Society Abortion ban in Poland?

who don't have racist, bigoted, skewed agendas

How is it a "racist agenda" to say - for example - that Australian Aborigines are only about 90% human ???

We already know that they have a lot of Denisovan admixture (in addition to Neanderthal admixture). This is also the case with Africans, by they way, since they have Non-Neanderthal archaic admixtures as has been proven recently. Archaic admixtures in Sub-Saharan Africa probably come from Iwo Eleru and similar Hominids, who survived until surprisingly recently in Central Africa:

Australoids also have admixture from an Early Out-of-Africa group that got mostly wiped out by Neanderthals and by Toba eruption:

We all admixed with very different archaic species, and this is one (but not the sole) reason why modern humans can be divided into races (sub-species). Some of archaic genes were selected for and rose to high frequency in certain populations:

The Upper Paleolithic "Cognitive-Behavioral Revolution" happened around 50,000 years ago. And there is no evidence that Sub-Saharan humans were also affected by that cognitive-behavioral change. Only those living in Northern Africa started developing more complex tools, while tools in Sub-Saharan Africa remained simple. So there is no evidence that Sub-Saharans are modern humans in a cognitive sense (they are anatomically modern, but not necessarily behaviorally modern to the same extent as Eurasians):

Recently David Reich addressed this issue in his summary of the peopling of Europe and Eurasia.

And if you watch his lecture you will notice, that he said: "maybe it also affected Sub-Saharan Africa":

This is all very politically incorrect, but you cannot continue to suppress this evolutionary truth forever.

Sharing your first people is really funny. The funny part isn't video. The funny point is that it is coming from you.

In a second if I thought like you,

What we do for this; right wing people more stupid then left wing people?

As we think that Poland is one of the most right-wing country in EU, so rejection of this ban is too good. İt will decrease the population increasing level of low IQ had Polish people.

Also In all European Sperm bank should use East Asian sperms and shouldn't accept European donors.

Mongolia avereange IQ is also pertty high, should we think the create a New Golden Horde?

Tomenable What come's next?

"Women brain is smaller then men's", do you have a song for that too? As your song suggest that you should not let kebabs in Germany so I guess you also should not let women vote. It is clear they can't vote wisely with that small brains
What we do for this; right wing people more stupid then left wing people?

The average right wing voter has lower IQ than the average left wing voter, because poor Whites are voting mostly for right wing nowadays. That was not always the case. In the past White lower class used to vote for leftists. It has changed because leftist parties became Anti-White and members of White lower class feel betrayed and feel that leftists no longer represent them.

Also immigrants are taking jobs from lower class Whites, or at least they think that it is the case.

And many of so called right wing parties in Europe are actually pretty leftist when it comes to their economic policies.

This includes the Law and Justice party which currently rules in Poland. Their economic policies are pretty socialist.

If Donald Trump focused more on convincing low and middle class Whites to vote for him, he could easily win this election. However, we can see that Trump's policies clearly favour White upper class, and are not ideal for White lower and middle class.

Tomenable What come's next?

"Women brain is smaller then men's"

Women tend to be attracted to men who are smart and rich, not to men who aren't.

So men have been naturally, socially and sexually selected for having larger brains than women, throughout thousands of years. Women complain that men have power, but whenever they want a husband, they try to find a powerful one.

Usually women want their husband or partner to be smarter and richer than they are.

Most of women want a brainy husband, so no surprise that men are on average smarter than women.

On the other hand, large brain is not necessarily what men have been looking for in women during history.

Also In all European Sperm bank should use East Asian sperms and shouldn't accept European donors.

Women can choose what sperm they want, but they should be informed about race/ethnicity of the donor.

you should not let kebabs in Germany so I guess you also should not let women vote.
Voting and immigration are different things. In a true democracy by definition every citizen has voting rights.

Turks should have voting rights in their own country, but they apparently prefer Erdogan's dictatorship.

Mongolia average IQ is also pretty high

Yes, and Mongolian immigrants easily integrate into European societies. But there are very few of them.



How is it a "racist agenda" to say - for example - that Australian Aborigines are only about 90% human ???

We already know that they have a lot of Denisovan admixture (in addition to Neanderthal admixture). This is also the case with Africans, by they way, since they have Non-Neanderthal archaic admixtures as has been proven recently. Archaic admixtures in Sub-Saharan Africa probably come from Iwo Eleru and similar Hominids, who survived until surprisingly recently in Central Africa:

Australoids also have admixture from an Early Out-of-Africa group that got mostly wiped out by Neanderthals and by Toba eruption:

We all admixed with very different archaic species, and this is one (but not the sole) reason why modern humans can be divided into races (sub-species). Some of archaic genes were selected for and rose to high frequency in certain populations:

The Upper Paleolithic "Cognitive-Behavioral Revolution" happened around 50,000 years ago. And there is no evidence that Sub-Saharan humans were also affected by that cognitive-behavioral change. Only those living in Northern Africa started developing more complex tools, while tools in Sub-Saharan Africa remained simple. So there is no evidence that Sub-Saharans are modern humans in a cognitive sense (they are anatomically modern, but not necessarily behaviorally modern to the same extent as Eurasians):

Recently David Reich addressed this issue in his summary of the peopling of Europe and Eurasia.

