
  1. M

    Women(alone) settled in Orkney in the Early Bronze Age

    https://www.heritagedaily.com/2022/02/bronze-age-women-altered-genetic-landscape-of-orkney/142705?amp A new study has found something unbelievable. That in the Early Bronze Age, instead of the male dominated invasion of Europe that we all here know. It was women the ones that were brought to...
  2. Maciamo

    Neolithic Orcadians roasted rodents to eat

    BBC News: Stone Age people 'roasted rodents for food' - archaeologists "Rodents appear to have been roasted for food by Stone Age people as early as 5,000 years ago, archaeological evidence suggests. Bones from archaeological sites in Orkney show voles were cooked or boiled for food, or...