Alien spaceship debris found?


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Russian researchers say they have found stuff that might turn out to be the debris of an alien vessel at the place of the Tunguska explosion from 1908.

You should think, that's big news, but no major news station has announced it yet. By chance I heard about it on BFBS radio & what I found online were only a few Russian articles (& interestingly 1 by Chinese news agency Xinhua). Here are 2 of them by Interfax & the Pravda

No matter if this turns out to be the real deal or just another red herring, I think, it's shameful how it is ignored by the major news agencies. It seems they want to leave it to the yellow press. But maybe I'm a bit biased, because I want it to be true (though I would prefer an intact alien spaceship with living ETs over some old debris).
It's probably not on any major news station simply because there are thousands of people each year claiming to see spaceships, or to have had an alien encounter. As far as I know none of them have been proven true.

It would take tons of testing for scientists to be convinced that it isn't just debris from the original explosion. As well, it's highly unlikely the public will be convinced.
Indeed, it seems to be the "boy who cried wolf" syndrome here. Why should we jump the gun this time, when every other time the evidence has been overturned or unconclusive?
Glenn said:
Indeed, it seems to be the "boy who cried wolf" syndrome here. Why should we jump the gun this time, when every other time the evidence has been overturned or unconclusive?
That's it probably. I wouldn't have a problem with it when they at least mentioned it, albeit with the usual condescending "Whoever believes that must be a complete fool"-attitude. But they completely ignore it. :? How can you make up your mind about it, if there is so few information available.

All this has to be verified thoroughly & it may very well be another case of wishful thinking. MSNBC & Yahoo News have coverage now, too. It seems, the expedition originally set out to find evidence for some ET involvement, which probably means that they were biased right from the start. When you want to find something eagerly, you may find it although it is not there.

I suppose, we have to wait & see.
Well, it's hard to say. But I think that the reason for so many stories on the news is to over-saturate the media and desensitise the public as to these 'sightings'. Plausible denial I think it's called?

Me? I have a feeling we're gonna find out we aren't alone one day and be seriously screwed.

bossel said:
Russian researchers say they have found stuff that might turn out to be the debris of an alien vessel at the place of the Tunguska explosion from 1908.
Yeah that was the bunch who said before going to Tunguska "We're going to look for bits of an alien spaceship." and lo and behold they 'found' bits of an alien spaceship. :relief:

Frankly _I_ wouldn't report it until after they'd got back and somebody else has actually had a look at the 'alien spaceship debris.
PaulTB said:
Yeah that was the bunch who said before going to Tunguska "We're going to look for bits of an alien spaceship." and lo and behold they 'found' bits of an alien spaceship.
That's what I said in message #4.

Frankly _I_ wouldn't report it until after they'd got back and somebody else has actually had a look at the 'alien spaceship debris.
Well, that's you, but it would be quite new (& probably in most cases impractical) for any of the major news media: to wait until every bit of information has been verified by independent sources.
bossel said:
Well, that's you, but it would be quite new (& probably in most cases impractical) for any of the major news media: to wait until every bit of information has been verified by independent sources.
There's a difference between waiting for 'every bit of information' to be verified by independent sources and waiting for any bit of information to be verified by independent sources.

Besides if you look at stories like the 'Rigellian clone babies' they were reported from the start as being highly dubious in most news sources.
Never heard of Rigellian Clone Babies.

Anyway, there was information available, & they could have brought it.
It was yours? Oh, damn. Now that they have it, I suppose, there's no way for you to take me with you? Or will your guys come & look for you?
I want to be the first guy on earth do date an alien woman you heard it here I got first dibs!!!!
bossel said:
It was yours? Oh, damn. Now that they have it, I suppose, there's no way for you to take me with you? Or will your guys come & look for you?
Well I would like to show you my planet, but I'm not sure my planets Head Command would be too pleased about it. Secondly, I'm not sure if you can survive in our atmosphere. Third, I need to find a ship first, cause the other one is broken.... Damn, If I could just go back to taste our food again. Ahh....

Well, it could also be that certain authorities don't want the media to report about this, and only these two managed to slip through... :eek:kashii:
Would be very nice to have a second Roswell (or first, as it happened a good bit earlier) :haihai:
It could be a piece of the Buran for all I care.

No photo, can't say much.

On a related note, there're no photo of a wreck Buran either.

As for the possibility of founding a craft from the 1908 event.

It has been around one century after the event. If there's indeed a craft, it probably already buried deep below the ground. Anything that is found higher is probably from a mouch younger event.

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