
  1. R

    Genetic study The Picenes and the Genetic Landscape of Central Adriatic Italy in the Iron Age.

    From the abstract book page 227
  2. Maciamo

    Analysing Iron Age Italian samples

    The Antonio et al. (2019) paper on Ancient Rome was released 2 and a half months ago, so I am coming a bit late for the analysis, but I had been busy before. Using the Dodecad K12b data provided by Jovialis, I created a table of the 11 Iron Age samples from this study. ID Date Y-DNA...
  3. Maciamo

    Was E-V13 a major lineage of Hallstatt Celts and Italics?

    The distribution and origins of E-V13 are one of the most perplexing of any haplogroups. Over the years people have hypothesised that it originated with ancient Greeks, Neolithic farmers, Balkans people, Steppe people, Romans, Celts, Indo-Europeans in general or whatever imaginable scenario...
  4. Ned

    R1b and Language

    I have read thoroughly the essay that Maciamo has written on R1b and I'm trying to match what is known philologically. He states that L21 equates with the Q-celtic (Gaelic) languages whilst U152 equates with the Italic and P-celtic (Welsh) languages. The population of the British Isles by L21...
  5. PaterKeklos

    G2a3b1a (G-l497): Did the mutation first appear in the PIE homeland area or in Europe

    I've seen conflicting reports about this. We know the age of the mutation to correspond with the timeline of the PIE invasion of Central Europe. We know it is one of the few haplogroup G2a clades to be found in Scandinavia. It very clearly appears to be tied to the PIE invasion and very...
  6. Maciamo

    New map of Y-gaplogroup G2a-L497

    This clade was found in the Cucuteni-Trypillian culture (as I had predicted), which explains the hotspot around Moldova. G2a-L497 (or actually its Z1816 subclade) was probably assimilated by the R1b-U152 Proto-Italo-Celts before moving to the Alps. Not only is there a strong geographic...
  7. Maciamo

    Identifying the Roman subclades of J2a1

    In 2013 I explained in my Genetic history of the Italians that the ancient Italic tribes, including the Latins/Romans would have belonged primarily to R1b-U152 (especially Z56). I mentioned that the original Latins of the Roman Republic would also have carried G2a-L140 (specifically the L13...
  8. Maciamo

    Evidence that the ancient Romans spread R1b-U152 based on Roman colonies in Italy

    I have updated my article on the Genetic History of Italy, adding a section arguing that the Romans were predominantly R1b-U152 (S28) based on the geographic distribution colonies founded by the Roman inside Italy. I have created a map showing the locations of Roman colonies and U152 frequencies.
  9. Maciamo

    Breakdown of R1b subclades in Italy (Boattini et al.)

    I have counted the samples for each R1b subclade in the new study of Italian Y-chromosomes by Boattini et al. and calculated the percentages for R1b for each province. The two most interesting R1b subclades in Italy are R1b-U152, which I believe to be associated with the Italic migrations, and...
  10. Maciamo

    Villanova culture represents Italic colonisation of Italy

    I have updated the R1b-S28 (U152) history, adding a section about the Villanova culture: The expansion of the Urnfield/Halstatt culture to Italy is evident in the form of the Villanovan culture (c. 1100-700 BCE), which shared striking resemblances with the Urnfield/Hallstatt sites of Bavaria...
  11. G

    Ancient Italic People

    Can someone give me a brief description of every Italic tribe , in terms of who they they were Ethnically, Culturally, Linguistically etc No need to use Haplogroups. By Italic I mean all tribes inhabiting what is now Italy.
  12. G

    The Celts in Northern Italy

    the Celts in Northern Italy were basically the same ethnically as Italics but just Celtic in culture, Is this correct?