Top 25 most influencial people in human history

Hart wrote another book in 1999, entitled A View from the Year 3000, voiced in the perspective of a person from that future year and ranking the most influential people in history. Roughly half of those entries are fictional people from 2000–3000, but the remainder are actual people. These were taken mostly from the 1992 edition, with some re-ranking of order.
Here is a 10-year old thread that might be nice to revive. What is your own ranking of the most influencial people in human history?
What about Marie Curie? Without her and her husband works, there is no atomic bomb, no Hiroshima and Nagazaki, no cold war, no medical isotope, no radio therapy, no nuclear power plants, no Chernobyl, no Fukushima, no radio isotope for dating in archaeology, and a lot more. Plus, her influence on the future could be even more important as new use of radiation will come up.

Pierre Curie die too early and without his wife who continued to work, their research may not have been as influential, so I propose Marie.

As for who to take out, I would keep only one of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle as they are all part of a same philosophy. I would keep Plato, since he's the one who wrote about his master and without him, Socrates wouldn't have made it to us.
What about Marie Curie? Without her and her husband works, there is no atomic bomb, no Hiroshima and Nagazaki, no cold war, no medical isotope, no radio therapy, no nuclear power plants, no Chernobyl, no Fukushima, no radio isotope for dating in archaeology, and a lot more. Plus, her influence on the future could be even more important as new use of radiation will come up.

Very well thought. (y)

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