plants. BTW, one of their subsidiaries, Nextera is the largest producer of renewable energy in the US. All over US and Europe, the utilities are transforming. The transportation sector is next.

There are changes everywhere. Get used to them.
weren't there biomass power plants built that afterwards proved very harmful?
do you think it was the right decision of Germany to hastily stop nuclear power and switch to the polluting coal plants again?
do you think these gas power plants are a good idea? they lose a lot of methane (20 times strong greenhouse gas than CO2) in the air and they are not CO2-efficient
cars on LNG which are promoted and subsidised as eco-friendly now appear more harmful to the climate than petrol or diesel cars

these are all measurements taken by politicians to create a green image but afterwards proved more harmful than beneficial
how long do you think the taxpayer will put up with this?

and these are decisions that proved hazardous, no matter the costs

but there is more
I believe we realy should weigh the costs and the efforts compared to the benefits
the world is also facing other challenges than climate change
climate change has to be handled, but we shouldn't stop the world from turning

i see some of those fails as proof that some politicians have 0 interesst to take effective measures or they have no idea about it. a lot of these recent protests are also taking place because of how ineffective and useless some efforts are while real measurements get little support. and it is hard for some people to hear, that right now there is nothing to do but maybe in a few decades with the right technologies. because this isn't true.

now, can you also think of reasonable measurements that could be done now?

but I see that you are confident too, you believe the population might become even way bigger
for many of them climate is not a priority, first they want food and then they want proper, comfortable housing and then they are dreaming of their own car

i don't see why it should matter if the population grows, it's possible that it happens and if it happens it is certainly solvable. yes, all these people won't really care about climate change. but what is your point? do you have a solution?
indeed, most politicians don't care about the effictiveness of the measures, they care more about their image
they see taking measures as image-building

that being said, there are also many 'activists' mingling into the conversation who don't have any idea about effective measurements
their main purpose is seems to be creating a feeling of 'guilt' among the population
it is a strategy that doesn't work, and probably will even become counterproductive

we have to stimulate innovation and technology and study the effectiveness of technologies and measurements
solar and wind energy have proven their effectiveness if applied in proper places and well integrated in the total energy mix
I don't think it will ever fullfill all needs
I wouldn't shut down nuclear energy plants before the end of their life cycle if they are situated in the right place
I like electric bikes, it makes sense to me, especially for commuting, but I'm sceptical about electric cars
my hopes for transporation are on hydrogen fuel, probably hybrid with electric to increase energy efficiency

and yes, we have to make people conscious and avoid waste and spoiling energy, but we shouldn't become fundamentalist on that

overpopulation has certainly contributed to the problem
I believe finding the technological solutions and apply them in the developped world won't be the biggest challenge
finding the resources to apply these solutions wordlwide, also in dictatorships and underdevellopped areas will be harder

but for the moment we even don't have the technologies yet
as I mentioned earlier, I believe it will take several decades, if not more than a century
well .. technology has achieved a lot in 1 century
and there is no reason not to believe it will again in the coming century
I suggest the activists focus their efforts on China and India...

"EU nations are closing coal fired power stations to combat #climatechange ... while China is opening its LONGEST coal transporting railway line, which will carry 200 million tonnes of coal to coal fired power stations. Quote Tweet People's Daily, China @PDChina · Jul 23, 2019 Menghua Railway, China’s LONGEST coal transporting railway line, is expected to be put in operation in Oct. The 1,837-km railway will carry 200 million tonnes of coal annually from N China's Inner Mongolia to E China's Jiangxi."
I recommend to follow for rationality on climate change.

I don't know what's true or not about this issue. I expect I must believe the "experts," but their warnings are undercut by the hypocrisy of their supporters in Hollywood and at Windsor. It doesn't help the cause to have the Prince of Wales tell us to live a simpler life in order to save the planet, then to have him get into his limousine and ride back to his palace. And it looks bad (an understatement) when climate summits are attended by hundreds who arrive there in private jets; hasn't anyone heard of Video Tele-Conference?

I think the appropriate quote is, "I'll believe it's a crisis when people who tell me it's a crisis act like it's a crisis."
Now, let's separate the hyperbole of headlines from the facts. It is a fact that in California the dry season starts a little earlier and ends a bit later. It is also a fact that there are more hot days per year. That helps with having a lot of ready made fire fuel. But you won't have a fire without ignition. That ignite in the middle of the summer in California does not come from thunderstorms unless you're talking the northeast par and the high elevations of Sierra Nevada. It come mainly from badly maintained power lines and power lines touching trees. The bread is aided by fierce winds but you need ignition first. So does human-related global warming play a role? Sure but human related activities such as badly maintained power lines play a bigger role.
As far as electric cars are concerned, I appreciate the fact that electric cars are both quiet and non-polluting. I still want electric cars replacing fossil fuel cars but first get rid of diesel trucks. They are a hell more polluting than cars. Move long distance loads by rail which is about ten times more efficient and have local electric trucks distribute the load locally. 90% of the worlds trade gets moved by ship. A reduction 5 knots in speed leads to a reduction of up to 50% in fuel consumption. According to scientists 18% of global warming is attributable to black soot. Imagine eliminating all the black soot produced by all the means of transportation. Not only you are eliminating a major source of global warming but you also don't have to breathe it. Or imagine eliminating all that noise pollution.
The question remains how electric car manufacturers plan to dispose of batteries. I have read tons of articles about that but found no clear answers there :( I myself am considering an electric car, but the question of the battery is a dilemma for me.
The question remains how electric car manufacturers plan to dispose of batteries. I have read tons of articles about that but found no clear answers there :( I myself am considering an electric car, but the question of the battery is a dilemma for me. Anyway I am going to get a Tesla via Carplus when Elon opens their brand store in my region.
Also there is a problem with manufacturing electric cars as there is constant lack of batteries or chips or whatever.
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The question remains how electric car manufacturers plan to dispose of batteries. I have read tons of articles about that but found no clear answers there :( I myself am considering an electric car, but the question of the battery is a dilemma for me.

They take them out of cars when they are at 80% capacity and use them in large grid batteries. I am sure the lithium is too expensive to just throw away and they recycle it. Tesla will be changing their battery chemistry to lithium ion phosphate which are much longer lasting ( So they won't have to change them as often.

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