The Global Gag Rule

Ma Cherie

Your Goddess is here
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Kansas City
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African American
Some of you may know that in 2001 President Bush has reinstated the "Mexico City Policy". Which is now known as the Global Gag Rule, so what's is the GGR exactly? Well, it was supposed to make abortion a condition in providing funds from USAID. However, what happens is that family planning services in other nations aren't allowed to discuss abortion as an option, even it may be legal in that country. The downside to this is that women are unable to access safe abortions and thus result to crude and dangerous methods of terminating an unwanted pregnacy. What's happening is that women are dying as a result. The GGR has caused a decrease in the number of family planning clinics. What's worse is that providers aren't allowed to discuss a full range of options and if they do, their funds are cut.

What I'm really concerned about is the number of women who are dying as result of the GGR :eek:kashii:
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I read about the GGP some time ago, and it still pisses me off to this day. I'd comment more, but most of it would be unintelligible keyboard-bashing.
I'd be happy to hear your unintelligable-keyboard-bashing lastmagi.:p
But I'm really worried, because this policy affects women in poor African nations the most. And these women no longer have access to safe abortions, no information on emergency contraceptives (there seems to be a shortage of condoms and emergency contraceptives). Bush doesn't seem to understand what this policy is doing. I do know that in these countries, he's trying to promote abstinence over prevention. But if abstinence only education hasn't proven to be effective in the states, then why would it work any better overseas for cultures who may have different values regarding sex? It makes no sense, and I don't understand why there seems to be some war against reproductive health. I mean what is the Bush Administration afraid of? Why is he so determined to censor information of reproductive options?
America has no issue abusing its position as an aid giver to force its conditions on another country.

As such its not much of a suprise.

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