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    • G
      Ghurier replied to the thread J2b2-L283 (proto-illyrian).
      Your comments are still very vague ... not a very good indication. Still, I have to congratulate you, in roughly 15 minutes you managed...
    • G
      Ghurier replied to the thread J2b2-L283 (proto-illyrian).
      Thank you for your return, can you provide me your qualifications justifying that you pose as being able to "evaluate" the "scientific...
    • G
      Ghurier replied to the thread J2b2-L283 (proto-illyrian).
      If you want ... any argument ? Because like that, it sounds like an unsubstanciated claim. Regarding my intellectual faculties ...
    • G
      Ghurier replied to the thread J2b2-L283 (proto-illyrian).
      Indeed, with the new data is sounds even better. But I'm fairly sure you don't see why, isn't it ? Let me explain it to you ! In fact...
    • G
      Ghurier replied to the thread What happened to genarchivist.
      Not only, Denisovan/Neanderthal introgressions are also identified at the SNP level. Per-se, I have nothing to "imagine", that's not how...
    • G
      Ghurier reacted to Dibran's post in the thread What happened to genarchivist with Like Like.
      What conspiracy exactly? People probably assume that because Anthrogenica was notorious for banning people that didn't agree with a...
    • G
      Ghurier reacted to Anglesqueville's post in the thread What happened to genarchivist with Like Like.
      There is no point in looking for such conspiratorial ideas. GA was launched by pure amateurs traumatized by the collapse of...
    • G
      Ghurier replied to the thread What happened to genarchivist.
      While it is clear that all moderators weren't acting that way ... Anthrogenica had serious troubles on this side. Yet, GenArchivist was...
    • G
      Ghurier reacted to Jaska's post in the thread What happened to genarchivist with Like Like.
      I find the idea of conspiracy really far-fetched. I am not a geneticist but a linguist, but I never have and never will be threaten by...
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