And if you watch his lecture you will notice, that he said: "maybe it also affected Sub-Saharan Africa":

This is all very politically incorrect, but you cannot continue to suppress this evolutionary truth forever.
For the thousand times already. It is not about the differences between people and talking about them. It is foremost about your attitude towards them, and your feelings about them. This is what make you and others racists or not.
In Pakistan alone at least 1000 women are stoned to death per year, according to official estimates:

You seem to have a hard time properly deciphering the stats and sources you cite, perhaps that's why you remain so painfully ignorant. That article stated that 1,000 women die in HONOR KILLINGS annually, of which stonings and other brutal, inhumane acts are included. And that's heinous, but besides the point and off-topic. You're the one who derailed the thread with a straw man argument, as usual.

You seriously need to focus on the plight of the people in your own country--things could be better for all of you. If you want to actually do some good and help, focus on that. Be a "warrior" for you own people. And don't worry, muslims and other immigrants are not dying to come to Poland. Not even Poles want to stay in Poland. So again, worry about how to get Poles to stay in your country and contribute to its betterment.

Not everywhere, perhaps in Sweden:

The richest and most powerful countries on the planet (Qatar, UAE, the USA, Canada, Switzerland, Norway, Germany, France, Sweden, Australia, etc...) are all diverse, inclusive nations. Any country that matters is relatively immigrant friendly or comprised primarily of immigrants. Interesting how not a single, largely homogeneous Eastern European nation makes the top 25 for richest nation, or even comes close to it. You honestly need to relax. Immigrants have no interest in where you are. It seems no one does.
By contrast this is the truth, genetic facts suggest that the POCs are not oppressed:

Herregud, please stop with these bigoted, asinine, idiotic, juvenile videos--again, if this is where you get your information from, that explains a lot about why you evidently know so little.

You seem to be so preoccupied with IQ tests and its effects on certain populations and yet you belong to a population that has been on the losing end for over a millennia; so how has IQ impacted your lot in life? :useless:

First of all, IQ tests, which have been historically rendered in hapless and problematic ways, tend to

1.) not encompass the full breadth of one's intelligence, which involves more than reading comprehension skills or math, and usually ignores creativity, spacial, social and auditory intelligence. And "something" tells me that though you may have some ability with numbers and figures, your creativity and social intelligence is sorely lacking.

2.) Moreover, they tend not to take into consideration the language, socioeconomic, cultural and personality differences that can lead to the underestimation of one's actual intelligence. These factors make IQ tests imperfect predictors of one's potential. Notwithstanding the fact that there are people with high IQs who do absolutely nothing with their lives and then there are those with lower IQs who become quite successful. During one of my stays in Poland, I met some African-American basketball players (who had done moderately well in school and academics but weren't geniuses) that they were living FAR better than the majority of white Poles. How interesting.

I believe that there are environmental and genetic influences in IQ at an individual level, and the proportions are debatable, but at a population level, they are explained entirely by environmental factors, which makes it ridiculous and absurd to compare populations--plebeians like you refuse to grasp this fact. The gap between black American and White American IQs is ever closing as they are being exposed to greater education and higher standards of living. Early in the 20th century Ashkenazi Jewish IQs in the US were below average; not they are above average. In the 1960s Asian American IQs were below average, now they are above average. Virtually all serious IQ theorists acknowledge there is no point in comparing IQ scores of different populations because these differences are entirely the result of environmental difference--basically exposure to abstract logic and the scientific way of viewing the world. If tested on today’s IQ tests, Americans of 100 years ago would have average IQs of below 70. They haven’t changed genetically in a century. The reason relates to exposure to abstraction.

If tested on today’s IQ tests, Americans of 100 years ago would have average IQs of below 70. They haven’t changed genetically in a century. The reason relates to exposure to abstraction.

This is what James Flynn has claimed (and it has been called "the Flynn Effect").

But it is a rather bogus argument and Linda Gottfredson ( ) explained why.

Gottfredson is the President of the "International Society for Intelligence Research", so she is definitely a reliable source when it comes to IQ-related matters. That's why I recommend this discussion betwen Gottfredson and Molyneux, she explains a lot here:

you belong to a population that has been on the losing end for over a millennia

So were for example European Jews, and as you can see this boosted their IQ.

Harsh eugenic conditions (i.e. when only the smartest can survive) boost IQ.
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Have you at least bothered to take a look at Daivde Piffer's data that I linked before?

It is actually quite optimistic - at least for Africa, India, Latin America and Vietnam:



at a population level, they are explained entirely by environmental factors

It is a ridiculous claim. Frequencies of alleles correlated with intelligence differ between populations.

However, environmental factors are dumbing down some populations, as Piffer's data above shows.

But as you can see, African-Americans in the USA are not one of these disadvantaged populations.

The richest and most powerful countries on the planet (Qatar, UAE, the USA, Canada, Switzerland, Norway, Germany, France, Sweden, Australia, etc...) are all diverse, inclusive nations.

