Society Should cannabis be legal in every country ?

Do you think cannabis (marijuana/hashish) should be legal ?

  • Yes, there is absolutely no reason to make it illegal

    Votes: 52 41.3%
  • If tobacco and alcohol are legal, then cannabis should be as well

    Votes: 29 23.0%
  • Maybe, but we lack scientific evidence to know whether it is nocive or not

    Votes: 5 4.0%
  • It should be legal only for medical reason (with prescription)

    Votes: 26 20.6%
  • I am completely against it, but not against tobacco and alcohol

    Votes: 2 1.6%
  • I would ban it altogether with cigarettes and alcohol

    Votes: 12 9.5%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
[Looks at Golgo_13]
I call it 'Bungy' just because it sounds funny. :p
For a medicinal reason, if the scientists came to a conclusion that cannabis is the only cure for whatever the simptoms, which I doubt strongly, they should go ahead and use it.

It is hard to tell when someone is stoned since you can hide it pretty easily w/ eyedrops or mints, and by looking as serious, though Bungy does make you have poor cordination and influences on the short term memory. I agree w/ Frank on not wanting to be treated or have a ride by a stoner.

It is smoking after all, which has a secondhand smoking problem, can be inhaled by children or infants.
i don't really smoke it, usually i just allow friends to hothouse the room :D .
but, um, i'll have to quote Bill Hicks on this:
"Marijuana grows naturaly on the earth. Making marijuana against the law, is like saying that God made a mistake"
It's quite ironic that the most religious developed country in the world, America, also has the toughest marijuana laws.
Alcohol tastes good and thats why i drink it.. to force your body into getting used to inhaling smoke (You caugh for a reason you know) is STUPID ! ! !

I smoke.. i don't like it... but i do... I'm an IDIOT ! !

Ban all tobacko and other crap that we smoke , then future genarations of stupid kids won't start smoking...
Sinspawne said:
Ban all tobacko and other crap that we smoke , then future genarations of stupid kids won't start smoking...
That would only work in another dimension. Lots of banned things around which still find a lot of users.
I'm one of those 'annoying people' who hates cigs/alcohol/drugs in general. Aside from the whole 'it's horrible for your body, destroys your brain, and makes you act like a total idiot' arguments...

They say the crime rates for people on weed is low, but they don't have any tests that can prove whether or not you've smoked up. Driving when you're stoned is dangerous, but I know people who do all the time. So essentially until they can develop a test to determine if a person is 'under the influence' I don't think they should consider making it legal.
DragonChan said:
I'm one of those 'annoying people' who hates cigs/alcohol/drugs in general. Aside from the whole 'it's horrible for your body, destroys your brain, and makes you act like a total idiot' arguments...

They say the crime rates for people on weed is low, but they don't have any tests that can prove whether or not you've smoked up. Driving when you're stoned is dangerous, but I know people who do all the time. So essentially until they can develop a test to determine if a person is 'under the influence' I don't think they should consider making it legal.

Not to me you are not an annoying person. On the contrary, you are one of the rare, smart human that care for your body.

Cannabis is a drug and should be used for illments. Using for any other reason is an addiction. Unfortunate, this world is full of human addicts.

Addictions only benefit to organized crime. The user is a looser victimized.
cathy said:
Using for any other reason is an addiction. Unfortunate, this world is full of human addicts.

Addictions only benefit to organized crime. The user is a looser victimized.

It's not addictive. Using for recreational purposes isn't addiction. Anyway, do alcoholics benefit organized crime?
Well, I think it's legal in my country to use cannabis. But to say it's safer than tabbaco, no. Isn't cannabis used in combination with tabacco? Cannabis can make people parano?d as well. But I do think it should be legal. I'm a liberal and I think people above the age of 18 are old enough to make a decesion about using it. I can easily get my hands on drugs, though it doesn't pick my intrest and so I don't use it. Classmates of mine do, but I guess it's their choice.

