Folklore Balkan folk rhythms

how many different folkloric regions Romania has?
I'm not a folklorist. I think the differences are small from one area to another. I love to listen folk music from any region of the country from time to time, but also from other Balkans contry.
Is this from Macedonia or Grecia?

I understand almost all the words. Anyway over 80% for sure!:heart: To me it sounds just like a little... changed Romanian.
I am curious, how many percent of the words of this song are understood by the speakers of other Balkan languages?
In my father's area from Arges,because of certain events,the collectivization was not implemented, that's why they have preserved some traditions.

When I first been there,it was a celebration and people wore traditional costumes,with very long shirts,that,under the belt ,looked like a skirt,the Vlachs from Greece have the same clothes.

Inherited terms

itari,men's pants, Latin

camasa,men's shirt,Latin

caciula,men's cap,Dacian

IE,woman's blouse,Latin

brau,men's belt,most likely Latin,if not,Dacian.

The belt ,Brau,was dark-red,purple,here's why:âu

It comes from Latin brandeum,it's a Christian,priest piece.
Two variants of the same song, about those separated from their origins.

In Romanian

In Aromanian
Hora Româneasca

The variant "Hora Stacato", of Grigoraş Dinicu, a virtuoso of the violin.

Hora Româneasca (Hora Staccato), processed by Isao Tomita.

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The first song is pretty good,light,as hora should be,pacy,it surely has some momentum,and a more traditional flute.

Still, most important thing in hora-no matter the speed,you have to keep a high melodic harmony, because that's the heritage.
Yes, really wonderful. :heart: I'm also Popa... from Olt county.(y)

I've been recently to a wedding in Constanta,while going outside for a cigar,I noticed some people coming out from two cars,they were Calusari from Olt,walking very proud.

I went straight to them,"Guys,I don't know your language, but my father did",they smiled and told me that it's not the time to start the event,very politely fellows","What are you waiting for,you're Oltenians,right?",when the Calus has started,I grabbed two young ladies by the hands,to break their shoes, a very good performance it was.
I've been recently to a wedding in Constanta,while going outside for a cigar,I noticed some people coming out from two cars,they were Calusari from Olt,walking very proud.

I went straight to them,"Guys,I don't know your language, but my father did",they smiled,very politely fellows","What you are eating for,you're Oltenians,right?",

Adica Calusarii erau straini!? Asta ar fi culmea... desi stiu ca exista obiceiuri asemanatoare pana in Anglia si Spania...
Eu sunt cu radacinile in Olt pe partea Argesului.
Adica Calusarii erau straini!? Asta ar fi culmea... desi stiu ca exista obiceiuri asemanatoare pana in Anglia si Spania...
Eu sunt cu radacinile in Olt pe partea Argesului.

Mi-au zis ca n-au pasaportu la ei,ala de oltean:)
(the lark)

Hold your breath, as to not disturb the peace and sounds of nature.:)

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I did not understand too much about, trying to translate with Google, but I feel a lot of pain in this song.
:heart: I want to say that Romania did not die, but it reborn.
Traditional custom on the end of the year, when people hope and wish a better new year.

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