Anti-depressants of little help for major depressive disorder


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Anyone who listens to other people has known this for a long time, but psychiatrists, like a lot of doctors, don't necessarily listen very well.

Another paper came out recently which stated that some people have good reason for being in a major depression, i.e. it's not necessarily an illness.

You would think they would have figured out a long time ago that there's a difference between someone justifiably depressed because of a traumatic life event and someone who becomes severely depressed for no apparent reason. No, they had to do a study about it.
I am prone for depressions. I have had 2 or 3 in my life. I've been told being prone is heridatary.
I refuse to take medication for anything unless it is absolutely necessary or it is something that is effective and quick.
I never took any medication against depressions.
The best medication is sports. When you raise your heart beat for 15 minutes, your body starts to produce hormones which are the best anti-depressants. There exists no medication like that.
I am prone for depressions. I have had 2 or 3 in my life. I've been told being prone is heridatary.
I refuse to take medication for anything unless it is absolutely necessary or it is something that is effective and quick.
I never took any medication against depressions.
The best medication is sports. When you raise your heart beat for 15 minutes, your body starts to produce hormones which are the best anti-depressants. There exists no medication like that.

Same. I was diagnosed with Anxiety Disorder a little over a year ago. I do not take all the meds they try and prescribe. My problem is also this is the first job I had that is highly sedentary. I need to get back in the gym. Even Genomelink(which I am sure is not an exact science) says I carry hereditary genes for anxiety, depression etc. So, I am more predisposed to develop these issues than the average person(depending on triggers),
Same. I was diagnosed with Anxiety Disorder a little over a year ago. I do not take all the meds they try and prescribe. My problem is also this is the first job I had that is highly sedentary. I need to get back in the gym. Even Genomelink(which I am sure is not an exact science) says I carry hereditary genes for anxiety, depression etc. So, I am more predisposed to develop these issues than the average person(depending on triggers),

yes, when I become depressed I loose all interest in my job and my daily routines
I don't find any motivation for anything, and I don't find the courage to become active and sustain my health and my body
I'm getting in zombie-mode
you have to force yourself to do some excercise on a daily base
if you can hold this for just a few weeks, you'll feel already much better and find your motivations back
don't expect the people around you to support you
first get to respect yourself again, and you'll see the attitude from the people around change
when I achieve this, I feel great, but I also think of the people around me as opportunists
where were they when I was feeling down?
Problem is you're all bored af and probably aren't fulfilling your desires in life. I go through the same when I'm not in a Mediterranean environment or next to the beach where the local culture is happy and open.

Can't even imagine myself living in the US besides LA or Miami. :D
Plenty of Hispanics in New York if that's what you're looking for, but their culture is not completely Mediterranean in origin.

Seriously, culture does matter, although the genetics create the culture, you know.

Or maybe you're talking about climate?

That said, I think I'd devolve into a depressive state if I had to live in the British Isles or the far north of Europe, or Asia. Here in the northeastern U.S. February has always been a brutal month for me: too long a time with too little sunshine. It's when I always try to schedule some time in a sunnier area. The extremely high rates of depression in Alaska, for example, are climate based to some degree. Human beings need more sunlight than those areas provide.
yes, when I become depressed I loose all interest in my job and my daily routines
I don't find any motivation for anything, and I don't find the courage to become active and sustain my health and my body
I'm getting in zombie-mode
you have to force yourself to do some excercise on a daily base
if you can hold this for just a few weeks, you'll feel already much better and find your motivations back
don't expect the people around you to support you
first get to respect yourself again, and you'll see the attitude from the people around change
when I achieve this, I feel great, but I also think of the people around me as opportunists
where were they when I was feeling down?

