Spain's Blood Sport Culture of Bullfighting

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The primordial soup
I am against forcing animals to fight for entertainment. It is a barbaric practice, and the only joy I can derive from it is when on rare occasssions I hear justice is served -- a bull gets lucky and gores its tormentor. O`le!


No excessive blood in image nor matadore's identity able to be distinguished.

For the most part, bull fighting is confined culturally to Spain, though southern France and parts of Mexico also partake in it. There may be a few other isolated pockets as well.

On July 5th, usually just days before the actual Running of the Bulls, the Running of the Nudes will be held. Following the same route that the bulls will run down to meet their end, all the while being tormented by people slapping and pulling tails, those persons willing to give of their time to protest against this barbarous blood sport will run naked or semi naked through the streets as large crowds cheer them on.

I feel these people are to be commended to protest in this manner using originality and mockery of a shameful and dispicable practice. The fact that the Running of the Nudes always garners large press for the cause to banish this blood sport is testement to the effectiveness of the way in how activists are going about getting the word out to stop this rediculous and sadistic carnage.

Here are protestors in 2003, the first Running of the Nudes, when Spanish police tried to stop them because the protest was unauthorised. However, protestors overran them and ran the streets anyway risking fines and imprisonment for their civil disobedience.


All genetalia covered in image

What are your views on bullfighting and the brutal killing of an animal for enjoyment at the cheering of thousands of people?
A man has been paralyzed during this year`s Running of the Bulls several days ago.

My thought on that: Good!

How ironic and poetically justified that someone partakes in the debasement and barbaric slaughter of an animal for entertainment purposes, but instead he himself comes out of crippled and handicapped for life. I guess that adrenaline rush was worth his life of free mobility, huh?

Another six people were injured dodging six half-ton bulls from the Marques de Domecq ranch, including another New Yorker, a Briton and a New Zealander who was gored in the thigh on the first day of the week-long San Fermin festival.

What? Only six? Disappointed by the low number and the fact that the gorings didn`t result in death to the animal sadists. I geuss we can still hope for infection to take hold in the wound to cause a belated death.

A total of 15 people have been killed during the festival since 1924.

No feeling of sorrow in that, except, again, I wish the numbers were as high as the number of bulls slain since 1924. Even a higher hope, is that this bloody tradition never got started and animal nor beast had to die needlessly for "fun."

Source Link:;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl

Note: Sorry, for some reason the link command here is not working so I just posted the URL. If the link command begins working later I will edit this post to make the URL linked by title.
Isn't the Running of the Bulls (Encierro) quite different from corrida ? Isn't just a festival where they let bulls run through the street of the city chasing people ? I wasn't aware that they killed the bulls in the Running of the Bulls.

Wikipedia said:
However, unlike bull-fights, which are performed by professionals, anyone feeling brave enough may take part in an encierro, and there is never any violence towards the bulls — even tail-pulling is frowned upon. Injuries are common, both to the participants who may be gored or trampled, and to the bulls, whose hooves grip poorly on the paved or cobbled street surfaces.
For the most part, bull fighting is confined culturally to Spain, though southern France and parts of Mexico also partake in it. There may be a few other isolated pockets as well

That article forgot to mention that Bullfighting is an important part of the culture of Portugal as well.
Their are differences in Spanish and Portugese bullfighting, such as the bull is not killed in Portugal and in Portugal it is done horseback.
cashhighlander said:
Their are differences in Spanish and Portugese bullfighting, such as the bull is not killed in Portugal and in Portugal it is done horseback.

Not true. Often, the bull is still killed. However, it is not usually done in front of the spectators. It is done shortly after it leaves the ring where a butcher slaughters it. In some cases where the bull showed exceptional fighting abilities, it may be nursed back to health to be used as a stud.

Because the bull is not killed in front of the crowd, Portuguese bullfighting associations, tourist agencies, and even the government in efforts to avoid criticisms from international animal rights groups or others appalled by it, like to claim that Portugal`s bullfighting is "bloodless." Well, to me that sounds like they are doing their own spin on what "is" and what "isn`t" (kind of like the Bush Gang with WMD's).

First off, 4 bandaleirs (i.e. colorful decorated javelins) are thrust in the bulls back from atop horse to enrage and weaken it. When do javelins enter flesh and cause no blood loss? Do you think the wounds to the body are being inflicted so that the owners of the bull can pay vet costs to nurse them back to health after the fight?

