I tried to interpret raw data. I'm puzzled!


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I'm new here and apologize for not knowing the terms to well and maybe not understanding the genetic tree of Y haplogruppes.

If it is there someone who has better knowledge of the field and raw data and can help?

1. I recently did a test. The communicated Y-haplogroup is G2a2b2a-P303. I did an exercise (I used the isogg site for a few long hours) and I searched in raw data from snp mutations and found something strange that confused me.:petrified:
Everything seemed to bind very well from root to Y-haplogroup G2a2b2a, but... 5 steps further I found the mutation corresponding to... G2a2b2a1a1a1 (L13). Strange is that there is no intermediate snp in raw data...
What do you think? Is that possible? Can there be a mutation without a few intermediate mutations that bind it to the tree, as it is on isogg.org?

2. Another strange thing is that after I finished checking all the data in the file I found that 14% (over 30) of the snp list did not seem to be in the common trunk linking P303 to the root of the tree but corresponded to other haplogruppes like those in the upper series : A0a1, A1, C, D, E1, E2, G1, H1, J, J2, N1, O1, R1, R2. I am confused... Can these mutations be real?

This Y is like a chimera for me. :confused: It looks like I am G2a2b2a but also G1... and... A0a1, A1, C, D, E1, E2, G1, H1, J2, N1, O1, R1, R2 in the same time!?

Thank you in advance!
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It could be that whatever you are using to translate the data is in a different code for the nucleotides. It would be like trying to translate Spanish into English using German. Thats my guess.
It could be that whatever you are using to translate the data is in a different code for the nucleotides. It would be like trying to translate Spanish into English using German. Thats my guess.
My file is of markers (SNPs) as those used on isogg.org, and not nucleotides.
I’m not so familiar with this field but I advise you to write an e-mail to the company by which you were tested so that they could explain you this ‘problem’

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Write them an e-mail !

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I wrote about the problem but they were elusive. The only thing they told me is that they can tell me with precision that the Y haplogrup is G2a2b2a. Nothing about the signals given by other SNPs that correspond to the other haplogroupes unrelated to G2.
I wrote about the problem but they were elusive. The only thing they told me is that they can tell me with precision that the Y haplogrup is G2a2b2a. Nothing about the signals given by other SNPs that correspond to the other haplogroupes unrelated to G2.

..... No comment.. I mean ... if they say that everything is alright you must be relaxed!

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I have read now that there are many others who have noticed these anomalies, around 15% or more, on their Y-dna result. Perhaps the methods used are limited and not highly accurate.
Many are dissatisfied with the results of their tests, and this may be due not only to unconfirmed expectations but also to some erroneous data obtained in the laboratory. I think the effects of these must be high when it comes to autosomal data results.

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