Immigration All the Islamic-inspired terrorism we don't know about


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If everybody knows about the succesful terrorist attacks led by Islamists, like those of 11 September 2001 in the USA, the bombs on trains in Madrid in March 2004, or those in the London Underground in July 2005, hardly anybody knows about or remembers the dozens of thwarted plots that were much less mediatised, apart from the failed car bombs in London and Glasgow this July.

For example, the Strasbourg cathedral bombing plot, 2 years before 9/11. I also vaguely recall reports of thwarted attacks in airports, trains or public buildings in various European countries, or the explosives found on a Moroccan airplane passenger in France.

The question is, just how many terrorist attacks have been thwarted in the last 10 years or so in Western countries ?
Terrorist had used this stupid idea : fighting in the name of Islam.
I believe and I know from my friends that Islam is (actually) all about peace, and my friends really meant it. They live in a good way everyday.

"Fighting in the name of Islam" only makes the name of Islam bad in world's eyes, don't you think so?
... and then there's the one that's just yesterday made itself known in my country. Namely "global intifada" that burned 3 large grocery-shop chains to the ground merely because American products can be found on the shelves.
Bloody bastards! We do not support the american invasion of Irak, we are not members of the american-manipulated NATO, and - by way of our traditional humanitarian efforts - we've got 100 times more Arab (particularly Iraki) refugees than the U.S.
Sorry, I don't know if there's anything in English but this is the up-to-date info on what's happening here:
... and then there's the one that's just yesterday made itself known in my country. Namely "global intifada" that burned 3 large grocery-shop chains to the ground merely because American products can be found on the shelves.
Bloody bastards! We do not support the american invasion of Irak, we are not members of the american-manipulated NATO, and - by way of our traditional humanitarian efforts - we've got 100 times more Arab (particularly Iraki) refugees than the U.S.

Do you think that Muslim fanatics care to differentiate Western countries between each others ? It doesn't matter to them whether a country is NATO-affiliated, supports US foreign policy, or help Muslim immigrants. It is in the very nature of fanatics to have a black and white vision of things. Either you are Western or you are not.
Do you think that Muslim fanatics care to differentiate Western countries between each others ? It doesn't matter to them whether a country is NATO-affiliated, supports US foreign policy, or help Muslim immigrants. It is in the very nature of fanatics to have a black and white vision of things. Either you are Western or you are not.
Whenever I think in that way it worries me that such a view might indicate that I'm becoming a "racist". I blame it not on Islam nor on muslims - but on Arabs you see. But I must confess that I am likely to agree with every word you've said and it shows that it's the very Arab "Muslim fanatics" who are the true racists of the world today. Look at Darfur and the racist government of Mauritania for further proof.
There have been a lot of Islamic inspired terrorism in Turkey too.

and some obscure assasinations against laic (atheist) journalists or writers.
Muslim / Arab fears are leading to increasing support for nationalist parties in Europe. The next step may a be steady expulsion of Muslims, particularly those convicted of serious crimes. A disturbing picture all round.
That is what I will be affraid of. In the end this could become what European Muslims will suffer from.
What Barack Obama is doing about lowering the tensions is very important because the extremists will not have grounds for their work.
Islam and Islamicism

Amen to that, Euromuslim!!! GW's approach did nothing but stir up every possible anti-USA sentiment in the Muslim world. Obama is a true diplomat, and the response to his reasonable approach can only be a lessening of tensions.

My hope is that with decreased hostility toward the USA and "the West" generally, people will begin to look at what needs to be done within the Muslim countries. Take Algeria, for example... That country is a mess, with Islamonuts running around slitting throats and so on. It further suffers from the historic suppression of Berber ethnicity and identity in favor of that of the conquerors, Arabs.

