Personality 10 common signs that you could have Asperger

Are you an Aspie ?

  • I have been officially diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome

    Votes: 6 33.3%
  • I have diagnosed myself through an online test (e.g. Aspie Quiz or RAADS)

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • I have some Asperger traits, but not enough to be called an Aspie

    Votes: 7 38.9%
  • I am completely neurotypical

    Votes: 3 16.7%

  • Total voters


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I have talked recently about the association between high IQ and Asperger traits. I wouldn't be surprised if quite a few people on a forum like this one, who like intense discussion about specialised interests, had Asperger's syndrome.

Here are a few common signs typically found among Aspies.

  1. You like role playing games (board version or video games like Zelda and Final Fantasy)
  2. You prefer animals to people (especially cats)
  3. You dislike team sports
  4. You get tired quickly when talking to people
  5. You dislike places that are too noisy, bright or have strong smells
  6. You prefer to be alone at home than to socialise with large groups of people
  7. You have intense interests and can talk about them for hours
  8. You use formal language and have an unusual prosody, pitch or tone
  9. You like to quote sentences from films/movies or sitcoms or to imitate other people
  10. You point to people's mistakes because you consider that the truth is more important than people's feelings

This is not a diagnostic test, just telling signs. You could be an Aspie if you have at least half of these traits. To be sure, you can take one of these more official online tests: RAADS-R, Aspie Quiz (available in 13 languages), or AQ test.


Asperger's syndrome can be compared to a puzzle - each piece representing a trait associated with a particular variant of a gene. You don't need to have the full puzzle to be called an Aspie. Diagnostically having 50 to 60% of the traits is sufficient for someone to be considered an Aspie. Asperger tend to run in families and its heritability is about 50%.

Here are 10 more common traits found among Aspies:

  1. You tend to take things too literally
  2. You often don't get other people's jokes and they don't understand yours
  3. You are or have been called a nerd or a geek
  4. You like collecting stuff or making lists of things you are interested in
  5. You like classical music or other instrumental music (without lyrics)
  6. You object to illogical rules and may refuse to follow them as they are stupid
  7. You prefer reading non-fiction than fiction
  8. You are very interested in computers and technologies
  9. As a child you often preferred the company of adults or slightly younger kids than people your own age
  10. You have an excellent memory, especially for facts (but not necessarily for things you have to do)

The character of Sheldon Cooper in The Big Bang Theory is probably the best known Hollywood impersonation of someone with Asperger's syndrome (who also happens to have high IQ and OCD), although he depicts a rather 'heavy' case of Asperger (nearly full puzzle, to use the metaphor above) with very rigid routines and dislikes, very immature empathy, and quite pronounced quirks of behaviour. Yet, some of Sheldon's idiosyncrasies are not necessarily related to Asperger. For example the fact that he can't understand sarcasm doesn't seem to be a common Aspie trait.
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I have talked recently about the association between high IQ and Asperger traits. I wouldn't be surprised if quite a few people on a forum like this one, who like intense discussion about specialised interests, had Asperger's syndrome.

Here are a few common signs typically found among Aspies.

  1. You like role playing games (board version or video games like Zelda and Final Fantasy)
  2. You prefer animals to people (especially cats)
  3. You dislike team sports
  4. You get tired quickly when talking to people
  5. You dislike places that are too noisy, bright or have strong smells
  6. You prefer to be alone at home than to socialise with large groups of people
  7. You have intense interests and can talk about them for hours
  8. You use formal language and have an unusual prosody or tone
  9. You like to quote sentences from films/movies or sitcoms or to imitate other people
  10. You point to people's mistakes because you consider that the truth is more important than people's feelings

You could be an Aspie if you have at least half of these traits. To be sure, you can take this test or that one (available in 13 languages).

do I qualify as an Aspie?

1 - no
2 - no
3 - no
4 - yes
5 - yes
6 - yes
7 - yes
8 - no
9 - no
10 - yes

50% ......I could have:startled:
I have talked recently about the association between high IQ and Asperger traits. I wouldn't be surprised if quite a few people on a forum like this one, who like intense discussion about specialised interests, had Asperger's syndrome.

Here are a few common signs typically found among Aspies.

  1. You like role playing games (board version or video games like Zelda and Final Fantasy)
  2. You prefer animals to people (especially cats)
  3. You dislike team sports
  4. You get tired quickly when talking to people
  5. You dislike places that are too noisy, bright or have strong smells
  6. You prefer to be alone at home than to socialise with large groups of people
  7. You have intense interests and can talk about them for hours
  8. You use formal language and have an unusual prosody or tone
  9. You like to quote sentences from films/movies or sitcoms or to imitate other people
  10. You point to people's mistakes because you consider that the truth is more important than people's feelings

You could be an Aspie if you have at least half of these traits. To be sure, you can take this test or that one (available in 13 languages).
Ahaha I meet almost all the criteria here. I was diagnosed last December; so I have been diagnosed for about a year now. Yes, I am an Aspie.

