
  1. Maciamo

    Transports Some US states have similar road fatality rates to African countries

    I have created maps of traffic-related deaths per 100,000 inhabitants for the Unites States and Europe. When looking at the statistics per country from Wikipedia, I noticed that the US states with the worst road fatality rates were way above anything observed in other developed countries and...
  2. Maciamo

    Society How does freedom of speech differ in the US and the EU?

    Americans like to think that they live in the freest country in the world. While it is not even close to being the case, as I've explained here, there is one thing for which the US may be the freest country in the world and that is freedom of speech. I found this video that explains the...
  3. Maciamo

    Society Nearly 5% of Americans live in gated communities and the number is growing

    Another very interesting video. What is your opinion of gated communities? I can understand their popularity around Los Angeles where a lot of celebrities live and want to keep away from potential stalkers. But this is a much wider phenomenon. About 15 million Americans now live in gated...
  4. Maciamo

    Society Segregation is increasing in Europe and global economic trends may be behind it

    Here is another great video by Ashton. She has an MA and a PhD in human geography, environmental studies, urban planning and architecture, so this is exactly her field of specialisation and it shows.
  5. Maciamo

    Freedom America, the land of the free? Freedoms and rights missing in the US

    One of the things I've heard the most times from the mouths of Americans about their country is that they live in the freest country in the world. That may have been true when the US became independent in 1776, but that is no longer the case. For example the Freedom in the World Index for 2024...
  6. Maciamo

    Economy Britain's deteriorating economy and society

    Most of the news coming from the UK in the last few years has been rather depressing. Obviously the countries suffering from Brexit, but not only. Brexit has exacerbated all previous underlying problems, like the lack of housing and the inefficient NHS. The UK now looks like the sick man of...
  7. Maciamo

    Do Sub-Saharan African countries have a better quality of life than the West in the 1950s?

    It may sound like a strange question. Many Westerners still have an image of Sub-Saharan Africa as an underdeveloped place where people live in huts and hunt with spears like in the early 20th century. But even if some tribes of hunter-gatherers survive in isolated parts of the continent, this...
  8. Maciamo

    Sustainability Beef consumption slightly decreasing in many European countries

    About 9% of global greenhouse gas emissions are caused by the methane emitted from cattle flatulence. Additionally, large swathes of the Amazon rainforest are being destroyed (usually burned) to expand cattle ranching. Tropical deforestation itself is responsible for 10% of global warming, and...
  9. Maciamo

    Society Internet penetration increased significantly from 2019 to 2021

    It may be due to the Covid-19 effect or just the economy catching up, but in only two years many countries have seen their percentage of Internet users rise quite a lot, as can be seen on the two maps below. If data is correct, the share of Internet users dropped in a few countries though...
  10. Maciamo

    Society How the prevalence of modern slavery changed in Europe from 2018 to 2023

    I have just updated the map of modern slavery based on the Global Slavery Index. There are some interesting evolutions. In 2018, slavery was almost completely absent from Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland and Austria. However in 2023, that was only the case of Norway. The other...
  11. Maciamo

    5 reasons France is so backwards compared to its neighbours

    As everyone knows France sucks. It's a horrible country that nobody wants to visit except for 90 million tourists per year. :kidding: And of course people from neighbouring countries know that well and try to avoid setting foot in France if they can help it. For example official statistics show...
  12. Maciamo

    Society Maps of prevalent negative emotions by country in and around Europe

    When comparing countries and cultures, few people think of the fact that the frequency of basic emotions can vary widely depending on the society where one lives. Using Gallup's State of the Global Workplace: 2022 Report I created maps showing the percentage of respondents that felt anger...
  13. Maciamo

    Society Only in the USA - things that baffle non-Americans

    I have been re-reading Bill Bryson's Notes from a Big Country. Bill Bryson is an American (from Iowa) who moved to the UK. After 20 years of living in England with his English wife (and 4 kids) he moved with his family to New Hampshire for a few years. This book is a collection of articles he...
  14. Maciamo

    Spiral dynamics - the evolution of human cultures

    I have recently come across the concept of spiral dynamics, a model of eight levels of increasingly complex human value systems (or vMemes) consisting of sets of world views, preferences, and purposes. Each level represent a new evolution in the way people interact within a society. The...
  15. Maciamo

    Question Does inequality cause suicide, drug abuse and mental illness?

    I have come across this brilliant summary of the book The Inner Level in The Economist. The authors suggest that social inequality causes stress and anxiety, which results in mental illnesses such as narcissism, psychosis and schizophrenia. They explain for example that 10% of Japanese and...
  16. Maciamo

    Society New survey compares percentages of Christians and unaffiliated in Western Europe

    A new survey by the Pew Research Center analyses the percentages of practising and non-practising Christians and unaffiliated people across West European countries. Here are a few infographics to illustrate the findings. The Benelux and Nordic countries have the least practising Christians...
  17. Maciamo

    Are humans genetically programmed to live in hierarchical societies?

    I am currently reading Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari, a hugely thought-provoking book that I warmly recommend. In chapter seven, he explains: "The large societies found in some other species, such as ants and bees, are stable and resilient because most of the...
  18. Maciamo

    Religion Lack of religious affiliation set to become mainstream in Western countries

    Atheism and agnosticism have been gaining a lot of grounds in Western countries over the last decade thanks to the Internet. USA According to this chart (source), the percentage of unaffiliated in the USA started soaring from 1995, which is the year the Internet really took off. Most of the...
  19. Maciamo

    Health Children's well-being in 29 Western countries (UNICEF report)

    Seven years ago I analysed the UNICEF report on children well-being in rich countries. Here is a new report for 2013, which has eight additional countries. The Netherlands still tops the ranking, followed by Scandinavian countries like before, except Denmark which fell from 3rd to 11th...
  20. Maciamo

    Modern Britain divided in 7 main social classes

    The BBC's Great British Class Survey found that there were seven identifiable social classes in the UK. The new classes bear little resemblance to the traditional divisions in upper, upper-middle, middle, lower-middle and working classes. The new social classes are described like this: Elite...