Society Who is most generous in Europe?

I don't mind you criticizing anything at all. I just found too much exaggeration and one-sidedness not to react. Rich do pay a lot of income tax and a lot of sale tax, but whether it is enough or still too little is another discussion. ;)


Okay. Now at least I know you're not Tom Flanagan. LOL.
Congratulation Ireland! And what is about Greeks not willing to share, even with themselves?

Actually Greeks do a lot it is just done on a personal and community level or through the church so most of it goes undocumented. Currently, the church in Greece is feeding aprox. 300,000 people per day which largely comes from donations from the public. Even our small village supermarket has a collection bin for food donations, which help support those in the community who are without work, and this is the case right across the country.
Actually Greeks do a lot it is just done on a personal and community level or through the church so most of it goes undocumented. Currently, the church in Greece is feeding aprox. 300,000 people per day which largely comes from donations from the public. Even our small village supermarket has a collection bin for food donations, which help support those in the community who are without work, and this is the case right across the country.
There is a possibility that most of sampling was done in big cities or only in capitol city like Athens. It could be a different case for villages and smaller towns, and people there being more generous. You might be right as well. By nature people always share more with people, communities, and parishes they know the best and they feel part of.
There is a possibility that most of sampling was done in big cities or only in capitol city like Athens. It could be a different case for villages and smaller towns, and people there being more generous. You might be right as well. By nature people always share more with people, communities, and parishes they know the best and they feel part of.

There is no might be right about it, I am right and you are very wrong in your assumptions. I live in Greece and see and read what is happening here every day right across the country, you do not.

After 6 years of depression, unemployment at 27% and no unemployment benefits for anyone after 1 year, people are surviving simply because of the generosity and charity of those who are slightly better off and are able to share something, whether in the city or country.
There is no might be right about it, I am right and you are very wrong in your assumptions. I live in Greece and see and read what is happening here every day right across the country, you do not.
I have to admit, I was expecting more from you than this fully blown Greek attitude "You are right and all the world is wrong".

After 6 years of depression, unemployment at 27% and no unemployment benefits for anyone after 1 year, people are surviving simply because of the generosity and charity of those who are slightly better off and are able to share something, whether in the city or country.
Are you saying that there is no other government social assistance than unemployment? I'm sure you're not telling us all the truth. Regardless, most of help is done by family members to needy family members. This kind of help wasn't included in this survey as charity.
You might want to familiarize yourself with inner working of this survey to check what was measured, how and why.
Furthermore, the survey doesn't say that Greeks are not generous or they don't help each other. On contrary it shows that they do, otherwise the score would be 0.
What it does it compares generosity scores of many countries.
As you said you live in Greece and know Greece situation well. But did you live in UK, Denmark or Romania to learn how generous they are to strangers and how often they donate, and to be in position to compare these countries?
2014 score, who gives who does not.

Myanmar 1 64 49 91 51
United States of America 1 64 79 68 44
Canada 3 60 66 71 44
Ireland 4 60 64 74 41
New Zealand 5 58 69 62 44
Australia 6 56 65 66 37
Malaysia 7 55 63 60 41
United Kingdom 7 55 61 74 29
Sri Lanka 9 54 56 56 50
Trinidad and Tobago 10 54 75 49 37
Bhutan 11 53 54 63 43
Netherlands 12 53 54 70 34
Indonesia 13 51 48 66 40
Iceland 14 50 52 70 29
Kenya 15 49 67 43 37
Malta 16 49 43 78 25
Austria 17 48 57 57 29
Denmark 18 47 55 62 23
Iran 19 46 62 52 24
Jamaica 20 45 73 26 35

Size of countries according to their charity. Can you find China?

Other stats:
You can't save everyone, the world's population is way too big. Germany tries to save everyone who comes there, but will start to collapse economically like Sweden.
2014 score, who gives who does not.

Myanmar 1 64 49 91 51
United States of America 1 64 79 68 44
Canada 3 60 66 71 44
Ireland 4 60 64 74 41
New Zealand 5 58 69 62 44
Australia 6 56 65 66 37
Malaysia 7 55 63 60 41
United Kingdom 7 55 61 74 29
Sri Lanka 9 54 56 56 50
Trinidad and Tobago 10 54 75 49 37
Bhutan 11 53 54 63 43
Netherlands 12 53 54 70 34
Indonesia 13 51 48 66 40
Iceland 14 50 52 70 29
Kenya 15 49 67 43 37
Malta 16 49 43 78 25
Austria 17 48 57 57 29
Denmark 18 47 55 62 23
Iran 19 46 62 52 24
Jamaica 20 45 73 26 35

Size of countries according to their charity. Can you find China?

Other stats:

I am surprised my birth country is in the list despite of all the corruptions happening in the country.
I am surprised my birth country is in the list despite of all the corruptions happening in the country.
Corrupt but generous. ;)
The score is a conglomeration of few good deeds, so no one thing is too decisive.

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