I think allowing it, would be better. The Goverment could have more influence on the quality of cannabis etc. But only allowed from age 18 and upwards.
Glenn said:
It's not addictive. Using for recreational purposes isn't addiction. Anyway, do alcoholics benefit organized crime?

Alchohol is one of the things that organized crime live on. They counterfeit everything, and alchohol is one of the best bootleg for organized crime, since many people drink alchoholic beverage. The underground black market make bootleg alchoholic beverage with: cheap perfume,window cleaner, shoe polish, and other toxic ingredients. Then they sell to stores very cheep. if the store refuse to buy from them, the mob intimedate them.

Drug and alchohol goes hand on hand.

Believe or not, the organized crime got their hands everyware. And the politicians, (including presidents, and, high and low, law autoruty is involved.

the biggest and rootless one in USA organized crime are not italian mafiya but the jwish mafiya. They control just about everything in USA, Europe, Midle East, and Russia. Plus many other country around the world.

If you go googling for jew, you will find things that you and millions other citezens, never dream otf it.

A good book to read is: "the Godfather Of the Kremlin", or "joe the hit man".

The author of The Godfather of the kremlin, was gunned down not to long go buy the organized crime. So other 15 reporters and writers.

Many hundreds of people, eather are gunned down or killed by "natural couse" like car incidents heart attack and so fort. The authority can`t reveal the real couse, they are afraid of the retaliation of the mobs.

60Yen said:
Well, I think it's legal in my country to use cannabis. But to say it's safer than tabbaco, no. Isn't cannabis used in combination with tabacco? Cannabis can make people parano?d as well. But I do think it should be legal. I'm a liberal and I think people above the age of 18 are old enough to make a decesion about using it. I can easily get my hands on drugs, though it doesn't pick my intrest and so I don't use it. Classmates of mine do, but I guess it's their choice.

I think allowing it, would be better. The Goverment could have more influence on the quality of cannabis etc. But only allowed from age 18 and upwards.

Government leaders never gone to ligalize drug. They are deep involved themself with the organized crime. There`s big money involved. Its not convenient to to them, to let regular citezens obtain their own.
What I'm saying, when you put it into legal canals, the illegal criminals have less clients, because clients can buy it legal too. I think you prefer to buy your sigarettes legal above illegal, at least I would. In this way, the goverment can set demands on quality of cannabis....
cathy said:
Drug and alchohol goes hand on hand.
Hmm, alcohol is a drug. In Europe most people would disagree with you. Many would even demonise drug use, although they themselves are heavy drinkers. I don't know how it is in the US, but in Germany Marijuana smokers are not necessarily those who drink the most.

the biggest and rootless one in USA organized crime are not italian mafiya but the jwish mafiya. They control just about everything in USA, Europe, Midle East, and Russia. Plus many other country around the world.

If you go googling for jew, you will find things that you and millions other citezens, never dream otf it.
That sounds a little bit too much like one of those conspiracy theories going round. There are a lot of Jews in influential positions, but to say that they control everything is slightly far-fetched.

Government leaders never gone to ligalize drug. They are deep involved themself with the organized crime. There`s big money involved. Its not convenient to to them, to let regular citezens obtain their own.
Well, I would call government a criminal organisation. But for the most part, I suppose, they see the illegal organised crime as competition, they're not actively involved (in most of Western Europe at least).
DragonChan said:
I'm one of those 'annoying people' who hates cigs/alcohol/drugs in general. Aside from the whole 'it's horrible for your body, destroys your brain, and makes you act like a total idiot' arguments...

They say the crime rates for people on weed is low, but they don't have any tests that can prove whether or not you've smoked up. Driving when you're stoned is dangerous, but I know people who do all the time. So essentially until they can develop a test to determine if a person is 'under the influence' I don't think they should consider making it legal.
I am one of 'those' too :D

My freinds say im awkward, but then they have no money and cant talk properly because of the booze/drugs.

