Question what do you look for in the opposite sex?

what does everyone look for in the opposite sex?

  • how they look

    Votes: 19 19.0%
  • money

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • humour

    Votes: 7 7.0%
  • style

    Votes: 4 4.0%
  • compassion

    Votes: 16 16.0%
  • romance

    Votes: 8 8.0%
  • fun

    Votes: 9 9.0%
  • intelligience

    Votes: 31 31.0%
  • age

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • weight

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • kids

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • nice feet

    Votes: 4 4.0%

  • Total voters
Fantt said:
As a man happily married for almost 9 years now, I'll put in my two yen worth...

My wife is my best friend - we enjoy doing most things together and we never run out of things to talk about. Our personal philosophies, while different, are compatible. We don't hold anything in - we have had our share of screaming and holering, but it's usually cathartic - we never stay mad at each other for more than a day or so.

If you're looking for more than a sex partner, then I seriously recommend that you find someone who you can talk with and never run out of things to discuss. My wife and I are both very much nerds. We love to talk about technology, science, philosophy, politics, etc. If you're interested in lots of stuff and you find that your partner isn't interested in at least a third of them, then you may eventually run into trouble.

For me, it wasn't just intelligence or looks - it was compatibility. I dated my share of women and met a lot that I enjoyed hanging around with, but at the end of the day, if either of us got bored, we knew it was a lost cause. When I met Lindsay, I didn't feel like I had met my soul mate or that we were destined to be together. I felt like I had met my best friend - someone who I could grow old with, raise a family with and help take care of through the rest of my life. Maybe it's just a feeling, but that's what I reccomend looking for.

It also didn't hurt that I had to do my share of growing up before I met Lindsay. Most men start out really immature and need a lot of relationship training. You have to get your priorities set and be ready for a very long term relationship. If you're just playing the field (nothing wrong with that) then just go for a little bit of everything... variety is the spice of life. But try to have worked that mostly out of your system before you run into the "one" person.

Does any of that make sense?

thats exactly what I would have said (though Im not married) I am so not into the whole sex partner thing. I think it is special and want to save it unti lmarriage. thats my two yen
Ummm... it may not be very responsible adult of me, but I wouldn't tell anyone to abstain from sex until marriage. I'd say abstain until you're responsible enough to have safe sex, but I think waiting until you're married is probably NOT a good idea.

Sex is the closest and most intimate thing you can do with another person. I don't think you can make a wise marriage choice without experiencing it before hand. That said - I don't mean that you should be promiscuous. Waiting until marriage may be right for some people, but I think in general it's not very good advice.

Now, if you're underage, then, obviously my statements imply waiting until you're of age and mature enough to make sure nothing bad happens. That's not an easy thing.
ok, i'd rather delete this than edit it, so can a moderator please delete my post. thank you!
Fantt said:
Ummm... it may not be very responsible adult of me, but I wouldn't tell anyone to abstain from sex until marriage. I'd say abstain until you're responsible enough to have safe sex, but I think waiting until you're married is probably NOT a good idea.

Sex is the closest and most intimate thing you can do with another person. I don't think you can make a wise marriage choice without experiencing it before hand. That said - I don't mean that you should be promiscuous. Waiting until marriage may be right for some people, but I think in general it's not very good advice.

Now, if you're underage, then, obviously my statements imply waiting until you're of age and mature enough to make sure nothing bad happens. That's not an easy thing.

I agree with your views about sex. I believe that it is one of the most (if not the most) intimate thing you can do with someone. And I also believe that what is right for you is right for you, I would never force my views on someone. I also believe that a really good way to see if your partner will remain faithful to you in a relationship is to agree not to have.... (school admins can block if the word is used to often) until you are married. While the temptation is always there, if you and your partner keep this promise with each other it is a pretty good sign that you will remain faithful to each other (and yourself) because you have stayed within the boudaries that your relationship relies on.

One more thing. I don't believe that you need to have had sex before you get married. If a relationship is right, it's right. I don't think sex is necessary to decide if it is a good relationship or not. If it is a good relationship, you will know it, and I believe that saying you must have sex before you get married is an excuse to justify having sex before marriage.

