
  1. D

    İ2a2a- And South Kavkazia

    Hello i am from Bursa Turkiye. I want discuss my y dna map result..
  2. Anfänger

    Genetic study The rise and transformation of Bronze Age pastoralists in the Caucasus

    The rise and transformation of Bronze Age pastoralists in the Caucasus Abstract The Caucasus and surrounding areas, with their rich metal resources, became a crucible of the Bronze Age- and the birthplace of the earliest steppe pastoralist societies. Yet, despite this region having a large...
  3. P

    C-m217 in Circassia

    Hello It seems my paternal haplogroup is C-m217. At the moment, the most specific position is c-y4580. Now, my paternal lineage is from Circassia. Any thoughts on m217 in Circassia/the Caucasus.
  4. Jovialis

    A pre-LGM human lineage from the Caucasus was an ancestral component of West Eurasia

    Genome-scale sequencing and analysis of human, wolf, and bison DNA from 25,000-year-old sediment Highlights • A single shotgun-sequenced Pleistocene sediment yielded genomic data of three mammals • Sediment genome sequencing can produce data comparable to that from skeletal remains • A...
  5. Maciamo

    Evolution of genetic admixtures by region

    The work on the K12b admixture by historical culture gave me the idea to show the evolution of genetic admixtures over time by region. I have started with the Near East and East Mediterranean.
  6. T

    Hurro-Urartian as a sister to Indo-European

    Hurro-Urartian (HU) is a now extinct language family that was spoken in the Bronze Age/Iron Age Near East that consisted of two distinct languages: Hurrian and Urartian. Some compelling evidence has linked a third language, Kassite, to the HU family, but this relationship is uncertain...
  7. T

    Nerkin and Verin Naver--Indo-European EMBA Burial Complexes in Armenia

    Nerkin and Verin Naver, meaning lower and upper graves, respectively, are two burial complexes located just outside of Ashtarak, Armenia, a short distance north of the capital city of Yerevan. These complexes date to the end of the Early Bronze Age to the Middle Bronze Age, specifically from...
  8. Maciamo

    Oldest wine made in Georgia around 8000 years ago

    We already knew that winemaking originated in the South Caucasus, but its origins keep getting pushed further in time - in this case by half a millennium. Winemaking supposedly spread to the East Mediterranean with the expansion of the Kura-Araxes culture (dominated by Y-haplogroup J2a1, but...
  9. A

    Haplogroup E

    E1b1b belongs to causaziana race and E1b1a belong to the black race?:thinking:
  10. Maciamo

    Were mtDNA H2a1, I, R1a and W the haplogroups of the Maykop culture ?

    The North Caucasus has a very unique genetic landscape. The mitochondrial haplogroups found there, especially in the Northwest Caucasus include a lot of rare lineages that aren't found at higher frequencies almost anywhere else. These include haplogroups H2a1, I (mostly the I1, I2 and I4a...
  11. Maciamo

    More evidence that the PIE R1b people originated in the Maykop culture

    Dienekes mentions on his blog a recent paper by Konstantine Pitskhelauri on the settlement of the Caucasus by migrants from the Middle East during the Neolithic period. The paper brings additional evidence regarding the origins of the Early Bronze Age Maykop culture in Mesopotamia, confirming...
  12. A. Tamar Chabadi

    Two relatively recent papers on the Caucasus (I haven't seen them posted here)

    Mol Biol Evol (2011) doi: 10.1093/molbev/msr126 Parallel Evolution of Genes and Languages in the Caucasus Region Oleg Balanovsky1,2,*, Khadizhat Dibirova1,*, Anna Dybo3, Oleg Mudrak4, Svetlana Frolova1, Elvira Pocheshkhova5, Marc Haber6, Daniel Platt7, Theodore Schurr8, Wolfgang Haak9...