I`ll have more to say on it, but I will await your responses before I do.
First, hello !

I'm Spanish, and well, I don't like bullfighting .I think that it would be better "fiesta" if one did not kill the bull. Another question is if this is possible. I think not, because economic interests involving the raising of bulls and the spectacle.

With bandaleirs i suppose you would say "banderillas". Their job is to drain the force of the bull. This is the worst part, in my opinion.

Encierros(runnings) are other case, the bulls(normally are young bulls) aren't killed.

Ah !One comment: Depends of the area of spain, bullfighting are more accepted or not.

P.D:The death of people aren't enjoyable

P.D2: Sorry for my english.

Karolus said:
First, hello !

P.D2: Sorry for my english.

It's ok, there are quite a number of people here that English is not their first language.
I understand it may be a part of the culture in Mexico, Spain, and Portugal, but bull-fighting (more aptly it should be called bull killing) is a sport I totally despise and refuse to ever watch it. The bull never has a chance and I hear that the bull is often drugged beforehand so as not to be too aggressive. Whether it is true or not I don't care. How can this be called a "sport" or "fighting" when it totally so one-sided?

How in hell can a human being so totally and cruelly torture a helpless animal like that is beyond my comprehension. Or even watch an animal tortured in that manner. As with SVF, the only satisfaction I will ever derive from this, IMO, cowardly sport is when the matador himself gets gouged, injured and maybe killed.

The same goes for c**k-fighting and dog fighting in other cultures. It is nothing but animal torture for the perverse pleasure of the lowest class of perverse individuals. How a so-called human being could be so devoid of any compassion whatsoever is totally beyond my limited comprehension.
Pachipro said:
How in hell can a human being so totally and cruelly torture a helpless animal like that is beyond my comprehension.

Have you ever seen how they kill cows or horses in slaughter houses ? I saw a documentary about it recently, and I almost feel good for the bull in the arena in comparison. In the (French) documentary the horses were lined up then killed with a baton hit between the eyes, then lifted by a machine to be cut in pieces. However some of them were not even dead yet. They said that they use a baton/club to kill them rather than decapitate them, because it's a tradition and meat is said to taste better.
Have you ever seen how they kill cows or horses in slaughter houses ?
No and I won't. But I have heard of it and I still say, regardless of what type of animal is slaughtered in such a cruel way, how can a human being so totally and cruelly torture a helpless animal or even work in such a place performing deeds like that is beyond my comprehension. Does not the person feel any compassion at all for the animal and their feelings?
I saw how the hunters peel away the skin of the baby seal alive in front of it's mother, so disgusting to was a documentary at school I had to watch...:( :eek:....YUK!!!
Pachipro said:
No and I won't. But I have heard of it and I still say, regardless of what type of animal is slaughtered in such a cruel way, how can a human being so totally and cruelly torture a helpless animal or even work in such a place performing deeds like that is beyond my comprehension. Does not the person feel any compassion at all for the animal and their feelings?

When a human being can torture or murder another human being it is only a small step to kill or torture a seal or a kitten... :blush:

I am still not a vegetarian, although I try to refrain from eating some mamals (cows, horses...) when a substitute is available (e.g. ostrich, which tastes almost the same and is slightly tenderer). I stopped eating beef altogether actually, and eat more chicken than pork. I have been eating more fish and seafood since I lived in Japan and continue here in Belgium. These are more primitive animals, with almost no feelings, so I do not feel so bad about eating them.
When a human being can torture or murder another human being it is only a small step to kill or torture a seal or a kitten...
You make a good point there.

I also am not a complete vegetarian and I still eat meat about twice a week as it is what I have been accustomed to for many years. However, it sometimes still bothers me that I eat meat. I just try not to think about how they were slaughtered and maybe convince myself that it was done in a humane way.

Minty said:
I saw how the hunters peel away the skin of the baby seal alive in front of it's mother, so disgusting to was a documentary at school I had to watch...
That is so terrible Minty. I cannot believe they made you watch it. In all my years I have never seen a baby seal being slaughtered as I have refused to watch it. I think I would go insane with rage if I had to see it.