Please understand I am not trying to offend anyone as these are my own personal views and I would never push them on you. And no, I am not against ... I believe that it is an awesome thing but I also think it should only be shared between you and the one. :wave:
There is this one girl I am sorta in the mix with now that has everything I have ever wanted and more. I just wish her and I had more time together I cant get her off of my mind though onetime I stayed up for 73 hours and 58 minutes just to see how her day went....but she has a life she needs to live and i understand that. Anywoo I like a girl that is shorter than me (it isnt hard im 6'6") I like her to be intellectual and fun and I like her to be outgoing Id like for her to be really close to me also so 50 years from now when we are watching our grandchildren play in the front yard from the porch swing I can still see her as my best friend and companion throught the years past and the years yet to come. Someone who when I look at her 50 years from now she is still as beautiful to me as the day I met her.......that to me is love people. (Note: It doesnt have to be a physical attraction it can be on a emotional or mental level)

I will have to come back to this post later i have to do something real quick and think on what else i like lol
Satori said:
Thanks!! Yes, there's nothing like intellectual stimulation for some mad, passionate sex!!! :blush: :cool: :p
mmmmm. you sound like someone i would just love... (to meet)

what do i look for ?

the little light that one might have in the eyes.
that's what i'd look for. if there is that light, then there are so many things that go along with it.


the hands and the nose
or vice versa, not important which one first.
(1st time you meet a nose freak, heh ? i can tell you, it tells a lot)

then (of utmost importance) comes the smell...
yeah, sorry for those who, however intelligent, funny, beautyfull, rich... and so on... smell the smell of channel n?5 or any other that will eventually (or allready has) go off within 5 minutes... these ladies will have to move elsewhere. no way i could be interrested in someone like that.

well, that is allready a lot... if that is met, then i will go along and discover with many daily pleasures what make that light-in-the-eye ever so attractive.

it did happend a few times that the light went off after a while. was it my fault ? i never knew the answer, simply because i never asked.
TwistedMac said:
you mean like girls with lightbulbs for brains?
haow, c'mon twisted mack !
that's not nice ! u should know better that that !
does your light bulb stops you from seeing ?
(notice : there are no "s" for light bulb... in your case... :D :D :D :D )
byp said:
the hands and the nose
or vice versa, not important which one first.
(1st time you meet a nose freak, heh ? i can tell you, it tells a lot)

Okay, I have to ask. My curiosity has gotten the best of me. What exactly does a person with a nose fetish look for in noses? :?
Satori said:
Okay, I have to ask. My curiosity has gotten the best of me. What exactly does a person with a nose fetish look for in noses? :?

I think my husband has a nose fetish. He likes the 'high' noses, which he says only Westerners have. Every Japanese person I have come in contact with loves a 'high' nose. :D
Satori said:
Okay, I have to ask. My curiosity has gotten the best of me. What exactly does a person with a nose fetish look for in noses? :?
well sartori, i hope i will not sound too "technical". but it's just more thant that... it's extremely important that...
no, let me put it the other way. it's not important how large or big or small the nose is. the important thing is : how wide are the nostrils. it's a well know fact that a person with narrow nostril has more chances to have a narrow mind. on the contrary, a person with wide nostrils will have a tendency to breath more easily, to be more open, less "stuck, and / or uptight" , to breath life to full extent.
this feature is an important one (and well known) in physiognomony science. one can say it's 80% accurate.

now, belive me it has nothing to do with fetishism. nothing at all. i also find it extremely sexy and sensual...

it's just like what you can tell when you see a person with the little finger wide appart from the rest of the other fingers... extremely interesting, too.

sweet dreams to you.
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byp said:
well sartori, i hope i will not sound too "technical". but it's just more thant that... it's extremely important that...
no, let me put it the other way. it's not important how larg or small the nose is. the important thing is : how wide are the nostrils. it's a well know fact that a person with narrow nostril has more chances to have a narrow mind. on the contrary, a person with wide nostrils will have a tendency to breath more easily, to be more open, less "stuck, and / or uptight" , to breath life to full extent.
this feature is an important one (and well known) in physiognomony science. one can say it's 80% accurate.

now, belive me it has nothing to do with fetishism. nothing at all. i also find it extremely sexy and sensual...

it's just like what you can tell when you see a person with the little finger wide appart from the rest of the other fingers... extremely interesting, too.

sweet dreams to you.