I have no idea if the disorder is real or not; though. I usually keep it to myself and do not let others know about it. They usually find out somehow. Usually through a close friend or a family member. But I don't brag about it; cause I'm not sure if it is a real disorder or not. And it is probably not something good to tell people if you want to make a good first impression.

I do believe I may have an Autistic trait that is rather malignant. I cannot rationalize fear as well as other people; and I am often emotional detached. I often do not acknowledge the consequences or dangers of my actions in any real way; similar to a teenager or a human toddler or animal that acts on instinct.

I am good at almost all topics and excel. Except in Mathematics; which it seems I am a bit stunted in. For some reason my brain has a hard time with anything that isn't Basic Math. Almost like a mental block or a learning disorder. Apparently in autistic and Asperger's individuals; this is the exact opposite. But for me, I can usually only do simple Math like Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division.

I had a hard time learning how to drive a car in my teenage years. The doctors thought I would never be able to make it. But somehow I learned how to adjust and I managed to get my license. I don't handle stress or frustration very well; and I wonder if it is because my brain is a bit underdeveloped because of Autism. I am really clumsy. It took me time to learn how to ride a bike as well; and I still have trouble doing even that.
I have updated the OP above.
  1. You like role playing games (board version or video games like Zelda and Final Fantasy)
  2. You prefer animals to people (especially cats)
  3. You dislike team sports
  4. You get tired quickly when talking to people
  5. You dislike places that are too noisy, bright or have strong smells
  6. You prefer to be alone at home than to socialise with large groups of people
  7. You have intense interests and can talk about them for hours
  8. You use formal language and have an unusual prosody, pitch or tone
  9. You like to quote sentences from films/movies or sitcoms or to imitate other people
  10. You point to people's mistakes because you consider that the truth is more important than people's feelings
1. Yes
2. No
3. No
4. No
5. No
6. Yes
7. Yes
8. No
9. No
10. No

  1. You tend to take things too literally
  2. You often don't get other people's jokes and they don't understand yours
  3. You are or have been called a nerd or a geek
  4. You like collecting stuff or making lists of things you are interested in
  5. You like classical music or other instrumental music (without lyrics)
  6. You object to illogical rules and may refuse to follow them as they are stupid
  7. You prefer reading non-fiction than fiction
  8. You are very interested in computers and technologies
  9. As a child you often preferred the company of adults or slightly younger kids than people your own age
  10. You have an excellent memory, especially for facts (but not necessarily for things you have to do)
1. No
2. No
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. No
6. No
7. Yes
8. Yes
9. No
10. Yes

I also tried Aspie-quiz, and got:

Aspie-quiz said:
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 46 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 155 of 200
You are very likely neurotypical


Looks like I'm rather neurotypical, but share certain traits like introversion and devotion to certain topics. Not sure what to put in the poll; surely almost everyone has "some" Aspie traits.
Looks like I'm rather neurotypical, but share certain traits like introversion and devotion to certain topics. Not sure what to put in the poll; surely almost everyone has "some" Aspie traits.

I would also say that you are neurotypical. Some Aspie traits would be a graph showing, for example, predominantly Aspie talent and perception, but neurotypical for communication, social, contact and attachment. You don't score high on the Aspie side for any of the five dimensions. The highest is for talent, but that's an average 5/10 on the Aspie side.
I took the test, too. My results:


Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 48 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 163 of 200
You are very likely neurotypical
I am probably borderline Asperger. I score high on the Aspie side only for talent, but have mixed results (sometimes just half-half) for other dimensions. I have taken the test twice answering a bit differently when questions were ambiguous and depended a lot on the situation, my age/maturity, or even the country I lived in. One test got me neurotypical (140/200) but with 80/200 Aspie. The other was almost balanced, with only slightly more Aspie (120/200) than neurotypical. I probably could have been called a mild Aspie as a child, but not as an adult.

