I have analysed dozens of ancient genomes using Dodecad dv3 and K12b and Eurogenes K36, and I noticed that almost every time ancient Scandinavians or Germanic tribes possessed non-negligible percentages of African admixture. These were sometimes reported as Central African or Northwest African by Eurogenes K36. Ancient Germanic sample have between 1% and 3% of African admixture using the two Dodecad calculators. Yet modern Scandinavians don't have any trace of it (0%, not even 0.1%) using the exact same calculators. This is extremely odd. It cannot be due to the poor quality of the genomes, since it happened even with nearly full genomic sequences 50x bigger than 23andMe's raw data, and therefore covering all the SNP's used in the calculators.
The African admixture was not found in Mesolithic Scandinavia, but shows up at high frequency (6 to 10%) in the Late Neolithic Funnelbeaker culture, just before the Proto-Indo-European invasions with the Corded Ware culture (from 2800 BCE in Scandinavia). The Funnelbeaker culture marks the arrival of Megalithic structures in Scandinavia from western Europe. Megaliths seem to have originated in the Near East. The oldest ones in Europe were found in Sicily and southern Portugal and date from c. 7000 BCE. The Atlantic Megalithic culture really started with the advent of farming and would have spread from Iberia to France, the British Isles and the Low Countries before reaching Scandinavia. Considering the high Northwest African admixture in Funnelbeaker, there is a good chance that Iberian Megalithic people inherited genes from Northwest Africans, probably from the North African Neolithic route that brought R1b-V88, E-M78, J1 and T1a to Iberia.
Here are two Funnelbeaker samples from Sweden. They also had about 3% of Southwest Asian, which is perfectly consistent with a Neolithic dispersal from the southern Levant across North Africa until Iberia.
Dodecad dv3
8.38% of Northwest_African
2.14% of Palaeo_African
TOTAL: 10.52% African
Dodecad K12b:
6.75% of Northwest_African
4.77% of Sub_Saharan
TOTAL: 11.52% African
Dodecad dv3
4.26% of Northwest_African
1.19% of Palaeo_African
0.85% of Palaeo_African
TOTAL: 6.3% African
Dodecad K12b:
3.94% of Northwest_African
1.73% of Sub_Saharan
TOTAL: 5.67% African
This African admixture remained in Scandinavia at least until the Late Iron Age and was present in every single sample I tested.
Battle-Axe culture (RISE71, H3b, c. 2100 BCE Denmark)
Dodecad Dv3:
0.73% Neo_African
0.34% Palaeo_African
TOTAL: 1.07% African
Dodecad K12b:
0.17% Northwest_African
Nordic Bronze Age (RISE077, I1, J1c8, c. 1350 BCE Denmark)
Dodecad Dv3:
2.79% Neo_African
Dodecad K12b:
2.69% Sub_Saharan
Iron-age Sweden (RISE174, W1, c. 500 CE)
Dodecad Dv3:
0.42% Neo_African
2.03% Northwest_African
0.12% Palaeo_African
TOTAL: 2.57% African
Dodecad K12b:
0.97% Northwest_African
0.36% Sub_Saharan
TOTAL: 1.33% African
Anglo-Saxon (Hinxton2, H2a2b, c. 700 CE)
Dodecad Dv3:
0.53% Neo_African
0.81% East_African 0.22% Palaeo_African
TOTAL: 1.55% African
Dodecad K12b:
0.70% Sub_Saharan
0.49% East_African
TOTAL: 1.19% African
The African admixture was not found in Mesolithic Scandinavia, but shows up at high frequency (6 to 10%) in the Late Neolithic Funnelbeaker culture, just before the Proto-Indo-European invasions with the Corded Ware culture (from 2800 BCE in Scandinavia). The Funnelbeaker culture marks the arrival of Megalithic structures in Scandinavia from western Europe. Megaliths seem to have originated in the Near East. The oldest ones in Europe were found in Sicily and southern Portugal and date from c. 7000 BCE. The Atlantic Megalithic culture really started with the advent of farming and would have spread from Iberia to France, the British Isles and the Low Countries before reaching Scandinavia. Considering the high Northwest African admixture in Funnelbeaker, there is a good chance that Iberian Megalithic people inherited genes from Northwest Africans, probably from the North African Neolithic route that brought R1b-V88, E-M78, J1 and T1a to Iberia.
Here are two Funnelbeaker samples from Sweden. They also had about 3% of Southwest Asian, which is perfectly consistent with a Neolithic dispersal from the southern Levant across North Africa until Iberia.
Dodecad dv3
8.38% of Northwest_African
2.14% of Palaeo_African
TOTAL: 10.52% African
Dodecad K12b:
6.75% of Northwest_African
4.77% of Sub_Saharan
TOTAL: 11.52% African
Dodecad dv3
4.26% of Northwest_African
1.19% of Palaeo_African
0.85% of Palaeo_African
TOTAL: 6.3% African
Dodecad K12b:
3.94% of Northwest_African
1.73% of Sub_Saharan
TOTAL: 5.67% African
This African admixture remained in Scandinavia at least until the Late Iron Age and was present in every single sample I tested.
Battle-Axe culture (RISE71, H3b, c. 2100 BCE Denmark)
Dodecad Dv3:
0.73% Neo_African
0.34% Palaeo_African
TOTAL: 1.07% African
Dodecad K12b:
0.17% Northwest_African
Nordic Bronze Age (RISE077, I1, J1c8, c. 1350 BCE Denmark)
Dodecad Dv3:
2.79% Neo_African
Dodecad K12b:
2.69% Sub_Saharan
Iron-age Sweden (RISE174, W1, c. 500 CE)
Dodecad Dv3:
0.42% Neo_African
2.03% Northwest_African
0.12% Palaeo_African
TOTAL: 2.57% African
Dodecad K12b:
0.97% Northwest_African
0.36% Sub_Saharan
TOTAL: 1.33% African
Anglo-Saxon (Hinxton2, H2a2b, c. 700 CE)
Dodecad Dv3:
0.53% Neo_African
0.81% East_African 0.22% Palaeo_African
TOTAL: 1.55% African
Dodecad K12b:
0.70% Sub_Saharan
0.49% East_African
TOTAL: 1.19% African
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