I hear there is quite a movement of Berber nationalism in France... where it is safe to express such ideas. I'd love to see this bear fruit in the home country.
Whenever I think in that way it worries me that such a view might indicate that I'm becoming a "racist". I blame it not on Islam nor on muslims - but on Arabs you see. But I must confess that I am likely to agree with every word you've said and it shows that it's the very Arab "Muslim fanatics" who are the true racists of the world today. Look at Darfur and the racist government of Mauritania for further proof.
It is interesting that you mentioned Mauritania, one of the most backward countries on Earth, where human slavery is legal and continues to be practiced. Essentially, slavery may be considered as one of society's self inflicted forms of terrorism.
Amen to that, Euromuslim!!! GW's approach did nothing but stir up every possible anti-USA sentiment in the Muslim world. Obama is a true diplomat, and the response to his reasonable approach can only be a lessening of tensions.
My hope is that with decreased hostility toward the USA and "the West" generally, people will begin to look at what needs to be done within the Muslim countries. Take Algeria, for example... That country is a mess, with Islamonuts running around slitting throats and so on. It further suffers from the historic suppression of Berber ethnicity and identity in favor of that of the conquerors, Arabs.
I hear there is quite a movement of Berber nationalism in France... where it is safe to express such ideas. I'd love to see this bear fruit in the home country.
I’m afraid that you’re missing the real point, Barros - which is in keeping with the brain-washed American mentality.
You (as is the wish from your White House/Pentagon) see the culprit as “anti-USA sentiment” and “hostility toward the USA”. These are you own words, above, and you treat it as though it were some sort of spontaneously born enigma. The point that you’re COMPLETELY missing is that these “Muslim countries” have a genuine grudge against the U.S. As I pointed out (in another thread) the mayhem of 9/11 was a taste of the American’s own medicine. Now, we can discuss that further, if you like, but for now the most important thing for you to see is that the U.S. should not make do with paying lip service to those countries and then continue placing CIA agents in their soup. The U.S. must stop their treachery abroad. Full stop.
If I tell you how much I like you but punch you in the nose every time I see you what will be your evaluation of me? The U.S. government has been murdering its’ own citizens since the early 1900’s and they’re still getting away with it today. They’ve been doing the same with the rest of the world and getting away with that too ….. until now. The world should be thanking those fanatic Arabs, though I know very well that (in the end) we’ll end up on the wrong end of stick for doing so. It’s the same old story: The U.S. supplies and trains rogue armies and when it gets strong enough (and cleaver enough to understand that the U.S. is actually f*cking them) they take on the world.
The U.S. government has been a source of international terrorism (by way of CIA operatives) since the end of the Second World War and is (today) the MOST evil political-military source/process in the developed world since the death of Stalin.
Obama has much more to consider than simple diplomacy. He has taken on a burden, a mountainous legacy of treachery. Just a lot of smiling and shaking hands isn’t going clean the slate and I don’t think he’s off to a flying start either: the troops are still in Iraq, pumping the oil and squeezing the tit for all it’s worth.
I’m afraid that you’re missing the real point, Barros - which is in keeping with the brain-washed American mentality.
You (as is the wish from your White House/Pentagon) see the culprit as “anti-USA sentiment” and “hostility toward the USA”. These are you own words, above, and you treat it as though it were some sort of spontaneously born enigma. The point that you’re COMPLETELY missing is that these “Muslim countries” have a genuine grudge against the U.S. As I pointed out (in another thread) the mayhem of 9/11 was a taste of the American’s own medicine. Now, we can discuss that further, if you like, but for now the most important thing for you to see is that the U.S. should not make do with paying lip service to those countries and then continue placing CIA agents in their soup. The U.S. must stop their treachery abroad. Full stop.
If I tell you how much I like you but punch you in the nose every time I see you what will be your evaluation of me? The U.S. government has been murdering its’ own citizens since the early 1900’s and they’re still getting away with it today. They’ve been doing the same with the rest of the world and getting away with that too ….. until now. The world should be thanking those fanatic Arabs, though I know very well that (in the end) we’ll end up on the wrong end of stick for doing so. It’s the same old story: The U.S. supplies and trains rogue armies and when it gets strong enough (and cleaver enough to understand that the U.S. is actually f*cking them) they take on the world.
The U.S. government has been a source of international terrorism (by way of CIA operatives) since the end of the Second World War and is (today) the MOST evil political-military source/process in the developed world since the death of Stalin.
Obama has much more to consider than simple diplomacy. He has taken on a burden, a mountainous legacy of treachery. Just a lot of smiling and shaking hands isn’t going clean the slate and I don’t think he’s off to a flying start either: the troops are still in Iraq, pumping the oil and squeezing the tit for all it’s worth.
It comes down to level of trust in government and the foreign policy it pursues. No question that there is a high level distrust in government everywhere these days, no just the U.S.
..... No question that there is a high level distrust in government everywhere these days, no just the U.S.
You've got that right. I don't even know what my government is doing these days but I'm sure I'd disagree with it out of hand, if I did know. Well, whatever it is they're doing they're not making an explanations for it. All we hear is, "There are some difficulties but everything is under controll and we expect some improvements very soon." I don't believe a word of it. :annoyed:
It is interesting that you mentioned Mauritania, one of the most backward countries on Earth, where human slavery is legal and continues to be practiced. Essentially, slavery may be considered as one of society's self inflicted forms of terrorism.