So to people that dont drink or smoke, saying that cannabis should be legalised because cigarettes and alchohol are, is a very stupid argument.

I dont agree with banning it all, because some people depend on alchohol/drugs, and I feel sorry for them.
cathy said:
If you go googling for jew, you will find things that you and millions other citezens, never dream otf it.
Yeah and one in 20 or so of them might actually be true.

60Yen said:
What I'm saying, when you put it into legal canals, the illegal criminals have less clients, because clients can buy it legal too. I think you prefer to buy your sigarettes legal above illegal, at least I would. In this way, the goverment can set demands on quality of cannabis....
Not to mention the government should like it because they get to tax the suckers into the stratosphere. :D

Although that can be overdone. If you look at cigarettes for example the UK government taxes them so heavily that cigarette smuggling is a massive business.

Incidently there are ways of testing for driving impairment due to drugs in general and cannabis in particular although they are still in the early stages of design and not (AFAIK) in general use yet.
PaulTB said:
Incidently there are ways of testing for driving impairment due to drugs in general and cannabis in particular although they are still in the early stages of design and not (AFAIK) in general use yet.
In Germany 2 ways of drug testing are already in use: saliva tests & the so-called "drugwipe". If those tests show evidence of drug use, the drivers need to have their blood examined. Only the results of the blood tests are to be used in court.
Well, I commented on this earlier in the thread, but now that the thread has been made into a poll, I took the poll as well. I choose "Yes, there is absolutely no reason to make it illegal." So that's my vote, for what it's worth! :smoke: :v:
I thought this was interesting ...

Mental Marijuana
By Philip Dawdy, Seattle Weekly
Posted on August 26, 2004

Smoking marijuana, the federal government constantly reminds us, is dangerous in every way. It impairs cognitive functioning, makes you high, and, because it's smoked, is a demon in a bong hit ? and so on.

A counterargument is that pot has helped thousands of cancer and AIDS patients, for example, contend with side effects of their illnesses and treatments. There is also evidence that marijuana works for some psychiatric disorders as well, principally depression and bipolar disorder. Among some people, pot is jokingly referred to as "green Prozac."

The problem is you can't legally take a toke for psychiatric diagnoses.

"I think cannabis has a lot of potential in the treatment of mental illness," says Lester Grinspoon, emeritus professor of psychiatry at the Harvard School of Medicine. He says that it can be an effective treatment for bipolar disorder and depression. Like any medicine, he cautions, it won't work for everyone. Grinspoon has, over the last three decades, been one of the few psychiatrists willing to speak publicly on mental marijuana.

Most of the evidence to support use of pot as medicine is anecdotal; i.e., it seems to help AIDS and cancer patients contend with their diseases and handle the nausea they often experience from treatment, so there must be something to it. Many people also report that it provides a quick lift from the bowels of depression.

My own anecdotal, ahem, experience is that pot does indeed boost my mood from the badlands of depression and lower me from the Mount Everests of mania. I have no idea why or how, nor do I especially care ? I'm one of those people who find Prozac and its progeny to be barely effective and with enough nasty side effects to outweigh the benefits. But I'll never tell that to the Drug Enforcement Administration or drug czar John Walters.

Instead, I'll let the Israeli army speak for me. Two weeks ago, it announced that it would provide, on an experimental basis, medical marijuana to troops suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, another mental illness. Good enough for an army, good enough for me.

But in states with medical marijuana laws, each attempt to get depression or bipolar disorder added to the list of ailments for which the kine can be oh-so-kind has been shot down.

For example, four years ago, the Washington Medical Quality Assurance Commission was petitioned to add mental illness to its list of approved uses of medical marijuana. The commission denied the request. It argued that there was no lock-solid scientific evidence that weed worked for mental illness. The odd thing is that it had approved pot for treatment of Alzheimer's, Krohn's disease, chronic pain, and wasting syndrome based upon ? you guessed it ? anecdotal evidence.

