Best Pizza in Italy


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They should know: it's put out by Gambero Rosso, our version of the Michelin Guide.

You can click on the map and get the information for each location.


Yes, but it's surely not an exhaustive map. Many pizzerias in southern Italy, and in particular those of Naples, are not really interested in entering the ranking.

So the article's claim that the map shows where to find the very best pizza in Italy isn't completely true.

In recent years in Italy there has been a renewed interest in pizza, with the birth of different types of pizzerias from the past, now they are more gourmet-like (and this ranking rewards this type of gourmet-like pizzeria), and increasingly different from the American industrial chains or any kind of pizza chain.

The types of pizza that has established itself a bit everywhere in Italy in the recent years is that of the Neapolitan tradition.
I've been to a place like Tonda before it's a hidden gem i can tell you! I can show the pizza i had there later, just don't have the pic from my old phone right now :/

But i know nothing beats Naples everyone says that
They're great cooks, the Neapolitans, some of the best in Italy, no matter the dish. It helps that a lot of their produce grows in the rich volcanic soil around Vesuvius, and that their sea is teeming with fish compared to ours. I think that's why their cooking is sometimes less complicated than ours: the ingredients are so incredible that you have to do less to them and the dishes still sing.
Neapolitan are Great Cooks/Chefs.
They also have a huge ego. They think that they make the best of everything, including espresso, and they are not shy to judge how much others don’t now what they are doing.
I guess it’s Ok. They are very good. [emoji3]
All Italians have a huge ego and think their area is the best, makes the best whatever. :)

With the Neapolitans they have some justification.

They're not the only masters of cooking in Italy, however. I'd put Emilia-Romagna way up there too. :)

Both areas also have wonderful music. I think it's just chance, but who knows?

In terms of the food, it's probably again the availability of good ingredients.

I won't name names, so to speak, because Italians are touchy about things like this, but I think the food is pretty poor in a few areas. Well, relatively speaking, and in comparison to other ITALIAN areas, not Europe wide.
They're great cooks, the Neapolitans, some of the best in Italy, no matter the dish. It helps that a lot of their produce grows in the rich volcanic soil around Vesuvius, and that their sea is teeming with fish compared to ours. I think that's why their cooking is sometimes less complicated than ours: the ingredients are so incredible that you have to do less to them and the dishes still sing.

I really like Neapolitan cuisine, to tell the truth it seems simple but it has a long cooking time.
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All Italians have a huge ego and think their area is the best, makes the best whatever. :)

With the Neapolitans they have some justification.

They're not the only masters of cooking in Italy, however. I'd put Emilia-Romagna way up there too. :)

Both areas also have wonderful music. I think it's just chance, but who knows?

In terms of the food, it's probably again the availability of good ingredients.

I won't name names, so to speak, because Italians are touchy about things like this, but I think the food is pretty poor in a few areas. Well, relatively speaking, and in comparison to other ITALIAN areas, not Europe wide.
Pride and Ego complete each other.
The Pres.... said this:
'Show me someone without an ego, and I'll show you a loser .'
and the new Pope said:
‘Who am I to judge?’
and I say:
You are the Pope. You are the Shepard and I’m the Sheep. Guide me Pope. If you can’t do that, than this Pope stuff is not for you.
Went off topic, I know. sorry.

Margarita anyone?


anchovies? Yummie
as long the anchovies are good quality,
and 'cleaned' good

No I don't like 4 cheese, carbonara, and generally milk cream pizza's

Margarita anyone?


anchovies? Yummie
as long the anchovies are good quality,
and 'cleaned' good

No I don't like 4 cheese, carbonara, and generally milk cream pizza's

Pizza with Anchovies is complimented by Capers and a mix of green and black Olives, Oregano, and a a few drops of extra vergine Olive Oil, I think.
Pizza Carbonara? ..... thinking. :)
Pizza with Anchovies is complimented by Capers and a mix of green and black Olives, Oregano, and a a few drops of extra vergine Olive Oil, I think.
Pizza Carbonara? ..... thinking. :)

I think parsley or caparis,

Carbonara is a white pizza,
milk cream, mushrooms, watercress
It's really salty, but really good.

I think parsley or caparis,

Carbonara is a white pizza,
milk cream, mushrooms, watercress

Spaghetti Carbonara: eggs (or some strangely use egg yolk and cream), pancetta, parmigiano, pepper, No Mushrooms.

Bucatini and Fusilli goes with Amatriciana because the sauce can enter the hole a bit. But not in Carbonara because the egg harden on contact with the hot pasta.
imo Spaghetti are better for Carbonara. Pecorino/Romano will make the Carbonara bit too salty because of the pancetta, Parmigiano is sweeter and taste better on Carbonara.
In the South people used pecorino in the pasta because was cheaper than parmigiano.
ok can i have one with anchovies,
no olives plz
just sauce, cheese, oil, parsley, capparis.

(Am I turning mad? 4:30 morning I have apettite for anchouyia pizza! not even pregnant women do such, )
I go to sleep.

@ Salento
you seem a pizza master.

have you tried with spinach pelte, dried fish or sardines/anchovies, smashed eggs for crusta?

as for olives, try the Greek way
sauce onion flavoured, feta cheese, olives, oil, oregano, tomatoe slices if you want
ok can i have one with anchovies,
no olives plz
just sauce, cheese, oil, parsley, capparis.

(Am I turning mad? 4:30 morning I have apettite for anchouyia pizza! not even pregnant women do such, )
I go to sleep.

@ Salento
you seem a pizza master.

have you tried with spinach pelte, dried fish or sardines/anchovies, smashed eggs for crusta?
My uncle owned a Pizza Restaurant in Italy, I worked there many of my summer vacations when I was a Kid.
ok can i have one with anchovies,
no olives plz
just sauce, cheese, oil, parsley, capparis.

(Am I turning mad? 4:30 morning I have apettite for anchouyia pizza! not even pregnant women do such, )
I go to sleep.

@ Salento
you seem a pizza master.

have you tried with spinach pelte, dried fish or sardines/anchovies, smashed eggs for crusta?

as for olives, try the Greek way
sauce onion flavoured, feta cheese, olives, oil, oregano, tomatoe slices if you want

Yes, young grashoppah, Salento is teh gr8 Pizza Sensei!

Salento, I would like 2 slices of extra cheese and hot peppers, and 2 more slices of meatball and onions, do you deliver? Lol! I'll cover us, Yetos.
OH WAIT forgot the BEER forgot the BEER! Add 3 bottles of Sam Adams please!

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