For sure, I know from experience. I have phases where I get uber motivated about exercise and everything that I am just so clear and stress free. Yet, for the longest after i hurt my back(even though its better) I fell out of the groove and then sedentary work made it even worse. Surprisingly though, I managed to keep my freakish strength despite lack of activity lol.
Problem is you're all bored af and probably aren't fulfilling your desires in life. I go through the same when I'm not in a Mediterranean environment or next to the beach where the local culture is happy and open.

Can't even imagine myself living in the US besides LA or Miami. :D

There are alot of factors involved in anxiety and depression. It isn't all climate based or even desire based. Yet, they both play their role(desire moreso). Theres things like traumas, ignored, unaddressed, bottled up. Process of grooming from a early age, etc. This is common place in our culture. Albanian culture ignores these things because our ancestors only knew anxiety and depressive situations/environments from constant instability most of the time any way. So stresses of the western world meant little to them. They ignore it, raise their kids to ignore it. Eventually it causes problems.
My grandfather was treated for depression; his paternal grandparents and uncle Elmer all committed suicide. My uncle Walt nearly died in Vietnam and had untreated PTSD for decades (he's on his fourth wife!), I feel I got off light with Asperger's, although I may have gotten that from my paternal grandfather, who was fairly self-centered in manner of living (although this may also be from being spoiled as a child, being the first son after three daughters; having been born in his parents' middle-age and named after his father, but he was obviously a good student, having made honor roll at Tilden Technical High in Chicago). I am actually quite different from Angela with seasonal depression, mine comes in July! I produce a large amount of body heat (this allowed me to correctly predict my mtdna haplogroup, as that is a trait of those with mtdna haplogroup J); I live in southern New England and our summers with heat and humidity-we can't have heat without humidity here, and high humidity prevents body heat from being dispersed-and of course central air conditioning is still a relative rarity in homes, so it's not fun for me and I get rather weary. This is like my favorite time of year now, being the furthest from the blasted, accursed humidity!
There are alot of factors involved in anxiety and depression. It isn't all climate based or even desire based. Yet, they both play their role(desire moreso). Theres things like traumas, ignored, unaddressed, bottled up. Process of grooming from a early age, etc. This is common place in our culture. Albanian culture ignores these things because our ancestors only knew anxiety and depressive situations/environments from constant instability most of the time any way. So stresses of the western world meant little to them. They ignore it, raise their kids to ignore it. Eventually it causes problems.
In theory you might be right but Albania in 2019 is the place where people our age who have travelled and lived in Western countries are depressed and stressed the least. Many of those who can come back immediately even after living 10+ years abroad.

Those who don't come back either are afraid of not finding a job, originate from remote villages (so nothing to come back to), or live in places like USA or Australia. Besides giving Albanians equal opportunities unlike Europe, it seems that US really pushes Albanians to settle there permanently and even feel lazy to travel back home. I kinda understand them.

Sure, there are many factors that contribute to stress and depression but I think it's right to talk about what we can do and things we can change. The world economy is heading towards a very scary future and all we can do is enjoy the little things, family, find hobbies, and forget the instagram live and yachts. Unless you're in the tech or IT related industry and you succeed in your startup, forget about making it big through sheer hard work like 30-40 years ago.
In theory you might be right but Albania in 2019 is the place where people our age who have travelled and lived in Western countries are depressed and stressed the least. Many of those who can come back immediately even after living 10+ years abroad.

Those who don't come back either are afraid of not finding a job, originate from remote villages (so nothing to come back to), or live in places like USA or Australia. Besides giving Albanians equal opportunities unlike Europe, it seems that US really pushes Albanians to settle there permanently and even feel lazy to travel back home. I kinda understand them.

Sure, there are many factors that contribute to stress and depression but I think it's right to talk about what we can do and things we can change. The world economy is heading towards a very scary future and all we can do is enjoy the little things, family, find hobbies, and forget the instagram live and yachts. Unless you're in the tech or IT related industry and you succeed in your startup, forget about making it big through sheer hard work like 30-40 years ago.

