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      narwhal replied to the thread the best country to visit.
      In no certain order Croatia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Denmark, Italy, Slovenia, Switzerland but all, and many more, amazing in...
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      narwhal replied to the thread Macedonians.
      And, Omino, you are a South Macedonian with typical insecurity issues void of any reality. So this is a group think platform where only...
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      narwhal replied to the thread Macedonians.
      DNA does not prove cultural identity and assimilation. If your DNA proves that your forefathers 2000 years ago were Aboriginal...
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      narwhal replied to the thread Macedonians.
      Uhhh, ProtosP, Macedonia was never a city state. In fact, it's the accepted positions by an overwhelming majority of historians.
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      narwhal replied to the thread Macedonians.
      "Refute my post." A first grader can refute your silly posts. I would venture to say that the vast majority of Sicilians don't refer to...
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      narwhal replied to the thread Macedonians.
      I find it astonishing that you have to go to the cellular/genetic level to try to prove a fallacy that Macedonians are Greek. None of...
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      narwhal replied to the thread Macedonians.
      Omino, its crazy how little you read on this board. It's not me that is saying it: Greece became part of the Macedonian Empire after...
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      narwhal replied to the thread Macedonians.
      Yes, indeed, Pella curse tablets say hi to you and yours as well. What's delusional is regardless of the historical facts presented to...
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      narwhal replied to the thread Macedonians.
      And I can just as easily post historians who say Macedonians are not Greek.
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      narwhal replied to the thread Macedonians.
      So much delusion... Greeks. LOLOLOL You guys are living in fantasy world. During the reign of Alexander the Great, the Macedonians...
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      narwhal replied to the thread Macedonians.
      You're right... in fact, man was created by Greeks and Greeks created the heavens and earth.
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      narwhal replied to the thread Macedonians.
      Yes, Greeks don't want to admit they lost the defining battle and their identity to Macedonians.
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      narwhal replied to the thread Macedonians.
      There is no doubt that Macedonians were not Greek. With all due respect, Hawk, I prefer to listen to historians.
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      narwhal replied to the thread Macedonians.
      Thank you. We are arguing semantics yet saying the same thing. As I wrote above, Dianatomia said "There was no Greece, as in Greek...
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      narwhal replied to the thread Macedonians.
      No one said Hellas did not exist, "Greece" did not exist. Dianatomia said as much stating, "There was no Greece, as in Greek nation...
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