Strange, I've been several times in Mauritania, but I didn't see any signs of slavery, but I agree with it being one the most backward countries in the world. I never ceases to amaze me when I see a Mauritanian co-worker with happy smile on his face, sitting in front of a working washing machine.
You've got that right. I don't even know what my government is doing these days but I'm sure I'd disagree with it out of hand, if I did know. Well, whatever it is they're doing they're not making an explanations for it. All we hear is, "There are some difficulties but everything is under controll and we expect some improvements very soon." I don't believe a word of it. :annoyed:
Most governments lie or distort the truth...

The masses never get accurate information about much these days. The masses are brain dead from the trash projected by the media. All the media does is constantly sell production line junk merchandise, horrid fast food and, of course, push infantile programs like fake wrestling, idiotic soap operas and other low-brow rubbish. We are getting dumber by the day.
Strange, I've been several times in Mauritania, but I didn't see any signs of slavery, but I agree with it being one the most backward countries in the world. I never ceases to amaze me when I see a Mauritanian co-worker with happy smile on his face, sitting in front of a working washing machine.

It's not necessarily overt slavery. People are sold because they owe debts. Children and women are still sold by their familes for various reasons, mostly economic.
.....The masses never get accurate information about much these days. The masses are brain dead from the trash projected by the media. .....
The media. Now there is THE culpret.

I dont understand why people read the newpapers. I dont. Its just filled with so much trash, lies, half-truths, exagerrations, and heresay. If they can sell a dozen more papers today than yesterday, then theyll say anything at all. I love it (did I say love?) when the headlines state something so outrageous like, World War III Has Begun! Of course its written in quotation points and if you actually purchase the paper (in order to get to the details of the story) youll discover that the village idiot said it and the headline was merely an innnocent quote. They actually expect me to pay for such rubbish? I can get plenty of that for free by scanning the Metro that someone left on the morning bus to work. :LOL:
Most governments lie or distort the truth...

The masses never get accurate information about much these days. The masses are brain dead from the trash projected by the media. All the media does is constantly sell production line junk merchandise, horrid fast food and, of course, push infantile programs like fake wrestling, idiotic soap operas and other low-brow rubbish. We are getting dumber by the day.

The problem is accentuated by the media, who often lack a proper critical sense, or just write sensational stories that sell, rather than discuss things rationally.

The question is, do governments control the media, or do the media write uncritical, oversimplified and infantile rubbish because the biggest part of the population doesn't deserve better ? If the audience prefers to buy easy-to-read scandal stories or reassuring words from governments rather than cold facts, then it also makes sense from a business point of view to sell such stories.

In his book Bad Science, Ben Goldacre, a science journalist himself, has harshly criticised the (British) media about their distortion of facts in their health and science section. One of the most extreme examples is the MMR vaccine scare that raged in Britain (exclusively) from 1998 to fairly recently. Andrew Wakefield, a Canadian doctor working in the UK, claimed that the MMR vaccine caused autism based on an biased study on only 12 of his own patients (without any controls). The media took over the story and the whole country was made to believe that this was true. Many actual scientific studies have since proven that this was completely false (including a study analysing the data of half a million Danish children !) but they were completely ignored by the British media (BBC included), who continued to push their scandal story for 8 years.
I think the only reporting one can rely upon (for the truth) is the weekly TV guide. The medias raison d'être is based on a strickt, pre-determined bias and they will never give you an acurate account of any situation. All we can do is purchase the product of that media that supports our own prejudices.

And some wonder how it is that the world is still at war! :confused:

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