True, we tend to assimilate easily in America. My family left from communism, so when my father and uncles visited after borders reopened I was still a baby. Since family all left(other than very distant ones) they have never been back. Diaspora is also mostly concentrated in Michigan from what I understand, with a small group in New York. They don't really like to stick together though. Ironically enough, they are still gung ho about marrying only Albanians. I am also an only son though so I can understand my father. They just seemed to always move to areas away from Albanians, avoiding them like the plauge, so they can't expect much options for their children unless they lived in small Albanian communities.

I remember an Albanian girl in my school(only one in fact) would lie and say she's Turkish just because I am Albanian. There just really isn't much of a community base/bond in the states outside of Michigan Albanians.

Funny you mention IT though lol. All the Albanians I know(which aren't many) are mostly in IT. From Kosova. Part of the stress/anxiety is also trying to Juggle both cultures and trying to respect parental values/perspectives at the same time which can be cumbersome.

Most of my anxiety is just from typical Albanian mentality. We always worry, always look to the future, or what wen't wrong in the past, whilst never seeing what is in front of our own two feet. I think it comes from the very hard lives our people endured, which almost becomes learned/passed down, despite survival/quality of living improving from their prior situation.

Albania has the potential to be great. I would gladly move there if there was a future for later generations. I just don't see it sadly. I also hear alot are migrating because of the situations there. Kosova on the other hand has a real chance, and seems open to adapt and integrate. It has problems sure, but the future of Albanians in Albania proper seems all too hazy.
Fusă şi se dusă.

Whatever happened, it happened! It was, and was gone!
What we can change now? only the future...
True, we tend to assimilate easily in America. My family left from communism, so when my father and uncles visited after borders reopened I was still a baby. Since family all left(other than very distant ones) they have never been back. Diaspora is also mostly concentrated in Michigan from what I understand, with a small group in New York. They don't really like to stick together though. Ironically enough, they are still gung ho about marrying only Albanians. I am also an only son though so I can understand my father. They just seemed to always move to areas away from Albanians, avoiding them like the plauge, so they can't expect much options for their children unless they lived in small Albanian communities.

I remember an Albanian girl in my school(only one in fact) would lie and say she's Turkish just because I am Albanian. There just really isn't much of a community base/bond in the states outside of Michigan Albanians.

Funny you mention IT though lol. All the Albanians I know(which aren't many) are mostly in IT. From Kosova. Part of the stress/anxiety is also trying to Juggle both cultures and trying to respect parental values/perspectives at the same time which can be cumbersome.

Most of my anxiety is just from typical Albanian mentality. We always worry, always look to the future, or what wen't wrong in the past, whilst never seeing what is in front of our own two feet. I think it comes from the very hard lives our people endured, which almost becomes learned/passed down, despite survival/quality of living improving from their prior situation.

Albania has the potential to be great. I would gladly move there if there was a future for later generations. I just don't see it sadly. I also hear alot are migrating because of the situations there. Kosova on the other hand has a real chance, and seems open to adapt and integrate. It has problems sure, but the future of Albanians in Albania proper seems all too hazy.
Interesting, never knew about that. I know that our North-Werstern and Montenegrin Albanian families in Michigan, NY, and even LA are very close and only hang out with each other. They're 2nd or 3rd generation Albanian Americans and still marry each other, Malesor with Malesore. Crazy!

Look, I guess you have to be from Albania and specifically Tirana to understand and see the benefits of living there. Believe me, it's heaven in many aspects and even in business. First of all you don't need much to live a comfortable life and within 1 to 2 hours you can travel anywhere in Europe you want.

That for me does it with regards to stress.