The feds would like to keep any evidence that reefer is an Rx anecdotal ? no peer-reviewed, double-blind studies here ? as it bolsters their case that there's no scientific proof that pot works for anything except getting people high. It's the evil weed.

As proof, the DEA touts the following from a 1999 scientific report: It states that " . . . there is little future in smoked marijuana as a medically approved medication."

The report was prepared by the Institute of Medicine (IOM), part of the independent National Academies of Science. Interestingly, the feds lifted that quote from deep in the report. But perhaps more telling is that only one sentence later, the report says: "The personal medical use of smoked marijuana ? regardless of whether or not it is approved ? to treat certain symptoms is reason enough to advocate clinical trials to assess the degree to which the symptoms or course of diseases are affected."

The IOM backed that up with several strong recommendations that medical marijuana should be thoroughly studied ? you know, like scientists study every other treatment under the sun.

To date, that hasn't happened.

"Who is going to get approval from an institutional review board to break the law?" asks Grinspoon. Researchers must have their studies cleared by such boards before they can do experiments with humans. He likens the situation to that of lithium. Its efficacy for treating mental illness was found by accident in the 1940s by an Australian scientist. The evidence was anecdotal. It wasn't until the late 1950s that the feds allowed it to be used in this country, despite the fact that it was saving lives on the other side of the globe.

That's not to say that marijuana is the new lithium or an all-conquering antidepressant. This is not an argument for 40 grams to freedom. Most psych meds work quite well for an estimated 60 percent to 70 percent of patients. It's the remaining 30 percent to 40 percent who are in a sketchier situation. If the approved meds don't work at all or barely work their alleged magic, where are you supposed to turn?

Psychiatrists usually prescribe another med such as Lexapro, a new antidepressant that's all the rage these days. Personally, I found that marijuana had a positive effect quite by accident, especially when dealing with short-lived psychoses. Medications for that typically take hours or days to work ? and when you are in that state, you aren't interested in anything but relief by any means necessary, stat.

So let's assume that weed works for a minority of the mentally ill. Doctors usually come back with the assertion that pot has too many side effects, such as respiratory ailments, to even consider its use. I wonder what universe they live in. Long-term use of psych meds themselves carries a host of side effects, which have been poorly evaluated in long-term studies ? kidney and liver damage chief among them, along with nausea, weight gain, sexual dysfunction, sleep interference, and hair loss. And they talk about the side effects of marijuana? By comparison, pot's side effects are almost minimal. So, I'll take that medical marijuana any day ? I'd simply like to do it legally.
? 2004 Independent Media Institute. All rights reserved.
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bossel said:
In Germany 2 ways of drug testing are already in use: saliva tests & the so-called "drugwipe". If those tests show evidence of drug use, the drivers need to have their blood examined. Only the results of the blood tests are to be used in court.
Little update to the above: as it turns out, although drugwipe is widely used in Germany, it's unreliable. In case of Cannabis more than 20% of the tests show false results. For other drugs the results vary, best are those for opiates.

But not only drugwipe has a high failure rate, some of the common alcohol tests are a bit unreliable, too. It seems that bigger people get lower results when having the same blood alcohol level, for they have a bigger lung volume. Maybe this is only related to the software used in some of the devices, but if you're small & get a result slightly over the top you should insist on a blood test.
blessed said:
i'll have to quote Bill Hicks on this:
"Marijuana grows naturaly on the earth. Making marijuana against the law, is like saying that God made a mistake"
It's quite ironic that the most religious developed country in the world, America, also has the toughest marijuana laws.

Possession is a misdemeanor. In some states, all you get is a civil citation. Actually, i think possession of around 2 pounds or more turns into a felony. I have literally shared a joint with an off duty cop once.

Selling is a different story, and is generally a felony.

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