...really? :eek:
Do you have any sources?
Trojan1313 said:
...really? :eek:
Do you have any sources?
any good professionnal & scientific encyclopedy about physiognomony and / or human features.
Try Desmond Morris, all others I know are specialized studies designed for professionnals.
byp said:
any good professionnal & scientific encyclopedy about physiognomony and / or human features.
Try Desmond Morris, all others I know are specialized studies designed for professionnals.

No Internet sources then? Pitty... :(
Well beauty is only skin deep, you can meet a beautiful person who?s completely ugly on the inside so I usually base what I like about a person by their first impressions. I?m pretty laid back and I like to have fun, if I?m not comfortable with a person it?s hard to see the truly attractive attributes. Also compassion, humor, and a sense of style doesn't hurt :cool:
Hmm, it's really a combination of things...

...looks are importaint, but there are other factors (such as personality) that can make up for a lack in that area. Ultimately it is a question of whether or not I can be intimate and sexually involved with that person, and for how long. I don't have a problem just being freinds with women, but in that case I'm not looking at them as a member of the opposite sex--just as a person I can hang out with.
kirei_na_me said:
I think my husband has a nose fetish. He likes the 'high' noses, which he says only Westerners have. Every Japanese person I have come in contact with loves a 'high' nose. :D

I wasn't sure what you meant by a "high" nose and before asking you to clarify, I thought I would check out what a Japanese woman's nose was like, because I truly forgot!! Soooo, back to the gallery I went ... again!! :p But I'm not sure I saw much of a difference. :?
I know that when performing nose jobs, plastic surgeons always give the nose a slight tilt upwards, because, believe it or not, everyone's nose tends to droop as they age. (I never knew that before.) Back in the '60s, plastic surgeons gave noses too much of a tilt upwards, so that it created the "ski lift" effect!! :p But these days the goal is a more natural look, thankfully.

byp said:
well sartori, i hope i will not sound too "technical". but it's just more thant that... it's extremely important that...
no, let me put it the other way. it's not important how large or big or small the nose is. the important thing is : how wide are the nostrils. it's a well know fact that a person with narrow nostril has more chances to have a narrow mind. on the contrary, a person with wide nostrils will have a tendency to breath more easily, to be more open, less "stuck, and / or uptight" , to breath life to full extent.
this feature is an important one (and well known) in physiognomony science. one can say it's 80% accurate.

now, belive me it has nothing to do with fetishism. nothing at all. i also find it extremely sexy and sensual...

it's just like what you can tell when you see a person with the little finger wide appart from the rest of the other fingers... extremely interesting, too.

sweet dreams to you.

Oh, I see where you're coming from. I never knew that about nostrils, but I have heard of the studies performed on fingers. Supposedly, how the fingers are placed can even determine if a woman is a lesbian. Usually, I don't approve of anything that stereotypes people like that (still don't, actually), but with that particular study, I have heard people say that it did prove to be pretty accurate for some odd reason. However, like I said, I have never heard of the nostril study. Does that study apply to men as well? :?
Satori said:
I wasn't sure what you meant by a "high" nose and before asking you to clarify, I thought I would check out what a Japanese woman's nose was like, because I truly forgot!! Soooo, back to the gallery I went ... again!! :p But I'm not sure I saw much of a difference. :?
I know that when performing nose jobs, plastic surgeons always give the nose a slight tilt upwards, because, believe it or not, everyone's nose tends to droop as they age. (I never knew that before.) Back in the '60s, plastic surgeons gave noses too much of a tilt upwards, so that it created the "ski lift" effect!! :p But these days the goal is a more natural look, thankfully.

HAHA...:D I really enjoyed reading this about noses. I don't have a nose fetish, but my Japanese friends admire a "Western nose" aka "high" noses mentioned by Kirei.

The most important thing I look for in a guy is still intelligence and....hands (he needs to have clean hands, but also nice attractive (masculine) hands) :D. However, first-hand impression is appearance and looks... otherwise I am not turned on, or interested. :D If I can't talk to him and discuss different matters I am not interested, as I get bored...I would like to know about different subjects/work-and subject-areas from him too. :blush:

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