It is down again. That place was a shit hole. Those Balkan Slavs there were a bunch of mentally unstable nut jobs. What they would do is basically manipulate the facts and drag you down to their level. And even worse is how they lie and manipulate the facts.
Some people who think they are Illyrian when they don't even have the same lineage as these Illyrians nor do they even plot there. Claim they lived in the Balkans before Albanians. This is literally what they claim. Most of their Balkan DNA basically just comes from Albanians, Romanians, Aromanians, Dalmatians etc . People that had some weird obsession with Illyrians when many of these Roman samples don't even plot there. Not even that E-V13 from Naissus which is more Thracian shifted. That Croat female member was even more mentally unstable. Claims her people are Illyrians in some of her older posts , and then accuses Albanians of attacking her for questioning their ancestry when all her posts are based on personal agendas. She even attacked some Albanian female there verbally almost over nothing and some other Albanian members over their DNA results. Definitely some weird fucks. I'd stay away from that place.
There was also some Macedonian who opened up threads years ago about Albanians. Some dude who lives in Australia with a Slavic Y-DNA yet claim they are Ancient Macedonians. They don't even have the same lineage as these samples found in Macedonia. Its basically just a bunch of Albanian-Vlach sperm donation and some other.
That place is in generally filled with nazis who live in their own delusional world. I'm so glad that shit hole is down. Even nut jobs supporting Russian invasion of Ukraine and accusing western world of being imperialists.