I wonder if it had any benefits for you watching it. MAybe it was to convince young people not to wear or buy their fur. I don't know. But as long as people have money to burn and egos as big there will always be a market for this stuff. Terrible.
Pachipro said:
That is so terrible Minty. I cannot believe they made you watch it. In all my years I have never seen a baby seal being slaughtered as I have refused to watch it. I think I would go insane with rage if I had to see it.
We were also made to watch such documentaries at school (around 16 years old), but also horrible documentaries about the Holocaust and concentration camps (sometimes just before lunch time, to make sure you don't eat too much :blush: ). Compared to that the "Schindler's List" was just for primary/elementary schoolers.
Maciamo said:
When a human being can torture or murder another human being it is only a small step to kill or torture a seal or a kitten...

Yes, like Pachipro said, you do make a good point there. But, how about this instead:

When a human being can kill or torture a seal or a kitten, it is only a small step to kill or torture a human.

Police files are filled with profiles of violent criminals who before targeting a human as a victim, first practiced their violence on animals. I may also venture to say that the subjugation of women to men in many cultures first came about only after animals had been subjugated (i.e. domesticated).

Take away any ethical way to treat animals then all one has to do is designate a certain race of human as not being human and then they are fare game to be domesticated for exploitation -- witness slavery, when slaves were often designated as being "not fully human" and therefore, too, like animals, have no right to protest from or freed from their shackles -- like any good elephant with shackels or another beast of burden.
Yes, like Pachipro said, you do make a good point there. But, how about this instead:
When a human being can kill or torture a seal or a kitten, it is only a small step to kill or torture a human.

Police files are filled with profiles of violent criminals who before targeting a human as a victim, first practiced their violence on animals. I may also venture to say that the subjugation of women to men in many cultures first came about only after animals had been subjugated (i.e. domesticated).

Take away any ethical way to treat animals then all one has to do is designate a certain race of human as not being human and then they are fare game to be domesticated for exploitation -- witness slavery, when slaves were often designated as being "not fully human" and therefore, too, like animals, have no right to protest from or freed from their shackles -- like any good elephant with shackels or another beast of burden.

Not a sport.

It is an industry that includes, tradition, history, culture, veterinary, food, biology, economics, e.t.c.

Not torutura, the bull is tied not to get any information, if you read the meaning of the word torture in the dictionary does not apply to bullfighting.

Bulls used for bullfights live 5 years in a state of semi-freedom, with painstaking care and attention. If not existieranlas bullfighting bulls that particular race would be extinct.

You may from the distance of their island does not understand the world of bullfighting and has set up his own mental movie.

Pesonalmente I've never seen a bullfight, I think I would be bored, but I'm defending them, is an industry of our country and other countries and no one is required to attend, well, death is invited, you if do not want no leave.
A man has been paralyzed during this year`s Running of the Bulls several days ago.

My thought on that: Good!

How ironic and poetically justified that someone partakes in the debasement and barbaric slaughter of an animal for entertainment purposes, but instead he himself comes out of crippled and handicapped for life. I guess that adrenaline rush was worth his life of free mobility, huh?

What? Only six? Disappointed by the low number and the fact that the gorings didn`t result in death to the animal sadists. I geuss we can still hope for infection to take hold in the wound to cause a belated death.

No feeling of sorrow in that, except, again, I wish the numbers were as high as the number of bulls slain since 1924. Even a higher hope, is that this bloody tradition never got started and animal nor beast had to die needlessly for "fun."

Source Link:;_ylu=X3oDMTBiMW04NW9mBHNlYwMlJVRPUCUl

Note: Sorry, for some reason the link command here is not working so I just posted the URL. If the link command begins working later I will edit this post to make the URL linked by title.

What kind of admins we have in this forum? One person Showing happiness for people being killed and here no admin do nothing? What is this?

I Think it is worse than torture animals... may be its better than put smaller wooden shoes than feet, as in Japan had usually done to children girls.
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This type Japanese believe that the race of bulls eliminated would remain of bullfighting, perhaps some end in several square meters in a zoo in Japan, that's not life, our bull industry pampers and cares for the bulls divinely for 5 years living much better than any wild animal locked up in a zoo.

It is not a sport, it's a rite of blood and death, it's wonderful, it must be amazing to be in front of the beast and feel all that.

Does anyone not understand Japanese? we do not care, either way I like raw fish or those poems so short.
I am against forcing animals to fight for entertainment. It is a barbaric practice, and the only joy I can derive from it is when on rare occasssions I hear justice is served -- a bull gets lucky and gores its tormentor. O`le!


No excessive blood in image nor matadore's identity able to be distinguished.

if you get joy from hearing that a bull nearly killed a HUMAN BEING, then YOU are the one who is barbaric!

it's just an animal.......get a life.

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