The same goes for the traits analysed separately. I do have Asperger traits (about two thirds of those listed above). I do share with Aspies an excessive use on my left brain, very good memory, intense special interests, a dislike for chit-chat and gossip, and a greater sensory sensitivity (especially to noise). On the other hand I don't have any routines or repetitive behaviour, don't have motor clumsiness, I have a wide range of interests and I have no problem with attachment or affection.
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  1. You like role playing games (board version or video games like Zelda and Final Fantasy)
  2. You prefer animals to people (especially cats)
  3. You dislike team sports
  4. You get tired quickly when talking to people
  5. You dislike places that are too noisy, bright or have strong smells
  6. You prefer to be alone at home than to socialise with large groups of people
  7. You have intense interests and can talk about them for hours
  8. You use formal language and have an unusual prosody, pitch or tone
  9. You like to quote sentences from films/movies or sitcoms or to imitate other people
  10. You point to people's mistakes because you consider that the truth is more important than people's feelings

1. True preffered Final Fantasy (and still do but not much time) over any other Games.

2. Rather false, Lions are my favorite animals, and my only pet was a cat. But I can't say I prefer them to people.

3. False

4. True sometimes, depends on subject

5. Mostly True, I dislike places too bright. But when it comes to noise and tone, it depends what kind of noise. If it's aggressive I dislike it. If it's friendly I have no problems. Contrary it's good alternation. It's also a difference if I am part of this noise or I hear people beeing noisy and it sounds aggressive. Strong smells, also it depends on the smell. I like good smells even if it might be too strong.

6. partly true

7. true

8. some truth to it (formal language) the rest rather not

9. false

10. partly true. I tell people their mistakes (my brother and father are even more extreme in that), and just like them if I feel I have hurt someones feelings I try to build them up or go for a pardon not with words but showing it with small acts.

Here are 10 more common traits found among Aspies:

  1. You tend to take things too literally
  2. You often don't get other people's jokes and they don't understand yours
  3. You are or have been called a nerd or a geek
  4. You like collecting stuff or making lists of things you are interested in
  5. You like classical music or other instrumental music (without lyrics)
  6. You object to illogical rules and may refuse to follow them as they are stupid
  7. You prefer reading non-fiction than fiction
  8. You are very interested in computers and technologies
  9. As a child you often preferred the company of adults or slightly younger kids than people your own age
  10. You have an excellent memory, especially for facts (but not necessarily for things you have to do)

1. Partly true
2. False
3. History Channel by a friend
4. Partly True
5. True
6. True
7. False
8. True
9. Depends, I admired the few years older generation and what they were doing, looked up to them but I didn't preffered them to my age.
10. Very True

But I doubt I have Asperger
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do I qualify as an Aspie?

1 - no
2 - no
3 - no
4 - yes
5 - yes
6 - yes
7 - yes
8 - no
9 - no
10 - yes

50% ......I could have:startled:

my results

Looks like Antarctica
I have talked recently about the association between high IQ and Asperger traits. I wouldn't be surprised if quite a few people on a forum like this one, who like intense discussion about specialised interests, had Asperger's syndrome.

Here are a few common signs typically found among Aspies.

  1. You like role playing games (board version or video games like Zelda and Final Fantasy)
  2. You prefer animals to people (especially cats)
  3. You dislike team sports
  4. You get tired quickly when talking to people
  5. You dislike places that are too noisy, bright or have strong smells
  6. You prefer to be alone at home than to socialise with large groups of people
  7. You have intense interests and can talk about them for hours
  8. You use formal language and have an unusual prosody, pitch or tone
  9. You like to quote sentences from films/movies or sitcoms or to imitate other people
  10. You point to people's mistakes because you consider that the truth is more important than people's feelings

This is not a diagnostic test, just telling signs. You could be an Aspie if you have at least half of these traits. To be sure, you can take one of these more official online tests: RAADS-R, Aspie Quiz (available in 13 languages), or AQ test.


Asperger's syndrome can be compared to a puzzle - each piece representing a trait associated with a particular variant of a gene. You don't need to have the full puzzle to be called an Aspie. Diagnostically having 50 to 60% of the traits is sufficient for someone to be considered an Aspie. Asperger tend to run in families and its heritability is about 50%.

Here are 10 more common traits found among Aspies:

  1. You tend to take things too literally
  2. You often don't get other people's jokes and they don't understand yours
  3. You are or have been called a nerd or a geek
  4. You like collecting stuff or making lists of things you are interested in
  5. You like classical music or other instrumental music (without lyrics)
  6. You object to illogical rules and may refuse to follow them as they are stupid
  7. You prefer reading non-fiction than fiction
  8. You are very interested in computers and technologies
  9. As a child you often preferred the company of adults or slightly younger kids than people your own age
  10. You have an excellent memory, especially for facts (but not necessarily for things you have to do)

The character of Sheldon Cooper in The Big Bang Theory is probably the best known Hollywood impersonation of someone with Asperger's syndrome (who also happens to have high IQ and OCD), although he depicts a rather 'heavy' case of Asperger (nearly full puzzle, to use the metaphor above) with very rigid routines and dislikes, very immature empathy, and quite pronounced quirks of behaviour. Yet, some of Sheldon's idiosyncrasies are not necessarily related to Asperger. For example the fact that he can't understand sarcasm doesn't seem to be a common Aspie trait.

