The Systematic Dismanteling of America

The Dismantling Continues...

It ever so slowly continues:

Indiana Toll Road Sale is completed to a Spanish/Australian Consortium with a 75 year lease. Another story here. Negotiations and plans are now underway to do the same with other major roads, including the entire state of Texas, and more likely the entire US.

GM Announces merger with Nissan-Renault. The say they are only in the talking stage but the recent dismal sales figures for both GM and Ford lead me to believe that the merger will take place regardless of protests by American workers. More jobs will be lost. Isn't it bad enough that the US only has 16% of it's manufacturing base left?

Also GM is closing down quite a few of their factories in Atlanta and elsewhere while building huge factories in China that are free of unionized labor and will soon allow China to surpass Germany as the No. 3 exporter or automobiles. I'm sure the same thing is happening elsewhere in the world and not just the US.

If that is not bad enough the House of Representatives "secretly" passed the Oman Free Trade Agreement yersterday sending more US jobs overseas and this one is in the Middle East!

With bilateral trade between the U.S. and Oman surpassing $1.1 billion in 2005, the agreement is of particular interest to U.S. companies specializing in telecommunications, oil and gas, medical equipment, and electrical and manufacturing equipment.
Did anyone hear of this on the news? Does anyone even remotely know about it or even care? Sadly, the answer is, "NO". The american public remains too ignorant of what their own government is doing. And they don't even care.

The Council of Foreign Relations (the real government) boldy announced last year that there will be an American Union by the year 2010. Thus nothing is still being done to secure our boarders. We WILL have one union with one currency. Sadly again, no one even knows or cares. Has anyone even noticed that everything you buy these days, wile being manufactured in China, now comes with instructions in 3 languages, French, Spanish, and English? Notice that in the press release there is even a version in Spanish and French.

Other comments are here and here.

Still refuse to believe it? Well, the government even has it's own website on it.

The new Port of Entry for all US goods coming from China will be in Kansas City, MO after being shipped to Mexico.. Check out the map. Construction is now underway for a super highway stretching from Mexico to Canada.

Documents are now being requested to bring this to light as told in this story.

Perhaps it can be best summed up by the "International Forecaster" in it's July issue:

No American can plan for their future anymore. His job may be out sourced to India or Ukraine tomorrow or his plant may be in China next week. His pay may go from $50 or $25-an hour to $10 overnight. There is no safety because our government has abandoned us for dreams of a New World Order and world government. Who wants to buy a house and lose it a year later? How can anyone save for anything anymore? From day to day workers and professionals don't know if they'll have a job tomorrow. An economy cannot persist under such a chaotic economic and social climate. It can only lead to chaos. If the wealthy one-worlders have their way, we'll all become indentured slaves. Free trade, globalization and illegal immigration have fractured the link between skills and wages and risk and reward.

I believe it is too late and the dismantling will continue and the screws turned even more tighter as the American public has been asleep at the switch for many years..
Pachipro said:
The Council of Foreign Relations (the real government)

Funny you say that...

Maybe I'd heard something like that about a decade ago.
I started to hear about corporations running everything and that made some sense.

But a group like the CFR?!? That did sound kind of crak-pot world government to me.

Then I find out about the IMF(International Monetary Fund)/World Bank and the WTO (World Trade Organization) and their distaste for countries' democracy. They are forced to gut local laws if they want the loans and such. I'm supposed to check out the boook "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" at this point. It could add greatly to this.
Rule by legal institutions called corporations via these institutions.

Most recently I've begun to read Greg Palast's latest book
"Armed Madhouse". It turns out CFR with James Baker III and the current
US regime are very closely tied. Plus, Baker is lawyer for the Saudi government defending them against US citizens whose family members died
in the World Trade Center and are suing the Saudi gov't. Then Baker has an office in the White House - according to Palast.

This might be a good time to work in an article I've been reading:
"The historian Spencer R. Weart in his book ?L?LNever at War?L?L argues that oligarchies rarely make war with one another."

Conspiracies exist.
In corporate board rooms every day.

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