They became rich and powerful several decades ago, when they were still ethnically homogeneous.

Only recently they are becoming diverse, and this is because rich countries are immigration and welfare magnets.

But your country is not rich thanks to immigrants - it was made rich by White Swedes, before 1970.

The gap between black American and White American IQs is ever closing as they are being exposed to greater education and higher standards of living. Early in the 20th century Ashkenazi Jewish IQs in the US were below average; not they are above average. In the 1960s Asian American IQs were below average, now they are above average.

Sources, please.

2.) Moreover, they tend not to take into consideration the language, socioeconomic, cultural and personality differences that can lead to the underestimation of one's actual intelligence. These factors make IQ tests imperfect predictors of one's potential.

There exist also culturally neutral IQ tests, AFAIK.

Notwithstanding the fact that there are people with high IQs who do absolutely nothing with their lives and then there are those with lower IQs who become quite successful.

Of course - did I ever claim that it is not the case ???

That said, having a high IQ is surely an advantage.

1.) not encompass the full breadth of one's intelligence, which involves more than reading comprehension skills or math, and usually ignores creativity, spacial, social and auditory intelligence.

AFAIK, IQ tests measure the "general intelligence" (so called "g" factor), which is defined as:

"The ability to perceive, comprehend, and reason" (and AFAIK this includes things such as: short-term memory, learning speed, the ability to embrace a given subject, to process and understand information, to think flexibly and solve problems, to imagine objects in space and think about their position in relation to each other, as well as mathematical skills).

So spacial-visual intelligence is being measured by IQ tests as well, I think. Not sure about auditory intelligence.

As for social and emotional intelligence - it is something different, and EQ tests measure it.

How do you want to measure creativity ???
You seem to have a hard time properly deciphering the stats and sources you cite, perhaps that's why you remain so painfully ignorant. That article stated that 1,000 women die in HONOR KILLINGS annually, of which stonings and other brutal, inhumane acts are included. And that's heinous, but besides the point and off-topic. You're the one who derailed the thread with a straw man argument, as usual.

You seriously need to focus on the plight of the people in your own country--things could be better for all of you. If you want to actually do some good and help, focus on that. Be a "warrior" for you own people. And don't worry, muslims and other immigrants are not dying to come to Poland. Not even Poles want to stay in Poland. So again, worry about how to get Poles to stay in your country and contribute to its betterment.

The richest and most powerful countries on the planet (Qatar, UAE, the USA, Canada, Switzerland, Norway, Germany, France, Sweden, Australia, etc...) are all diverse, inclusive nations. Any country that matters is relatively immigrant friendly or comprised primarily of immigrants. Interesting how not a single, largely homogeneous Eastern European nation makes the top 25 for richest nation, or even comes close to it. You honestly need to relax. Immigrants have no interest in where you are. It seems no one does.

How do you explain Finland?

Qatar and UAE are the first in your list, why?
They are wealthy because they pump oil and gas, later also invested that loose money.
They have not actually created anything of value, both are big financial supporters of global jihad in the state and private level and can be classified as organised crime run by former camel caravan raiders.
How do you explain Finland?

Qatar and UAE are the first in your list, why?
They are wealthy because they pump oil and gas, later also invested that loose money.
They have not actually created anything of value,
Hmmm, 10 million barrels of oil a day doesn't have value?! I'll be damned. Next time I will demand gasoline for free in my gas station.
Did you notice that you managed to contradict yourself in span of two sentences?

both are big financial supporters of global jihad in the state and private level and can be classified as organised crime run by former camel caravan raiders.
And it is coming from a reindeer raider.
Wanderlust said:

OK, Africans have creativity:

It's a funny parody of action movies.
Hmmm, 10 million barrels of oil a day doesn't have value?! I'll be damned. Next time I will demand gasoline for free in my gas station.
Did you notice that you managed to contradict yourself in span of two sentences?

And it is coming from a reindeer raider.

Pumping and selling crude oil that was formed million of years ago, trough an legalized cartel (OPEC), is really grasping at straws if you want claim they created the wealth by their own innovations.
Pumping and selling crude oil that was formed million of years ago, trough an legalized cartel (OPEC), is really grasping at straws if you want claim they created the wealth by their own innovations.
Are you sure there are no UAE or Saudis companies ever inventing anything if it comes to oil? Regardless, you and I, didn't invent anything but surely helped to produce GDP with someone else's tools.

Pumping and selling crude oil that was formed million of years ago, trough an legalized cartel
How is Finnish lumber production going? Did you invent wood, an axe or a saw? Yet, eagerly chopping what mother nature gave the world to make a buck. How is the fishing industry? Should we call it industry or nightmare of the sea?
I hope you get my point.
How is your depression recently? Feeling better to write your own thoughts, or so depressed you can only copy from internet?

The so-called typical "attacking a straw man" argument creates the illusion of having completely refuted or defeated an opponent's proposition by covertly replacing it with a different proposition (i.e. "stand up a straw man") and then refuting that false argument ("knock down a straw man") instead of the original proposition.

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