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The Hairy Wookie
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Hometown of George Eliot
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Please note that it is against forum rules to openly attack another member on Eupedia. You can call an arguement stupid, dumb or idiotic, but not the actual member making it. I know that in the heat of discussion and debate that you may well want to call the other an idiot, I have on many an occassion, but it is best to sit back, take a deep breath and start again. You can call people who are not members idiots, fools or whatever, but not the actual member.
Do not feed the trolls.
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deal with the truth
lets go by facts
the majority of germans r1b descendents from m9 its s afact not an opinion
between 1939-1945 they killed milions in gas chambers with no emotion they killed milion and a half kids i could not do it you need to be realy crule do we agree about that
deal with the truth be a man instead of running to the administrator for complain
genetic code
deal with the truth
lets go by facts
the majority of germans r1b descendents from m9 its s afact not an opinion
between 1939-1945 they killed milions in gas chambers with no emotion they killed milion and a half kids i could not do it you need to be realy crule do we agree about that
deal with the truth be a man instead of running to the administrator for complain
genetic code
What are you talking about ? :confused:
deal with the truth
lets go by facts
the majority of germans r1b descendents from m9 its s afact not an opinion
between 1939-1945 they killed milions in gas chambers with no emotion they killed milion and a half kids i could not do it you need to be realy crule do we agree about that
deal with the truth be a man instead of running to the administrator for complain
genetic code

'K. Let’s deal with the REAL facts, especially since you demonstrate the validity of Godwins Law when faced with the undeniable.

Millions of people were systematically murdered by a group of people in an act that really was unknown to the vast majority of German people. THAT is a fact that you can, as they say, take to the bank.

In addition it was a thing that has happened before, it is a thing that has happened since (recall Pol Pot, the Khmer Rouge, and the atrocities they conducted) and it is, sad to say, a thing that is part of the Human Condition and is happening now in many countries of the world. Let’s take as an example Darfur, and there’s damm few r1b descendents from m9 to be found in the oppressors in that case.

You’re out of order. Big time.

but there is alos r1b in sudan
and i dont buy that most german didnt knew
bulshit most of the germans knew everything
about other palces that it is happening so should i except what they
did the answere is no .big time
genetic code
but there is alos r1b in sudan
and i dont buy that most german didnt knew
bulshit most of the germans knew everything
about other palces that it is happening so should i except what they
did the answere is no .big time
genetic code

‘Most” of the German people did NOT know that industrialised genocide was taking place. The extermination camps were in Poland precisely to keep the majority of the German population from being aware of what was taking place.

The belief of most German people was that “Üntermenschen” and assorted “unbrauchbare Esser” and those experiencing “lebensunwerten Lebens” were either taken into closed camps were they were given sheltered employment or died from natural causes which for someone suffering from physical deformity or somesuch was far from unusual.

Considerable propaganda was perpetrated by the Nazi’s to support this, even to the extent of having “example camps” such as that at Theresienstadt.

A place which was also infamously used to satisfy a Red Cross inspection that those living in such places were being well treated, as well as to hide the truth from the German population at large by newsreel films taken inside parts of the camp and getting in-transit prisoners to write home indicating that all was well.

It’s also worth note when dealing with this subject that it wasn’t just German Nazis who committed all the inhumanity. Other Axis nations, especially the Italians were famous for their zeal in rounding up their Üntermenschen and shipping them out.

And while you’re at it check out il Duce’s Second Italo-Ethiopian War and the illegality involved in that little jaunt, especially the use by the Italians of the then internationally illegal chemical agents.

For that matter the “death” camp at Andernach, and others like it are worth looking into, as is who created the first modern day concentration camp with maltreatment of the prisoners as a deliberate regime. You’ll need to look at events around the Boer War to get the low down on that one.

You see, that’s the rub. There are differences that are genetically imposed, but that’s not the end of it.

Nature provides the alloy, but nurture forges the implement and memes hone the edge.

You have much yet to learn, ceiliog rhedyn.

Being racist with your present limited knowledge and even more limited understanding is not a good position to adopt. Take it from an old Gwyllgi, the easier and faster you reach an understanding, usually it means the less you know about a thing.
the leaders of the nazis and camp commanders were usually e1b1b1
hittler himself was not r1b he was e-v13
same goes for mussolini ,most of the leaders came from the mediterreanean race e1b1b1{ i can tell from ther facial feauters }
but most of the army were r1b and haplogroup I
saddam hussein is also e1b1b1 probably m34 also talat pasha the responsible of the genocide and deportation of the armenians sorry for blaming the german on there ancesators acts
genetic code
The common factor isn't genes within a population, it's that the population is human.

Why try to hide raw racism behind science?
the leaders of the nazis and camp commanders were usually e1b1b1
hittler himself was not r1b he was e-v13
same goes for mussolini ,most of the leaders came from the mediterreanean race e1b1b1{ i can tell from ther facial feauters }
but most of the army were r1b and haplogroup I
saddam hussein is also e1b1b1 probably m34 also talat pasha the responsible of the genocide and deportation of the armenians sorry for blaming the german on there ancesators acts
genetic code
haplogroups have little to do with Race. Plus the e-v13 is typically european. And you are a big lier because we don't know what haplgroups Hitler or Mussolini belonged, so stop with all this nonsense.
whats your point i know e-v13 is european ,but it still doesnt descendents from m9
how many should i tell you that ,
second than explain me what determain your race i want to learn tell me
is it skull shape? facial features ? instead of attacking with no mercy
genetic code
whats your point i know e-v13 is european ,but it still doesnt descendents from m9
how many should i tell you that ,
second than explain me what determain your race i want to learn tell me
is it skull shape? facial features ? instead of attacking with no mercy
genetic code
Autosomal DNA determines your whole ancestry, not Y-DNA
bu i will give you example you e1b1a west african you put him in europe after
2000-3000 yeras of mixing with european ladies his male descendents if he have will do Autosomal dna test and gusse what the result will show thta he his european autosomali do you will except him as europoean even though he carry e1b1a y haplogroup which is western central african in distrabution ?
genetic code
bu i will give you example you e1b1a west african you put him in europe after
2000-3000 yeras of mixing with european ladies his male descendents if he have will do Autosomal dna test and gusse what the result will show thta he his european autosomali do you will except him as europoean even though he carry e1b1a y haplogroup which is western central african in distrabution ?
genetic code

Put a West African guy into Europe for 2000 - 3000 years of mixing with European ladies?

I would have thought that baring really skilled mummification a West African (or any other person for that matter) would have turned to dust well before that time had elapsed.

Accept him as European? Anwylyd Dduw, I’d accept him as a miracle!

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