I have the first 7 out of 10 traits on the first part and traits 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 on the second part. But I was never diagnosed with Asperger.
Here are a few common signs typically found among Aspies.

  1. You like role playing games (board version or video games like Zelda and Final Fantasy)
  2. You prefer animals to people (especially cats)
  3. You dislike team sports
  4. You get tired quickly when talking to people
  5. You dislike places that are too noisy, bright or have strong smells
  6. You prefer to be alone at home than to socialise with large groups of people
  7. You have intense interests and can talk about them for hours
  8. You use formal language and have an unusual prosody, pitch or tone
  9. You like to quote sentences from films/movies or sitcoms or to imitate other people
  10. You point to people's mistakes because you consider that the truth is more important than people's feelings

1) Yes
2) No
3) Not really, though I prefer geekier team sports such as laser tag and paintball over more traditional ones like football.
4) Sometimes
5) Yes
6) Yes
7) Yes
8) Yes. I have been known to sometimes drop archaic verbiage into my speech and writing, even unto the message boards which are found roundabout the Internet and unto the ends thereof. Perchance mighteth physic avail me? I wot that it prevaileth over many ills.
9) Yes, pray that I don't quote them any further.
10) No

Here are 10 more common traits found among Aspies:

  1. You tend to take things too literally
  2. You often don't get other people's jokes and they don't understand yours
  3. You are or have been called a nerd or a geek
  4. You like collecting stuff or making lists of things you are interested in
  5. You like classical music or other instrumental music (without lyrics)
  6. You object to illogical rules and may refuse to follow them as they are stupid
  7. You prefer reading non-fiction than fiction
  8. You are very interested in computers and technologies
  9. As a child you often preferred the company of adults or slightly younger kids than people your own age
  10. You have an excellent memory, especially for facts (but not necessarily for things you have to do)


1) Not so much anymore.
2) No for the first part, yes for the second.
3) Yes
4) Yes
5) Yes
6) Only in some circumstances. If the illogical rules are to my benefit, then I may not really object very much. If the rules are not to my benefit but there are external or tangential benefits to going along with them, then I also might not object.
7) Not really. I read everything.
8) Yes
9) Yes
10) Yes
I have some asperger traits, but im not sure, im going to do the quiz haha
I was diagnosed with high functioning Autism when I was 2. Most of the descriptions that Maciamo pointed out really hit me in the childhood.

Thank you for filling out this questionnaire.

Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 90 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 139 of 200
You are very likely neurotypical


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When I was growing up in the 90’s/early 00’s people didn’t really know about autism. As it became more widely known I would read about it and always kind of suspected that I had some type of autism. Family and close friends have also hinted at the topic but I never sought out a diagnosis or anything. I just took the quiz and my results say:

Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 127 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 110 of 200
You seem to have both neurodiverse and neurotypical traits

So there’s that I guess. It does explain a lot, though.
My score on the AQ test was 36 out of 50 (very high). This was as I expected, since I diagnosed myself as Aspergerish more than 20 years ago. I've never had a clinical assessment since I don't believe my Aspergers causes me or anyone else any problems, so no clinical intervention is needed. I prefer living on my own (as I have done for the last 30 years), and it allows me to pursue my obsessive interests without interruptions.

I'm not afraid of social situations, just not particularly interested. If someone invites me to a party I'll probably go and probably enjoy it, but I don't throw parties myself or invite people to my place. I'm very socially passive, meaning that I don't initiate social interactions but may respond to others who do. I have few friends but don't feel lonely. I'm close to my family, the only people I interact with socially on a regular basis. I don't hate team sports, but compared with most other people I know I'm not that interested. I only get excited about a game occasionally, when I feel some connection with one of the teams.
Oh dear lord Maciamo, I said yes on all 10. And I was diagnosed with Asperger's in 2006. And I have thrown myself into DNA studies with typical sperg fury, becoming perhaps the foremost lay expert on the haplogroup subclade R1a-YP445. I think my sister may have a touch of it, she is quite rigid at times.
Well, I was just 3 out of 20, so not so much. But really, dislike places that are too noisy? By definition you have to agree, it’s noisier than it ought to be. Object to illogical rules, who doesn’t? Like instrumental music? Yeah, but that doesn’t mean I hate vocals.

The test seems to evaluate how well you like and how good you are at interacting with people.