I've lost the ability to live in huge metropolitan cities and it's enough I have to travel to such cities for work and meetings, but even that is getting harder by the day. People are so tense and brainwashed from the modern slavery system that they have 0 time for reflecting and personal development and think it's cool to bully others, overreact, and be always on guard for potential ill intentions. That means it's already buried deep in their hearts and minds that people are bad and about to jump on them any minute so they're just waiting for the moment.
Interesting, never knew about that. I know that our North-Werstern and Montenegrin Albanian families in Michigan, NY, and even LA are very close and only hang out with each other. They're 2nd or 3rd generation Albanian Americans and still marry each other, Malesor with Malesore. Crazy!

Look, I guess you have to be from Albania and specifically Tirana to understand and see the benefits of living there. Believe me, it's heaven in many aspects and even in business. First of all you don't need much to live a comfortable life and within 1 to 2 hours you can travel anywhere in Europe you want.

That for me does it with regards to stress.

I've lost the ability to live in huge metropolitan cities and it's enough I have to travel to such cities for work and meetings, but even that is getting harder by the day. People are so tense and brainwashed from the modern slavery system that they have 0 time for reflecting and personal development and think it's cool to bully others, overreact, and be always on guard for potential ill intentions. That means it's already buried deep in their hearts and minds that people are bad and about to jump on them any minute so they're just waiting for the moment.

oh the Malesor definitely stick together no doubt. The rest of the Albanians from my experience not so much. It also doesn’t help that Malesor girls are specific about only marrying men from Malesia madhe. At least the ones I have met. Then again the ones I catholic and I’m Muslim. I’m sure that was a factor. Lol.

Most of us grew up where there were few if any. My fathers generation were the only ones that stuck together, mostly Dibran families in Brooklyn. For whatever reason they never embedded that ethnic consciousness through community. When we moved to New Jersey, they picked the whitest redneck American spots they could find with like nothing but Anglo American types.

Yet, they expected us to marry Albanians and uphold the culture lol. There’s a small Albanian community center from what I understand but it’s in New York and usually mostly Malesor. I give them credit for sticking together. We barely make a dent in this country’s massive population.

I don’t like city living myself either honestly. I like calm and peace. Scenic environment. I hope to at least get a home back there one day to visit. Assuming finances ever work themselves out lmao. We have the deed to our land in Okshtun. Problem is it’s very isolated. No development and probably completely depopulated at this point.
I'm a perfectionist with a tendency to wild swings of depression or anxiety that can swoop in at any time. I sleep with an eye open at night (figure of speech) and I'm far too often at a heightened sense of awareness. I took a pill last year and all it did was kill my sex drive. I'd rather smoke weed than take that pill again.

There are just some things in life, events and the way we're wired personally that no pill can fix at the moment.
I'm a perfectionist with a tendency to wild swings of depression or anxiety that can swoop in at any time. I sleep with an eye open at night (figure of speech) and I'm far too often at a heightened sense of awareness. I took a pill last year and all it did was kill my sex drive. I'd rather smoke weed than take that pill again.

There are just some things in life, events and the way we're wired personally that no pill can fix at the moment.

I don't know about killing someone's sex drive, but I've heard people say the tranquilizers work for them for anxiety, but not things like zoloft etc, but doctors won't prescribe them because they're addictive.

I think at low doses people could probably wean themselves off them, but some people just need higher doses, or can't resist higher doses.

Depression is different. Nothing seems to help some people with that issue.

That's definitely a problem.
Depression is different. Nothing seems to help some people with that issue.
Money and fame/recognition is a temporary solution.
I like the fact that atleast on the medicine I was taking one of the side effects included "suicidal behavior" so yeah... antidepressants aren't really good for you.
Antidepressants are not a depression cure. The purpose of antidepressants is to reduce the impact of depression on your thinking and feeling, while you change your life in other ways - counselling, cognitive behavioural therapy, diet, exercise, socialising and so on.
I think it is good to feel a little bit deppresed or getting bored or being lazy or being and feel a little bit lonely.
I have no words for the medicines (anti-deppressants),
but I have a lot of words for the good and friendly persons who support all the others at desperate situations.
Unfortuanatelly I am bored at that moment.


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