Absolutely Disgusting Court Ruling


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See here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-46924289

A father, whose ex-partner forged his signature to conceive a child via an IVF clinic, said he was "absolutely floored" when he found out. The man, who can only be identified as ARB, sued IVF Hammersmith for damages for the cost of bringing up the girl.

Although judges found the clinic was in breach of contract, they rejected his claim for damages.

The High Court in 2017 ruled against ARB's claim for damages because of a legal precedent in which the The House of Lords - now the Supreme Court - said that healthy children are always "a blessing". :petrified:

Court of Appeal judge Lady Justice Nicola Davies DBE backed this view in December 2018, writing in her judgment that it was "morally unacceptable to regard a child as a financial liability".

That is a ridiculously dystopian law, it stinks of the generic "Weakness is strength" moralising mantras so successfully utilised by proponents of political correctness, which automatically implicitly frames opponents as morally unsound (try debating the proven link between race and IQ in public for example - the facts won't matter as the masses have been trained to think through a moral rather than logical lens). I really don't want to see what things look like in 20+ years, in fact at this rate I ideally don't plan to be in this country by then
To summarise, this guy has to pay child support for the rest of his life because some crazy woman stole his sperm, and the resulting baby is a "blessing" so not to be considered a financial liability. Why do so few see the massive dangers of courts and the media upholding this stance?


In Canada, for example, it is illegal to not call trans people by their preferred pronouns as it is classified as a "hate crime".

Who would believe that the West would fall due to this guy?


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