Here are the Eupedia pages that have been translated so far. Anybody with the necessary skills is welcome to volunteer to translate more pages.
In French
Comment retracer ses origines ancestrales avec un test ADN ?
Quel test ADN d'ascendance et de généalogie choisir ?
Projet ADN généalogique...
It's been a while since I haven't created a new map as we are running out of haplogroups (or data for subclades). I thought it would be interesting to visualise the whole of haplogroup U, as this is a very ancient lineage and apparently the first to colonise Europe from c. 40,000 years ago, and...
The general consensus has been that Y-chromosomal DNA only contains a few of genes relating to male fertility and does not influence the carrier's appearance, except of course for the male characteristics influenced by testosterone. I have argued before that some Y-chromosomal mutations, in the...
I am on my way to translating all the Y-DNA and mtDNA haplogroup pages into French. I am looking for people to translate some pages into other languages, ideally into your mother tongue or a language that you speak at native level. It can be any language and any page. You don't have to translate...
Slovakia is one of most rich country to archeological objects and prehistory graves.
The majority of prehistory graves are bodies buried via cremation. But cremation is not probably problem for DNA for analysis, because in urn (in earthen jug/mug) are relative big pieces non-burned bones...
I woke up this morning to the most shocking news, something that most people around the world didn't see coming. I am not talking about North Korea's nuclear test (we saw that one coming), but to a new German study published in Cell Biology showing that giraffes aren't a single species but four...
I wouldn't qualify the following study as new exactly, as it was published in 1986, but it still makes for an interesting read.
The main finding is:
"Among traits found most strongly determined by heredity were...
The original Celts came from central Europe. However modern central Europeans (Swiss and Austrians) don't look phenotypically Celtic in the modern interpretation (Irish, welsh). Were the original Celts closer in appearance and genes to the Irish (pale, freckles, red hair) or closer to the Swiss...
I am currently reading Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari, a hugely thought-provoking book that I warmly recommend.
In chapter seven, he explains:
"The large societies found in some other species, such as ants and bees, are stable and resilient because most of the...
I have long wondered how much of the modern Italian and Greek population descend from slaves imported from other countries. We have no idea at present if their genetic impact was minor (few slaves left descendants), moderate (e.g. 10% or 20% of modern genomes come from foreign slaves) or major...
Just saw this in the news: Was Viking ruler Rollo Danish or Norwegian?
This means that we should get the Y-DNA haplogroup of the Viking rulers of Normandy, from Rollo to William the Conqueror. Looking forward to it.
The Guardian is relaying this morning the publication of a new paper (Kuhlwilm et al. 2016) which established that a population that diverged early from other modern humans in Africa contributed genetically to the ancestors of Neanderthals from the Altai Mountains roughly 100,000 years ago...
Here is a map showing the allele frequency of HLA-DR14. The maximum frequencies are observed in Kosovo (8.5%), Albania (7.5%), South Italy (7.5%), Georgia (7.5%), Romania (7%), Macedonia (6.7%), Greece (6.5% but 4% in Crete), Armenia (6.5%). DR14 is virtually absent from the Sardinian, Basque...
Here is a map showing the allele frequency of HLA-DR10. The maximum frequencies are observed in the Lebanon (5.2%), Saudi Arabia (4.8%), Palestine (4.7%), Jordan (3.8%), Morocco (3.3%), Algeria (3%), Tunisia (3%), and oddly enough also among the Saami people (2.9%). It is absent from the Basque...
Here is a map showing the allele frequency of HLA-DR13. Unlikely most other HLA types, DR13 does not show any specific geographic pattern or associated with ethnic groups or Y-DNA haplogroup. This is because DR13 is in fact divided in three major subclades and patterns are only meaningful within...
Here is a map showing the allele frequency of HLA-DR9. It is overall an North Asian HLA type, although it is also found in Lebanon and the Maghreb (but Lebanese do have 1-2% of North Asian DNA associated with Y-DNA haplogroup Q1b). The maximum frequencies are observed among the Saami (7 to 16%...
So I'm reading a scientific article about dog genetics and it gives me 2 p-values for a value that is statistically significant. One is a nominal p-value (praw) and the other is a p-value corrected by permutation testing (pgenome). Could someone please tell me the difference between these two...
The HLA gene regulates our acquired immune system. It is what helps our body identify foreign antigens (bacteria, fungi, viruses) and determine what type of white blood cells and antibodies should be produced. Depending on our HLA type we are more or less resistant to certain diseases and...
Here is a map showing the allele frequency of HLA-DR7. The maximum frequencies are observed in the Basque country (26 to 31%), northern Catalonia (23%), the Balearic Islands (22%), Cantabria (20%), Tunisia (19%), Saudi Arabia (18%), Andalusia (17.5%), Libya (17%), and in Ireland (16%). You...
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